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17 Best Looking Boy Banders: And the Sexiest Singer Is...


Earlier this week, Zayn Malik quit One Direction, causing the boy band genre to lose one of its best looking members.

But did it lose its best-ever member? That's what we're here to find out!

Over the years, some new kids hung out on the block... a bunch of young men were in sync... and the temperature increased to 98 degrees any time a few other artists entered the room.

All of these groups could carry a tune, but let's face it: their popularity had more to do with their six-packs than their scales.

In this featured photo gallery, we've included one singer from 17 of the most successful boy bands in music history.

Some left a lasting impact. Others came and went. But all caused women around the world to squeal in delight at one point - and now we want to know:

Who is the boy band member with whom you most want it that way... if you know what we mean!

Jill Duggar Celebrates Engagement Anniversary, is STILL Pregnant


Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard got engaged one year ago, and even though they got married not even three months after that, it's still worth celebrating!

Now past her due date, the very pregnant Jill Dillard celebrated her engagement anniversary with husband Derick with a pair of throwback pictures:

Jill Dillard and Derick Dillard
Jill M. Dillard, Husband

If you watch 19 Kids and Counting online, you probably remember how it all went down last year, on March 29, when Derick popped the question.

"One year ago today, the sweetest man in the whole world asked me to marry him!" Jill captioned the sweet shot on the left. "I said 'Yes, totally!'"

Spoiler alert! Yeesh.

"Now, 9 months into marriage we await the arrival of our little #babydilly," Jill, who unofficially pushed the baby's arrival date back to April 5, added.

Dillard added his own picture, a cute selfie from after the engagement in which Duggar holds her hand to the camera to show off her engagement ring.

"One year ago today, she said yes!" Derick wrote. "Happy engagement anniversary to my beautiful bride @jillmdillard I love you Jill Michelle! #newlyweds."

The fourth-oldest child in the expansive Duggar brood, behind Josh Duggar and twins John-David and Jana Duggar, Jill, 23, is expected to give birth any day.

The reality star is now almost 41 weeks pregnant, sporting an ever-more impressive baby bump as she waits for her baby son's impending arrival.

Duggar became Jill Dillard on June 21, so she'll be the second Duggar to celebrate a wedding anniversary and be a parent (after Josh) this year too.

Rest up, Jill and Der.

Bill Cosby Heckled During Standup Performance: Tell the One About How to Get Away With Rape!


The number of women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault reached 38 on Friday when two more women came forward with the allegations against the comedian.

Despite protests and pleas from public figures, Cosby has continued to tour the country and perform his standup routine for receptive audiences.

But while thousands have proven that they're still willing to pay to see Cosby perform in spite of the shocking claims made against him, others have purchased tickets simply so that they can confront the man whom they believe to be guilty of dozens of horrific sex crimes.

Bill Cosby Photograph

When Cosby performed in Baltimore on Friday night, a man named Michael Crook interrupted the performance in order to shout insults and accusations at the comic.

"Tell the one about how you get away with rape," Crook shouted. "Thirty-eight women called you a rapist!"

The crowd reportedly sided with Cosby, and Crook was escorted from the venue by security.

"We are here to enjoy my gift," Cosby told the crowd after Crook had been removed. "We are not here to argue. Let those people speak. We will find them and we will ask them to leave."

Cosby has refused to speak about the accusations directly, but he's stated on several occasions that he will not allow the controversy to interrupt his comedy tour.

Recently, Cosby posted a video message to fans that many found inappropriately lighthearted, considering the severity of his situation. 

Burt Jenner: Bruce Sex Change Jokes Are All Good ... Lay Off Kylie and Kendall, Though


Burt Jenner doesn't have any problem with Jamie Foxx making fun of Bruce Jenner's sex change, which happened last night, or anyone else for that matter.

Bashing his younger sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner, on the other hand ...

Burt, the son of Bruce and his first wife Chrystie, says Foxx is just aping Kevin Hart to stay relevant because the latter is taking all his movie opportunities.

Ouch. Whether that's true or not, Burt isn't upset about Jamie, despite what some people felt were some insensitive, transphobic shots at Bruce.

As host of the iHeartRadio Music Awards, Foxx said Bruce was on hand to sing a male/female duet by himself, and that he was just busting Bruce's balls.

You know ... while he still has them. Oooh. Ba-dum-ching.

Neither Burt nor Bruce's younger sons Brody and Brandon Jenner (from his second marriage to Linda Thompson) have a beef with comedians, though.

