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Patrick Schwarzenegger: Cheating on Miley Cyrus With Her FRIEND?!


Earlier this week, Patrick Schwarzenegger was caught cheating on Miley Cyrus when photos that appeared to show him hugging and doing body shots off of a bikini-clad young woman surfaced online.

Patrick swears he's not cheating, but based on the photographic evidence and the fact that the usually-outspoken Miley has been tight-lipped on the topic of Patrick lately, we're assuming the worst.

Miley Cyrus Black Dress Photo
Patrick Schwarzenegger Shirtless

At first, little was known about Patrick's hookup partner, but details are slowly emerging.

Her name is Natalie, and it seems part of the reason Miley is pissed is that the two of them have hung out on several occasions.

In fact, Natalie was at the USC football game where Miley and Patrick hooked up for the first time. Sources say it appeared to be a double date, as Natalie was there with Patrick's best friend, whom she's apparently still dating.

So yeah, not only did Patrick (allegedly) hook up his best friend's girlfriend, the girl appears to have developed a relationship with Miley as well.

Patrick continues to maintain that his relationship with Natalie is purely platonic. He tweeted yesterday, "Girls have guy friends and guys have friends that are girls."

True...but people generally don't do body shots off of people in whom they have no sexual interest. Fact.

Dance Moms Season 5 Episode 11 Recap: Nia Frazier's Last Chance


Lifetime's Dance Moms Season 5 Episode 11 saw Abby Lee Miller and her charges storm into Philadelphia for a competition that marked the last chance for Nia.

Did she make the most of it, or crumble under the pressure?

If you watch Dance Moms online, you know that Holly and Nia Frazier’s relationships with combustible coach Abby were already strained to a degree.

Make that a much greater degree after this installment.

Holly's efforts to boost daughter Nia’s singing career with Aubrey O’Day drew the ire of Miller, who called her out on Dance Moms Season 5 Episode 11.

The shot-caller then threw down the gauntlet, giving her a solo this week, but warning the young dancer that it's put up or shut up time. Win or go home.

Seriously. First place or you're done. You got that?!

“If you don’t place with that solo, there won’t be any solos for a long time. Do you understand me?” Abby asked Nia, whose mom was upset with this.

“It’s been a rough road for Nia," Holly lamented.

"The idea that she may never have a solo again is a crazy amount of pressure," she went on, noting that the other solos awarded carried no such threat.

"I just wish for once Abby would support Nia."

Nia took it pretty well, but the tension rose when she asked Abby to please keep her outside interests separate from what goes on in the dance studio.

Bristling, Abby wasn't about to oblige her. At all.

“Especially after all of the crap that went down with your mom in L.A.,” Abby told Nia. “I can’t keep rewarding you when she just causes me aggravation.”

Nia Frazier begged her to look beyond this fact. To see the forest for the trees, the big picture. To make a judgment based on rational thought, and on merit.

Again, Abby declined, asking her “If somebody was a murderer, I should just bring them in and teach them a dance and forget they murdered somebody?"

"I don’t like sneaky people. I don’t like liars. I just don’t like kids doing that. I don’t like parents teaching kids to do that,” Miller added, totally shutting her down.

Nia cried. But how did she do? Despite a very strong effort that was quite well received by the judges, Nia did not secure a win, and Abby stuck to her word.

No solo for you. Holly stormed out of the room, apparently upset that her daughter was being singled out with this punishment ... and compared to a murderer.

Perhaps a little extreme, but that's Abby for you.

North West DRAGGED Through Airport By Security Guard: Cute or Not Cool?


It's no secret that North West lives a life of luxury.

Very few toddlers rock $50,000 diamond earrings and have their own personal stylists and dieticians.

North attends fashion shows most adults would kill to get into and she travels the world almost constantly.

Kim and Kanye have taken some flak for the fact that they sometimes seem to drag North all over creation like a living, breathing fashion accessory, so we imagine they'll be criticized for this footage of North being literally dragged through an airport:

The 19-month-old girl appears to be enjoying herself, but we're certain some will question the safety of her chosen form of transportation.

