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Emile Hirsch Investigated in Assault on Female Film Exec at Sundance


Actor Emile Hirsch is best known for his roles in Into the Wild and Lone Survivor, but he might soon be more famous for his rap sheet than for his resume.

Emile Hirsch Photo

The New York Post reports that Hirsch is being investigated by police for his role in an assault on an unnamed female executive at Paramount Pictures.

The incident occurred around 3 am at Tao nightclub in Park City, Utah. Both Hirsch and the executive were in town for the Sundance Film Festival.

It's unclear at this time what exactly happened between Hirsch and the unidentified woman, but sources say she told police she was assaulted and implicated Hirsch in the attack.

"Something happened between the movie exec and Emile," says one witness. "She said she had been assaulted and asked security to call the police."

"Emile didn't leave the scene, and calmly waited for police to arrive, and spoke with them until around 5 am, after which he went home with his friends. No arrests were made."

Hirsch has long had a reputation as something of a Hollywood eccentric, but this is the first time he's been accused of involvement in anything so extreme as an assault.

The actor's last brush with the law came in 2012 when Hirsch was caught peeing on a cactus outside of a Hollywood restaurant.

Both Hirsch and Paramount Pictures have declined to comment on this latest incident. We'll have more information on this story as it becomes available.

Justin Bieber Mug Shot
Justin Bieber looks pretty darn happy here in his mug shot, doesn't he? Perhaps that's because he is under the influence of... something.

KFC Double Down Dog: Something That Actually Exists (And Will Probably Kill You)!


KFC has doubled down on the Double Down.

The fast food chain has announced the way in which it will try to kill its patrons via clogged arteries, as the Double Down Dog is something that now in the Philippines.

Double Down Hot Dog

If this hot dog wrapped in piece of fried chicken (and smothered in cheese) is a hit down there, the restaurant will very likely bring it to the United States.

And it will include a major heart attack free with each order!

Considering the success of the initial Double Down, we're really not surprised that KFC is trying to follow it up with what amounts to a sequel.

Therefore, the only question we can think of is this: Will this guy now get a Double Down Dog tattoo to match his Double Down tattoo?

Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger
Yes, this deep-fried Twinkie burger is actually offered at a restaurant. It may instantly kill its consumer.

Winter Storm Juno: Celebrities React to Pending Weather Disaster


Residents across the Northeast need not have Game of Thrones tell them what they already know by looking out the window:

Winter is coming.

Heck, winter is here!

Juno Radar

With Winter Storm Juno set to dump record amounts of snow across New York City and other major metropolitan areas, celebrities around the country are reacting on Twitter to the pending Snowmageddon.

Will they make it out alive? Will they ever see grass again? Like the balls Tom Brady likes to play with, will their hopes for an early spring be deflated?

Let's take a look at what the Twitterverse is saying, shall we?

Justin Bieber: Everyone on the east coast be safe with the storm coming.

Billy Eichner:The entire cast of Kinky Boots has already died. #blizzardof2015.

Michael Ian Black: Lord, please let it snow so much that everything is canceled for two weeks but my Internet remains on and there’s plenty of grilled cheese.

Snooki: Everyone be safe on the east coast with this blizzard! Just stay inside, watch movies and drink hot cocoa.

Gilbert Gottfried: How do you tell a Snow Man from a Snow Woman? Snow Balls. I apologize to all Snow People. RT Immediately! #blizzardof2015.

Piers Morgan: BREAKING NEWS: Greatest blizzard of snow tweets/photos in New York history.

Kirstie Alley: Good morning!!! I wish I was in NYC snowed in..is it really an UBER blizzard? Or just News Channel Panic?

Lena Dunham: Hope you’re enjoying this suspenseful will-she-or-won’t-she blizzard story (aka sorry!) There was a med student writing a paper on UTIs next to me at the gate and I was like DO YOU NEED FIRST PERSON STORIES!? A gate agent in a nice hat called me precious and I teared up. I have only A 1 sauce waiting for me in my house in NYC. Not even complaining.

Chris Harrison: The only cure for #SuperStorm2015 is a hot new episode of #TheBachelor.

Bill Cosby: Accused of Rape By Wife of Famed Producer Alan Ladd Jr.