It's just comedy, as far as they see it, and Bruce is an adult who can handle it. What Burt didn't appreciate was Kevin Hart at the Justin Bieber Roast.

Hart made a joke about Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber hooking up as Kendall sat there uncomfortable, and Burt says he would've come at Kevin.

Seriously, we'd think long and hard before telling any future Kendall or Kylie Jenner zingers, particularly if they also involve that douche Justin Bieber.

See more notable burns from the Bieber Roast below:

Jenny McCarthy Compares The View to the Titantic: It's Going Down!


Jenny McCarthy was only a panelist on The View for one year, which is exact same amount of time she now gives the talk show to survive.

Appearing this morning on The Howard Stern Show with husband Donnie Wahlberg, McCarthy was asked about the struggling ABC program.

"They might try one more year and then I think the Titanic might go down," the 42-year old quipped.

Jenny McCarthy as a Host

It certainly is the case that The View has suffered from a revolving door of panelists in its 18 seasons on the air.

McCarthy, for instance, left after just one season in 2014. She was jettisoned along with veteran host Sherri Shepherd, who'd been on the series since season 11.

More recently, Rosie O'Donnell announced her second departure from The View after a short tenure in charge.

Wahlberg, meanwhile, spoke up on his wife's behalf, informing Stern that View producers actually brought up the idea of McCarthy returning to the show.

"She's very gracious about The View, and I will say, I told her the day that she left, I said, 'They're gonna ask you back within six months,'" he explained. "And she won't say it, but they did. Not officially, but they did."

McCarthy now hosts a show on SiriusXM titled "Dirty, Sexy, Funny. And she's clearly a fan of it.

"I couldn't be happier here, Howard," McCarthy raved. "I've never been more happy with a job in my entire life...I get to be myself.”

The View is yet to announce a replacement for O'Donnell, but we've got some ideas...

OK! Magazine Apologizes For Claiming That Katy Perry is Pregnant and Engaged


For the most part, US tabloids can print whatever BS they want and avoid getting sued, so long as they hide behind an anonymous "source."

So it's not every day that one of the major celeb rags admits any wrongdoing and apologizes to the parties involved.

Last week, Us Weekly retracted a story in which Kendall Jenner was falsely quoted on the topic of her father's sex change. Today, OK! Magazine is following suit by apologizing to Katy Perry for a story that now appears to have been completely fabricated.

Katy Perry: OK! Magazine Cover

A rumor Katy is pregnant made its way around the Internet earlier this month as the result of an Instagram post in which the singer wore a necklace with the word "mom" on it.

OK! decided to take that idle web chatter and run with it. 

The magazine not only "confirmed" the news that Katy is expecting, it also reported that she's engaged to the unidentified baby daddy.

Presumably, someone in Katy's camp got pissed, because moments ago, OK!'s official Twitter account posted several tweets in which the editors apologized for their "error."

"In the March 2, 2015 print edition of OK! Magazine, we wrongly stated that Katy Perry is pregnant, and that she is planning a wedding," the tweets began.

"We acknowledge that Ms. Perry is not pregnant, and she is not planning a wedding. We regret the mistake and sincerely apologize to Ms. Perry for printing the error."

Sounds like someone's mighty scared of getting sued, eh?

The folks at OK! went on to apologize for publishing paparazzi photos of Katy that were "taken with a long lens while she was having a private function at her home."

C'mon, OK! You can't be two different kinds of dirty! What's the point of spying on someone if you're just gonna make crap up about them anyway?

Farrah Abraham: Did Her Lips Get Botched Again!?


Farrah Abraham loves getting unnecessary plastic surgery almost as much as kinky bedroom antics and pathologically lying about everything under the sun.

We're focused on the first of those three pastimes here today, specifically her lips, which are looking like they've been artificially enhanced once more.

Not in a good way, either.

Farrah Abraham's Lips Be Wack

The main takeaway from the debacle that was these Farrah Abraham lip injections, other than that we can never unsee those pics, it's that she's open about it.

When it comes to her cosmetic procedures, Farrah is uncharacteristically up front, even when the result is her looking horrific. It's almost admirable.

Her motivations are always questionable, but if she wants to show off images gigantic, cartoonishly inflated lips from various angles to stay relevant?

Who are we to complain. If one person sees them and thinks twice about getting lip injections as a result - which we're sure happened - it's net positive.