Another woman has come forward with a claim that Bill Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her.

Cindra Ladd - the wife of famed film producer Alan Ladd, Jr. - shared her story in an essay that was published on Huffington Post earlier today.

Bill Cosby in Action

In the piece - entitled, Bill Cosby: Trust Me - Ladd opens up about the time she spent with Cosby in the late '60s, and an incident that bears several similarities to the accounts of other accusers.

Ladd says she was 21, single, and working for late film producer Ray Stark when she was first befriended by Cosby. Though he was 32 and already married, she says they immediately began spending a lot of time together.

Ladd claims that Cosby invited her to see a movie one night, but she was suffering from an intense headache. Like so many accusers before her Ladd says Cosby offered her a pill and insisted that she take it:

"He told me he had a miracle cure his doctor had given him that would take care of the headache," Ladd writes. "I asked a couple of times what it was. Each time he reassured me, asking, 'Don't you trust me?'"

Ladd says she doesn't remember the rest of the evening, but does recall waking up the next morning in an apartment owned by one Cosby's friends.

"It was obvious to me that he had had sex with me," Ladd writes. "I was horrified, embarrassed and ashamed. There was a mirror above the bed, which shocked me further."

Ladd says she didn't go to the police because "it was a different time and 'date rape' was a concept that didn't exist."

She says she didn't tell anyone about the incident for 36 years, and only spoke about it with her husband after another woman came forward with similar accusations against Cosby several years ago.

Ladd writes that she is coming forward now because "the truth deserves to be known."

Cindra Ladd's story is similar in several ways to the accounts of Beverly Johnson and Janice Dickinson

All three women say that Cosby preyed upon their youth and naivete, and used his fame and influence to gain their trust.

Cosby has denied the accusations through his lawyer. He refuses to address the scandal publicly, but he plans to complete his current US comedy tour. 

Stare at the Sweater
Thanks a lot, Internet users. Now we'll never be able to watch The Cosby Show the same way ever again!

Kim Kardashian vs. Kendall Jenner: Who Do You LOVE More?


Both Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner are in Love this month.

We mean this literally, as the half siblings are each featured on a different cover for the February 2015 issue of this British publication; each posing alongside model Cara Delevingne in funny and/or seductive ways.

Kendall is cozying up to Cara. Kim is seemingly ignoring her.

And theWinneris?

Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner? Whose cover of Love Magazine gets your juices flowing the fastest? View Poll »

With Kim and Kendall also allegedly feuding over the latter's modeling career - Kendall claims she reached the top of this industry on her own; Kim believes she bought Kendall's f-cking career - it seemed appropriate to pit the siblings against one another.

So that's what we've done here.

Take a look at Kim's Love cover. Take a look at Kendall's Love cover. And then vote: Whose do you like better?

Kisses from the Kardashians
The Kardashians blow some kisses our way in this appearance. This is a photo from their fragrance launch in 2011.

Katie Holmes Books Return to Television: Where is She Headed?


Katie Holmes doesn't want to wait... for her life to be over another chance to appear on a popular television show.

She wants to know right now what it will be. And it will be Ray Donovan!

Katie Holmes in a Hat

Showtime has confirmed that the former Mrs. Tom Cruise will play a “major” role on Ray Donovan Season 3: she’ll come on board the drama as a shrewd business woman named Paige.

According to the network press release, the character will be the daughter of billionaire producer Andrew Finney (to be portrayed by Ian McShane), who enlists Ray’s services.

Holmes, of course, will forever be remembered by television fans as Joey from Dawson’s Creek, but she has more recently appeared on episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Eli Stone, along with the miniseries The Kennedys.

And here's a fun fact:

Due to Joshua Jackson's role on The Affair, Showtime now employs both Joey and Pacey. Whoa. Stay by your phone, James Vanderbeek!

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian's doesn't lie about the fact that makeup MAKES her who she is. She's shared more than one tutorial about how to get her signature look using highlighting products to contour her face.

Riff Raff Offers Worst Dieting Advice Ever in Hilariously WTF?! Video


If you're not familiar with Riff Raff, just imagine if someone threw Kesha in a blender with the worst '80s neon fashion and then poured that toxic concoction into one of Lil Jon's bejeweled pimp goblets.

He's a rapper (and apparently an aspiring pro wrestler) but Riff is best known for briefly dating Katy Perry and just generally being a ridiculous human being.

Mr. Raff famously bid farewell to his epic coke and booze habits recently in hopes of bulking up for his WWE debut. Fortunately, his new life of (relative) sobriety hasn't made him any less of a blinged-out human acid trip, as you can see in the video below:

"I don't wanna be lil something. I don't want to be such-and-such a lil la, la, la. A little hokey-dokey, a little shungy-lungy" Riff begins in what appears to be some sort of language that twins teach other.

He goes on to detail the diet that's allowed him to pack on 30 pounds in just one month. Prepare to feel much less guilty about that order of wings you wolfed down for lunch:

"I eat hamburgers, a lot of seafood, lobster, pizza...You ever have buttermilk ranch sauce over ice? In a cup and then you drink it? You should try it some time."

"Some people eat all healthy. I don't wanna hear that sh-t...Some people want to eat chicken breasts and rice. I flat-out can't because it tastes too much not nice."

Vice conducted a follow-up interview with Riff after this video was filmed. It seems he's gained another 15 pounds, he's training with Hulk Hogan, and he's just as committed to his strict health regimen:

"I EAT A LOT OF FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES 4 TIMES A DAY SUMTIMES," says the man also known as Jody Highroller for some reason.

Sounds like a solid plan to us. Hopefully, his tour rider includes a defibrillator these days.

Kourtney Kardashian vs. That Fried Thing on a Fork
Kourtney Kardashian IS pregnant, so MAYBE she ate that fried thing on a fork. But probably not.

Lindsay Lohan: Prosecutor to Push for Prison Time?!


Lindsay Lohan is no stranger to trouble, but she may be in deeper than usual this time.

We learned yesterday that Lohan is scrambling to complete her community service in order to avoid being locked up.

Lindsay Lohan in London Image

She reportedly has until Wednesday to finish 15 hours of service that were supposed to have been completed by November.

The slap on the wrist sentence stems from a 2012 car accident in which Lindsay slammed into an 18-wheeler with no explanation. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Lindsay may find herself locked up if she doesn't figure out a way to complete her service hours today, as the prosecutor in her case is reportedly recommending jail time for the troubled actress.

"She deserves to go to jail for the complete lack of respect she shows the system," a source close to the case tells Radar. 

The court is said to be especially irritated by the fact that Lindsay has spent the past week carousing in Europe, rather than serving her hours.

"Of course she was partying in Paris. That is her life," says the insider.

Lindsay contracted an untreatable virus known as Chinkungunya during a recent vacation and she's been using that as an excuse, but the court is reportedly not buying it. 

Lindsay is not actually required to be in court tomorrow, but she may show up to plead her case. If she doesn't, it's likely that a warrant will be issued for her arrest.

Lindsay Lohan: Cocaine Nose?
Some Instagram users have suggested that Lindsay has visible cocaine in her nostril here. Sadly, we wouldn't be surprised.

Taylor Swift Twitter Messages Allegedly Leaked: Who's the Singer's Famous Poker Buddy?


Earlier today, we reported that hackers were threatening to release nude Taylor Swift photos obtained by breaking into the singer's Twitter and Instagram accounts.

It now looks as though the crisis has been averted, as crack social media security teams immediately got the situation under control, locking Taylor's account and reportedly tracking down the parties responsible.

Taylor Swift With Her Kitty

Considering the fallout from The Fappening and the Sony hacking scandal, Taylor was pretty fortunate in this case.

But that doesn't mean she's emerged from the scandal entirely unscathed.

Screen shots of Twitter direct messages that were allegedly taken from Taylor's inbox have been making the rounds online, and they're every bit as harmlessly goofy-cute as you would expect:

Taylor Swift Direct Messages
Taylor Swift Direct Messages

Yes, it seems that Swifty likes to play poker (or Go Fish, who knows with her?) with none other than former Disney boy-bander Nick Jonas. 

It's an interesting development (thus far, the only interesting development to come out of this scandal), as Swift dated Joe Jonas (Nick's older brother and former bandmate) early in her career.