Fast forward to this week, though, and the above photo which she shared on Instagram. Look at those things resting seductively on the Bravo cupcake.

Gross. We'd rather look at this than a Farrah Abraham vagina mold, but still, pretty gnarly. That line at the top of her upper lip just looks wrong to us.

Certainly not natural. Maybe new boyfriend Simon Saran is into DSL, and we're not talking about the high speed broadband service from the mid-2000s.

We got nothing, but we can certainly add this gem to our ever-growing gallery of Farrah's most cringe-worthy pics, which you really should take a look at.

Granted, you can never go back and unsee some of these, but it's almost too amazing not to flip through. How is this the same girl from Teen Mom?!

13 Times Justin Bieber Has Said He's Sorry for Being an Idiot


Justin Bieber has misbehaved on many occasions of the past 18 months.

He's egged houses. He's peed in mop buckets. He's cursed off ex-Presidents. He's driven drunk. He's grown irate over his picture being taken and he's come across like an arrogant A-Hole during a deposition.

Heck, a video even surfaced last year of Bieber singing about the KKK.

But at least Justin Bieber has offered mea culpas for most of these scandals; sometimes over Twitter, sometimes via Facebook, but almost always from the heart.

Especially over the past couple months, Bieber has made a conscious effort to redeem himself in the eyes of a once-adoring public.

It may have taken an intervention, but the bottom lines remains the same: Justin Bieber wants your forgiveness.

Has he earned it? Will you give it to him?

Relive 13 times in the recent past when Justin Bieber has apologized and then decide for yourself.

Justin Bieber Talks Growing Up: I'm the Type of Person Who Has to Learn the Hard Way!


At 10 pm on Monday night, the highly-anticipated Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber will finally hit the air, and millions of fans and haters alike will tune in to enjoy the sight of the famously egotistical pop star being taken down a peg by a roster of comics.

The hour-long diss fest was filmed earlier this month, and from what we've heard, the jokes were particularly brutal even by Roast standards.

But believe it or not, sources from the set say no one enjoyed the evening as much as the Biebs himself.

Justin Bieber Roast Promo

For a while now, there's been talk of Justin attempting to clean up his act, and his people say the Roast is just the first part of a campaign to rehab his ailing reputation.

It all started when Bieber apologized to fans in a self-shot video he uploaded in January.  Since then, 2015 has been the year of the Bieber apology tour, with the singer all but begging his loyal public for forgiveness in a series of candid, soul-baring interviews.

We learned earlier today that a Bieber intervention may have saved his career, as his family, friends and handlers were able to convince him that he was on the verge of losing it all.

As part of his promotional tour for tonight's Roast, Justin showcased his newer, more mature persona in an interview with People magazine, and some of his comments may surprise you:

Justin Bieber: Egged!

On His Entourage: "I left a lot of people behind who weren't on the same journey I was on, and I've got a lot of new people in my life who are pouring into me, and not taking away from me."

On the Biggest Change in Him: "Well, my eyes. You know how you can tell a person by their eyes, their intentions and where they're at? Well, my eyes changed, they got softer and brighter. They're open. I have more of a grasp of who I am at this point."

On His Love Life: "At this point in my life I'm so focused on myself that I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I'm just trying to make sure I'm 100 percent so I can add to the person I want to be with. I want a girl I can trust, who I can lean on. This business is hard, and I want someone I can confide in."

On Growing Up: "I had to see the downs to appreciate the ups, and know what I want. I'm the type of person who has to learn the hard way. Sometimes I just have to see what it feels like. But I got to the point where I wasn't happy, I wasn't who I wanted to be."

Okay, so he might be a little too fond of the new age psycho-babble these days, but we'll take this Justin over the egg-throwing miscreant of years past any day.

Frankly, we can't wait to see this more thoughtful, level-headed get torn apart by some A-list insult artists.

NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak to Star in New Bravo Reality Series!


NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak have a long, ugly history together, and it would probably be best for both of them if they kept their distance from one another for the rest of their days.

So naturally, we can't wait to see them get crammed into an RV and forced to drive across the country together on a new Housewives of Atlanta spinoff series titled Nene and Kim: Road to Riches.

The ladies both shared the news on their Instagram pages earlier today.

Kim Zolciak, NeNe Leakes Photo

“It’s OFFICIAL!!! My girl @neneleakes and I are doing a show together!" Kim wrote along with the above pic. "We are in NYC today together and made the BIG announcement!! We are so excited for  Road to Riches!"

Sure, these two seem to get along now, but if you'll recall, it wasn't all that long ago that the NeNe choked Kim out in a throwdown that was sadly not captured by Bravo cameras.

Clearly, the network has no intention of letting something like that happen again, and when NeNe inevitably throws Kim from a moving vehicle, the incident will be featured on Road to Riches.

We kid, of course. NeNe and Kim say their feud is over and they haven't fought (physically or otherwise) in years.

Of course, it's one thing to "get along" with someone, but it's quite another thing to drive from Atlanta to LA with them. We predict carnage.

No release date has been announced for Road to Riches, but as always, you can watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online to relive all of the NeNe vs. Kim insanity.

Taylor Swift Gets Response From Ellen Pompeo... As Dr. Meredith Grey!


Who knew Meredith Grey was a scratcher?!?

Not the Grey's Anatomy character, but Taylor Swift's cat, whom she named after the dark and twisty TV character.

Taylor Swift at SNL 40
Ellen Pompeo at the People's Choice Awards

Swift posted a photo on her Instagram showing off a fresh scratch from her beloved kitten with the message: "Great work Meredith. I was just trying to love you and now you owe me 40 million dollars."

Meredith Grey Scratches Taylor Swift

Ellen Pompeo, who plays Meredith Grey on the popular drama series responded in character by saying: "This is awkward because my namesake did this but as your doctor please keep that scratch clean! Yours truly, the real Dr. Grey."

Taylor Swift got a shout out a couple months ago from the namesake of her other cat, Olivia Benson, when Mariska Hargitay took a photo with Pompeo at the Super Bowl. Hargitay plays Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU.

Mariska Hargitay and Ellen Pompeo

Swift reacted like a true fan girl with her reply: "OH. MY. GOD."

Which TV character will Swift name her next pet? Olivia Pope? Cookie Lyon? The Dowager Countess of Grantham?

Erica Mena Bids Farewell to Love & Hip Hop: Find Out Why!


Erica Mena is saying a big farewell to The Big Apple.

The Love & Hip Hop: New York star announced today that she is leaving the VH1 series that made her (sort of) famous.

Erica Mena Picture

"I have fan base that now become my family! I can’t thank you all enough for following & riding this ride. You are all appreciated," Mena wrote on Instagram, adding:

"No matter what I’m always going to be Open and Real with you all. This chapter has ended but the real deal is the journey has just begun."

Mena has hinted in the past that she’d step away from the franchise after she marries rapper Bow Wow, a wedding likely scheduled for next month.

"Four years ago became #MenaMonday," Mena also wrote. "I let the world in and it’s been a crazy ride since. I’ve always been open about who I am & my relationships just because I know my story was meant to be told. I’ve made many mistakes and I get judge[d] harshly.

"Thank God I’m as tough and bold as I am because the truth is many are like me."

Fortunately, we can always watch Love & Hip Hop online to relive Mena's best episodes.

And fortunately Ray J is not leaving Love & Hip: Hollywood after coming to a new deal with producers. PHEW!

Rachel Hollis to Fellow Stretch-Marked Moms: You Inspire Me!


As made clear in a photo that went viral last week, Rachel Hollis is proud of her stretch marks.

But the 32-year old says she's even prouder of the positive effect she's had on women around the country.

Hollis, whose stretch marks are on full display in the wildly Liked picture, has posted a video online in which she dismisses all credit for inspiring other mothers around the country.

She says they've inspired her with their responses to her viral image.

The footage features many pictures of mothers in bikinis, showing off their bodies with pride.

It also includes messages they shared with Hollis upon sending her these pictures or sharing them on social media.

"I wanted to have a chance to reach out to all these women who are posting photos, and I wanted to read some of the quotes that have been really meaningful and have really touched my heart, because I think that this needs to be celebrated," Hollis says.

"As much as I didn't intend for this to become a movement, it has, and so I want to celebrate those women who are carrying that torch forward."

Hollis is a mother of three kids (ages 8, 6 and 2) and follow in the motivational footsteps of Carleigh O'Connell, a mother of five who also showed off her stretch marks in a viral snapshot last August.

Trevor Noah: Defended by Comedy Central Amidst TwitterGate


If Comedy Central was looking to make headlines with its replacement for Jon Stewart, the network has succeeded.

Although perhaps not in the way it intended.

Just one day after being announced at the next host of The Daily Show, Noah has found himself under fire for a number of Tweets he wrote back in 2011.