In fact, Joe was the first ex to inspire one of the classic breakup anthems that helped launch Swifty's career, so perhaps it's not surprising that she's still tight with his family.

Hey, Taylor hung with Harry Styles last week; she's clearly not the type to hold grudges. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to find out that she gets together with the boys of 1D for epic all-night games of Risk.

Please let that be true.

Benedict Cumberbatch Apologizes for Use of Racist Term: I'm an Idiot...


Benedict Cumberbatch is both very sorry and very embarrassed.

Last week, the Oscar-nominated star was discussing the state of African-American actors in Great Britain with Tavis Smiley when he remarked:

"As far as colored actors go, it gets really difficult in the U.K.." referring to the success of those such as Chiwetel Ejiofor and David Oyelowo in 12 Years a Slave and Selma, respectively.  

Benedict Cumberbatch Image

While Cumberbatch may have had his heart in the right place, he was subsequently criticized for using such an outdated term, prompting an apology from the man behind Sherlock.

"I'm devastated to have caused offense by using this outmoded terminology," he said. "I make no excuse for my being an idiot and know the damage is done. I can only hope this incident will highlight the need for correct usage of terminology that is accurate and inoffensive."

The Imitation Game star concluded:

"The most shaming aspect of this for me is that I was talking about racial inequality in the performing arts in the U.K. and the need for rapid improvements in our industry when I used the term."

What do you think, fans? Should all be forgiven now?

Benedict Cumberbatch
It's raining in London in this photograph. But beloved star Benedict Cumberbatch has found a way to keep dry.

Marshawn Lynch at Super Bowl Media Day: I'm Just Here So I Don't Get Fined


Considering the way Tom Brady's balls have dominated the news cycle for the past week, you may have forgotten that there's a football game to be played on Sunday. 

#DeflateGate has served as evidence of just how weird our nation's press coverage can get (particularly when you throw the Internet  into the mix). 

Marshawn Lynch's begrudging appearance at Super Bowl media day today served as yet another reminder that pro athletes and sports reporters are locked in a dead-heat to see who can be the most ridiculous.

If you're not familiar with Lynch, he's a beast of a running back, but kind of a jackass as a human being.

His history of bad behavior dates back to when Lynch ran a woman over and fled the scene during his time with the Buffalo Bills.

Five years later, Lynch's behavior is much less harmful, but no less idiotic.

Already in hot water with the NFL for his refusal to speak to the media and his fondness for making "obscene gestures" on the field, Lynch was reportedly threatened with $500,000 fine if he didn't show up to today's press event.

So he showed up. And proceeded to give the exact same answer 25 times:

"I'm just here so I don't get fined," Lynch warned the reporters on hand. "So y'all can sit here and ask me all the questions y'all want to. I'm gonna answer with the same answer."

He wasn't kidding. Beast Mode proceeded to say, "I'm here so I won't get fined," in response to every single question.

Some members of the press expressed their frustration on Twitter, but really - weren't they kinda playing ball by continuing to ask him questions?

Say what you will about Lynch, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have this nugget of YouTube gold:

Sadly, he won't be remembered as the source of the most epic Super Bowl XLIX quotes. Take it away, Tom:

GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial Sparks Outrage: Find Out Why


Were you offended by GoDaddy Super Bowl commercials of the past?

The ones where Danica Patrick and other women pretty much just flaunt their hotness the entire time? 

Well... you ain't seen anything ridiculously appalling yet!

The website-based company has unveiled its latest Super Bowl ad and it's clearly a take on last year's Bud Light puppy commercial. A really terrible take, that is.

The spot features a young dog falling off the back of a truck and then making a long, difficult journey back home.

Once the owners see that he's made his way back, they are overjoyed with relief…because they just sold him online using a GoDaddy powered website. Seriously!

In response to the commercial - which is cruel, unfunny and makes a mockery out of actual puppy mills - a petition has gone up on Change.org to have the video pulled.

It reads:

"Whether or not this was meant to be satirical, it's offensive. Essentially, Go Daddy is encouraging private breeding/puppy mills while shelter animals wait patiently for their forever homes or worse - to be euthanized.