Trevor Noah on Comedy Central

Critics have pounced on them as anti-Semetic and/or sexist (sample: "A hot white woman with ass is like a unicorn. Even if you do see one, you'll probably never get to ride it."), with some wondering if Noah will even be let go from The Daily Show before he even begins his hosting stint.

In a word? No.

He will not.

"Like many comedians, Trevor Noah pushes boundaries; he is provocative and spares no one, himself included,” a rep for the network told The Wrap, adding:

“To judge him or his comedy based on a handful of jokes is unfair. Trevor is a talented comedian with a bright future at Comedy Central."

The 31-year old South African was considered a surprise selection by many because he's only appeared as a Daily Show contributor three times.

But Comedy Central was clearly looking for a fresh face with a strong, unique point of view.

As a South African native who hosted his own talk show in that country and whose parents are a mixed race couple that married illegally... it's safe to say Noah qualifies as such.

Get to know him here:

Tommy Boy 20th Anniversary: 7 Best Quotes From the Comedy Classic


Twenty years ago today, the Chris Farley-David Spade comedy Tommy Boy roared into theaters with, um...less than stellar reviews. 

The film currently holds a 44% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and it even made some "worst of the year" lists at the time it was released.

But while the critical community looked down its collective nose at the madcap buddy flick, audiences ate it up like Farley's character with a box of bearclaws.

In the decades since its release, Tommy Boy has become something of an intergenerational cult classic, quoted in dorm rooms and boardrooms alike. (Okay, maybe more dorm rooms than boardrooms, but you get the point.)

Farley and Spade would team up again in 1996 for the even less acclaimed Black Sheep, but they would never again fully recapture the zany fun of the their fist big screen collaboration.

Sadly, it wasn't long after the release of Tommy Boy that Farley succumbed to personal demons that had haunted him throughout his short life.

After being fired from SNL, Farley enjoyed a brief period of success in movie roles before dying from a drug overdose in 1997.

Fortunately, Tommy Boy lives on as not only a shining example of Farley's extraordinary gift for physical comedy, but also as a memento of the powerful friendship he enjoyed with Spade.

Check out our list of the most memorable Tommy Boy quotes in the gallery above. Then call up your own BFF, and remind him that brothers don't shake hand; brothers gotta hug!

Google Maps Lets You Play Pac-Man Anywhere in the WORLD For April Fool's Day!


Pac-Man and Google Maps, arguably the two greatest inventions in the history of technology, have joined forces this April Fool’s Day, because obviously.

What does this mean? That you can play Pac-Man along any Google Maps route in the world! There may literally be no better way to waste time online ...

Pac-Man Google Maps

It's already April Fool’s Day in some parts of the world, so Google got an early jump on the April 1 festivities, which are as awesome as they sound.

When you dial up Google Maps' standard birds-eye view over where you are, you will now see the Pac-Man icon, familiar from the vintage arcade game.

Once you hit that Pac-Man button, the entire screen turns into a maze of dark roads, with cartoonish but dangerous ghosts trying to eat you for lunch.

All the while, you're just a little yellow fellow trying to get where you're going while gobbling up as many white blobs of energy (points?) as you can.

Makes for an interesting way to re-imagine your morning commute, no?

You don't have to stick to where you are in the world, either. This fun feature can be experienced anywhere Google Maps will take you (sorry, Pyongyang).

Can you identify the Pac-Man global boards below? Take a look!

Justin Bieber: Goodbye Girlfriends, Hello New and Improved Self!


Justin Bieber is single, and not ready to mingle.

Coming off his well-received Comedy Central Roast, the singer sat down this week for an exclusive interview with USA Today.

In the feature story, Bieber continued to explain how he's on a path to redemption, how he's aiming to put his troubled past behind him.

Justin Bieber Roast Picture

"I'm growing, figuring some stuff out, as you do when you grow up," Bieber tells the newspaper. "You figure out what type of man you want to be, that's where I'm at."

Bieber is in the midst of a public, strategic revamping of his image, one allegedly brought on when his team threatened to end his career a few months ago.

"I'm still young. I'm still trying to figure out who I am, and I'm just trying to have fun," Justin says in this new interview.

Does being young and having fun include a busy romantic life? No, far from it, Bieber explains.

"At this point in my life I'm so focused on myself that I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I'm just trying to make sure I'm 100 percent so I can add to the person I want to be with.

"I want a girl I can trust, who I can lean on. This business is hard, and I want someone I can confide in."