They are also encouraging purchasing an animal online; the animal could be sold to someone who runs a fighting ring, someone who abuses animals, or to someone who cannot adequately care for the animal. Animal rights are no laughing matter and to portray them as such is cruel and irresponsible.

Among other Super Bowl ads that have been released early, one features Kim Kardashian and another features Charlotte McKinney.

UPDATE: GoDaddy has pulled the puppy ad, with GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving writing in a statement:

"[O]ur purpose at GoDaddy is to help small businesses around the world build a successful online presence. We hoped our ad would increase awareness of that cause. However, we underestimated the emotional response."

Kate Upton Hot Pockets Commercial
Hot Pockets are the perfect snack. Even Kate Upton knows that! Check out this awesome commercial starring her, Snoop Dogg, Larry King, and Bow Wow.

Ghostbusters 3 Cast: Revealed!


Who ya gonna call? Apparently, some of the funniest women in comedy!

Yes, it'll be hard to beat the dream team of Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson, but if anyone's up to the task, it's certainly the four women who will be strapping on their proton packs for the highly-anticipated Ghostbusters 3

The Hollywood Reporter revealed today that Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy will be cracking wise and blasting ghouls in the next installment of the iconic franchise.

Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy
Leslie Jones Photo
Kate McKinnon Photo

McCarthy and Wiig both worked with director Paul Feig on the 2011 hit Bridesmaids.

McKinnon and Jones are two of the most buzzed-about standouts from the current SNL cast. (If you've never seen McKinnon's flawless Justin Bieber impression, click on that link ASAP.) This will be the first major film role for both women.

The announcement of the cast is a major step forward for a film that's been mired in development hell for several years.

It was originally to serve as a straightforward sequel starring the original cast, but director Ivan Reitman dropped out after the death of Ramis last year. Murray, Aykroyd and Hudson followed suit shortly thereafter.

When Feig announced his intention to reboot the franchise with an all-female cast, some fans were skeptical. (Hudson stated flat-out that he doesn't think it'll work).

But after the announcement of a cast like this we can't imagine that many fans aren't eagerly anticipating what's sure to be a different (and hilarious) take on four beloved characters.

Gone Girl Poster
Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike star in Gone Girl. The latter earned an Oscar nomination for her role.

Marshawn Lynch Gives Epic Media Day Interview, Doesn't Want to Get Fined


There may be only one thing in life Marshawn Lynch is better at than running over defenders on the football field:

Acting like an idiot in front of the media.

The notoriously tight-lipped Seattle Seahawks running back attended Super Bowl Media Bowl on Tuesday afternoon because the league threatened to fine him $500,000 if he pulled a no-show.

So now the question is this: Will the league fine Lynch for the performance he put on in front of journalists?

“Oh, it’s starting? Well, then let me start," the All-Pro said to open the Q&A. "Hey, I’m just here so I don’t get fined. So y’all can sit here and ask me all the questions y’all want to. I’m going to answer with the same answer. So y’all can shoot if y’all please.”

And Lynch proceeded to answer every question with the same answer.

He's a man of his word. And, as mentioned above, he's also an idiot.

Still, it's nice to see focus turned away a bit from Tom Brady and his balls, isn't it?

Lance Armstrong denied it and denied it, but he eventually came clean: yes, he cheated to win every Tour de France.

Kendall Jenner: Sleeping with Scott Disick?!?!?!?!?!


According to various recent reports, Kim Kardashian is feuding with Kendall Jenner because the latter refuses to credit the former for helping with her modeling career.

According to the new issue of Star Magazine, Kourtney Kardashian has even more of a reason to be feuding with her half-sibling:

Because Kendall is sleeping with Scott Disick!!!!!

Kendall and Scott Disick?!?

The hilarious cover story screams that Kendall and Scott are “dead” to Kourtney because, as the article inside reads, Disick “may have committed the ultimate betrayal” by getting it on with Kendall.

Supposedly, a pal of Kourtney and Scott’s told the former that Jenner and Disick first slept together when Kourtney was pregnant with her third child.

The nerve, right?!?

“Her friend had heard that Scott and Kendall had sex during a night of partying and told Kourtney that they’d been sending steamy texts to each other ever since,” this alleged insider tells Star.