Bieber added that he's had to abandon some people along the way to his new direction, those whose influence were bringing him down.

"I left a lot of people behind who weren't on the same journey I was on, and I've got a lot of new people in my life who are pouring into me, and not taking away from me," says the singer.

And in perhaps Bieber's most open and honest quote to date, he also admitted that he grew far apart from his mother during his tumultuous run of terrible decision-making.

"We lost our relationship for awhile. She couldn't really tell me anything; she would try, but I wasn't listening to anybody and that sort of sucked. But our relationship is getting better now; we're getting it back."

Kris Jenner: HUMILIATED By Bruce Jenner Breast Implants, Source Claims


This morning, we learned that Bruce Jenner may have had breast implant surgery some time within the past month.

The news of Bruce's sex change was confirmed back in January, but this was the first report of Bruce actually going under the knife as part of his transition.

From the start, sources stated that Kris Jenner was struggling with Bruce's sex change, believing that it reflected negatively on her as a wife and as a woman.

So it comes as no great surprise that insiders are claiming Kris is unhappy with Bruce's decision to proceed with his transition by taking a major medical step toward his new gender identity.

"The procedure was done two weeks ago and Kris knew it was happening," one insider tells Radar Online. "She is refusing to talk to any of the kids about it. For Kris, it's just extremely humiliating that Kris is doing this, and she is taking it personally."

The source adds that Kris is still "in denial" about Bruce's sex change, while his kids have been 100% supportive and accepting.

By now, of course, it's commonly known that E! plans to produce a reality show about Bruce's sex change, but from what we're hearing about close-minded response to the situation, we think a show about Kris learning that her ex-husband can do whatever the hell he wants might be far more entertaining.

Demetria McKinney: Fired From The Real Housewives of Atlanta?


The Real Housewives franchise is not afraid to fire a lady. Just ask the entire cast of The Real Housewives of New York City.

Things are heating up for the southern peaches. And The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Demetria McKinney might be getting the ax.

Demetria McKinney and Roger Bobb

Originally slated to be a full-time Atlanta Housewife, McKinney, 35, was hired to join the cast for season 7. But she didn’t make the cut and was demoted to a “friend” of the housewives.

But her domestic days on Bravo, even as a friend, might be ending.

According to a Radar Online report, McKinney was not at the reunion taping in Atlanta, prompting speculation that her first season on the show will be her last.

Despite her initial conflicts with Phaedra Parks and NeNe Leakes, the insider claims that “the producers didn’t feel that Demetria had enough to bring to the table.”

This isn’t the first time an Atlanta Housewife has been traded in for a newer model. Porsha Williams, ex-wife of pro-footballer Kordell Stewart, was demoted in October.

But even Porsha came to the second half of the reunion taping, leading some to believe McKinney’s Housewives career is over.

The jury is still out if we will see Demetria on the show again. Even though the cast of the Atlanta Housewives keeps changing, let’s hope the fights keep on keeping on.

Chet Haze: Tom Hanks' Rapper Son Threatens Howard Stern on Twitter


You may already be familiar with the name Chet Haze. If not, prepare to be annoyed:

That, friends, is the hardest rapper in the game, Chester Hanks, aka Tom Hanks' son, aka Chet straight outta muthaf--kin' Malibu Haze!

We already knew that Chet is an embarrassment to Hanks and his wife (as he should be) but now it seems that the rest of the world is catching on to what a human facepalm this kid is.

It seems Chet's been taking a lot of flak this week, as a result of an interview on Eminem's Sirius station in which the DJ and callers positively tore him a new one. ("You're not Tom Hanks. You just came out of Tom Hanks' d-ck," is our favorite quote.)

Like the rest of the world, Howard Stern found this hilarious and decided to crack a few jokes at Chet's expense:

Actually pretty tame by Stern standards, but Chet wasn't havin' it, G!

The former Mr. Chester Marlon Hanks went off on Stern in a lengthy Twitter rant, in which he promised the radio icon, "I am going to see you in person, and I am going to hurt you."

He went on to blast Stern's show as "LAME FUCKING YUPPIE HUMOR!" 

Yes, the son of Tom Hanks' son (whose name, again, is Chester) is calling other people yuppies.

The worst part of this whole thing is that Chet Haze is fresh from rehab so he can't even blame his idiocy on drugs. 

Stern has yet to publicly respond to the fact that he now has beef with the realest thug in Beverly Hills, but we imagine he'll address Chester's complaints on his show tomorrow.

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