“At first, Kourtney was in complete shock and disbelief. But after she processed the information, she was devastated. She yelled, ‘They’re dead to me!'”

Rumors of Disick and Kardashian breaking up have been running rampant for years, of course.

Typically, however, Scott's liver has been considered the basis for an eventual split, not his wandering penis. Especially not his wandering penis as it relates to his quasi half-sister.

But, hey, crazier things have happened. Or, to be more accurate, crazier things have been reported on by supermarket tabloids.

Did you hear, for instance, that Selena Gomez is pregnant and alone?!?

Selena Gomez Pregnant Story
This tabloid cover story claims Selena Gomez miscarried Justin Bieber's baby. For shame, In Touch Weekly.

Bruce Jenner: Sex Change Reality Show Confirmed!


Earlier today, we reported that Bruce Jenner would reveal his sex change plans in an upcoming interview, and that the entire transition process would be documented for an upcoming E! reality show.

Now, TMZ is confirming that Bruce has begun filming a "docuseries" that will chronicle his decision to begin living his life as a woman.

Bruce Jenner Transformed

Kim Kardashian discussed Bruce's "journey" in her latest interview, and she seemed to be hinting at the fact that Bruce would soon "come out" with regard to his gender identity. 

The series has reportedly been filming for several months and includes the dramatic scenes that followed when Bruce told his ex-wife, kids, and step-children of his plans to begin presenting himself as a woman.

Insiders say the Jenner and Kardashian kids have all been "extremely supportive" of Bruce, but his ex had a more difficult time coping with the news.

Apparently, the rumors of Kris Jenner being "outraged" about Bruce's transition are at least partially true, as sources close to the production say the show will include a scene in which Kris "loses it."

There's no word on how long the series will film or when it will air. 

Bruce, of course, has still not gone public with the news of his transition, but now that the cat is out of the bag, we expect he'll make a formal announcement in the very near future.

Bruce Jenner Olympics Photo
Bruce in his hey day. He certainly has changed a lot since then.

Claudia Jordan: Kordell Stewart is in the Friend Zone!


Claudia Jordan is not trying to move in on Porsha Williams' ex-husband, despite what you just saw if you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online.

Claudia Jordan and Kordell Stewart

That's not to say the show was misleading - Kordell Stewart certainly appeared interested in her - but Claudia says they are just friends. Period.

Jordan and Stewart shared some quality screen time together on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, along with Kenya Moore and Peter Thomas.

It was all business and friendship, though. Nary a hint of romance.

"When folks on social media were getting angry for me 'going after' another woman’s ex, I had to laugh!" Jordan says of last Sunday's episode.

"NEWSFLASH: We are all someone’s ex! And it’s not like I was chopping it up with a married man or anything tacky. Kordell is a friend, that is that."

"Besides, if you have been watching how I move on this show, I have tried to play nice with all the ladies on this show until they have shunned or disrespected me."

"Being new to this group, I’m not going to intentionally create more animosity than there already is. Real talk. I need my days to be less stressful, not more!"

"Taking a selfie is not sexual activity or inappropriate behavior. Be clear - my mother did a great job of teaching me the difference between right and wrong."

"But once again," the new cast member adds, "the double standards of right and wrong in this group never cease to amaze me! Selfie versus side piecing?"

"Umm, I’ll take a million selfies before I go out like that!”

“I am happy to report Kordell has never called my phone late night breathing hard and has been a complete gentleman around me when I have run into him.”

“He has also chosen to not speak negatively of his ex in my presence despite the awful allegations made about him, and for that he has my respect.”

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 Cast
The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 cast members in all their glory. Are you ready for some drama in the ATL? Click to meet the stars!

So Kordell Stewart has never once booty called Claudia Jordan OR talked smack about Porsha Williams? Sounds like a standup guy as well as QB.

As for her claim that she keeps it cool until she has reason to throw down ... the beef between Claudia Jordan and NeNe Leakes beef suggests the latter.

Courtney Love: Talking About Pregnant Heroin Use, Possibly Dating Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary


Hope you love the 90s and/or human meth labs, because Courtney Love is all over the news today for some reason!

Last week, Courtney offered to have sex with Marilyn Manson in a story that made us feel older than a picture of Monica Lewinksy wearing Billy Corgan's "zero" shirt at an Atlanta Braves World Series game. (Those are all 90s things.)

This week, Courtney is demonstrating how far she's come since the days when she possibly murdered her husband in two very different ways:

First, Courtney went on what appears to be a date with entrepreneur and TV personality Kevin O'Leary.

O'Leary is best known to fans of TV's Shark Tank as Mr. Wonderful, but if he's actually dating Love, that nickname should probably be changed to Mr. OMG WTF Is Wrong With You?!

In addition to that random coupling, Courtney is in the spotlight thanks to a new documentary about Kurt Cobain that was released at Sundance to rave reviews.

In the doc, Courtney reportedly discusses using heroin during her pregnancy, saying, "I used once [while pregnant], then I stopped. I knew she would be fine."

It's old news (Love discussed her pregnant heroin use in a 1995 interview), and it's just one of the many well-documented ways in which Courtney has abused Frances Bean Cobain in the past, but still, being reminded of just what an awful mom Love was/is has understandably ruffled some feathers.

So there's your Courtney Love update for the day. Presto! You now feel better about your life simply by virtue of the fact that you're not Courtney Love. You're welcome.

Kurt Cobain: Unplugged
Kurt performing on MTV. Nirvana's "Unplugged" show became one of the network's highest-rated broadcasts.

Amber Portwood: I've Changed, Worked My Butt Off to Stay Sober and Happy!


Teen Mom star Amber Portwood says she has worked her behind off to stay sober and happy. Yes, believe it or not, haters, she actually is both.


If you watch Teen Mom online, you know about her choice to enter prison instead of rehab, believing only the former would help her get and stay clean.

Even if it meant leaving her daughter Leah behind, she made this decision.

She was released from jail in November 2013, a year and a half into a five-year sentence, and has since been working decidedly out of the spotlight.

Her goal? Simple but profound: To continually improve herself and her life.

“I’ve worked [too] hard on myself and my family to still get criticism five years later,” she tweeted in response to the flak she still gets, and routinely.

“I have changed and worked my butt off to be sober and happy.”

Amber’s addiction to prescription pills and anger management issues - Portwood's fight with Gary Shirley, Leah's father, was unreal - are undisputed.

Still, she has reached a healthier place, and deserves credit for it.

These days, she's content spending time Leah, 6, and remains friends with Shirley, who is expecting his second child with girlfriend Kristina Anderson.

Amber even retweeted the news of her ex’s big announcement.

A far cry from 2011, when Amber attempted to take her own life, leading to her decision to get her life together, even if she had to go to jail to do it.

On the MTV special Being Amber, which aired in February 2014, the reality star broke down sobbing about her absence in her daughter’s life.

"I just f--king hate everything I did," she lamented, which brutal honestly. "It was all the drugs and s--t. It was all I did. All I did was get f--ked up."

No longer, Amber. Props for putting your best foot forward.

Amber Portwood Makeover
Amber Portwood's makeover looks pretty great. At least compared to her mug shot chic look of the past.

Selena Gomez: PREGNANT by DJ Zedd?!?


Based on some recent photographic evidence, Selena Gomez is dating DJ Zedd.

Based on nothing at all, meanwhile, Life & Style claims Selena Gomez is pregnant by DJ Zedd. Yes, pregnant.

Selena Gomez Pregnant Cover

“Weeks into her relationship with producer DJ Zedd, Selena is convinced she’s expecting his baby - and terrified of what it could mean for the recent rekindling of her troubled love with Justin Bieber,” writes the tabloid.

An anonymous insider who totally isn't made up tells the magazine the following about Gomez:

“She thinks she could be pregnant since she has gained so much weight lately and hasn’t been feeling well. She thought she had the flu at first, but she also isn’t the best at taking birth control, so she is majorly stressing.”

There is, of course, a way Selena could find out for certain whether or not she's expecting.

But considering past magazine stories have claimed Gomez was pregnant and Gomez had a miscarriage, she probably knows better than to believe anything this tabloid says.

And you should do the same. Just consider some of the following ridiculous claims...

Selena Gomez Pregnant Story
This tabloid cover story claims Selena Gomez miscarried Justin Bieber's baby. For shame, In Touch Weekly.
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