Are there are sure to be those who consider it demeaning for Nori to be dragged around by someone who appears to be a member of Kim and Kanye's security team.

Generally, if a child that young is too tired to walk, she should be carried, not wheeled around like a piece of carry-on luggage, but hey, as long as she's having fun, who are we to judge?

Besides, regardless of your feelings on North's drag race, surely we can all agree that it's not nearly as bad as the time Kim forgot North in a Paris hotel room

Maybe she learned her lesson and decided to put her head of security in charge of remembering her daughter.

Justin Bieber Flirts With Madonna, Apologizes for Being a "Douche Bag" on Ellen


For several years now, the Internet has enjoyed calling Justin Bieber a douche bag and, frankly, the guy did a lot to earn the title.

There's really no other term for a guy who eggs his neighbor's house for no reason, endangers lives with drunken drag races, sags his skinny jeans...the list goes on and on.

But now it seems that the Biebs is in a transitional period, and he may come out on the other side of it a better person. He's like a douchey caterpillar transforming into a considerably less douchey butterfly.

Back in January, Justin apologized for his recent behavior in a mysterious self-shot video he posted online. Today on Ellen, he elaborated on that apology:

Apparently, in the Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber that airs this Monday, Justin actually takes a moment to be serious and explain how he lost his way for a while, but is now back on track. Pretty cool.

Of course, he's still the Biebs, which means he'll never break the habit of flirting with everything in sight...even if what's in sight is damn near old enough to be his grandmother:

Yes, undeterred by Madonna's mockery of his "sheriff's outfit" Bieber presses on and hints that he'd like to make the material girl feel like a virgin.

Don't ever change, Biebs. Just kidding - keep up with the change thing you've got going on. It's working for you.

Kendall Jenner on Bruce Jenner Transition: I Will Always Love My Dad, Man or Woman!


Speaking for the first time about Bruce Jenner's gender transformation, his teenage daughter Kendall Jenner says it doesn't change a thing between them.

If the famous family is divided over Bruce's sex change, as we reported earlier today, Kendall is either not taking sides or squarely on Team Bruce.

Kendall and Bruce Jenner

The 19-year-old model, approached at Justin Bieber's Comedy Central roast, talked about her 65-year-old father's reported transition from male to female.

"I love my dad. He's always been there for me and my sisters," Kendall said of the former Olympic gold medalist, adding, "He's a wonderful man."

"Just because he's changing shoes now, so to speak, doesn't make him less wonderful," she added, before declaring beyond the shadow of a doubt:

"I will always love my dad, whether he's a man or a woman."

Kendall is the first member of the Kardashian-Jenner family to publicly acknowledge the transition, which is totally for real, and more than just rumors.

His evolving appearance - longer hair, manicured nails and even reports of plastic surgery - has gotten a great deal of attention over the last year.

Bruce's stepdaughter and Kendall's half-sister, Kim Kardashian, said about the subject in January, "I will say that I think Bruce should tell his story his way."

"I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he'll share whenever the time is right."

"I think when the time is right, he'll talk about whatever he wants to talk about. I guess I'll kind of let everyone be curious. I feel like that's his journey to talk about."

"He's our dad so we support him no matter what."

Bruce has yet to speak out on the topic himself, but will reportedly get into it on the 13th episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 10.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you'll reportedly see him make this revelation to his daughters while the cameras are rolling.

Should be pretty wild. As for the reported Bruce Jenner sex change docu-series chronicling his journey, that has reportedly been put on hold indefinitely.

Wonder if Kris had something to do with that ...

Joe Giudice Cancels Prison Visit With Teresa Amidst Cheating Scandal


Last week, Joe Giudice was caught cheating on his imprisoned wife with a 30-year-old model named Jamie Jackson.

Giudice denies cheating and says his relationship with Jackson is purely platonic, but the initial report opened up the floodgates and several more sources have now come forward with accusations of infidelity.

Teresa and Joe Giudice Instagram

One insider claims that Giudice has more than a dozen cheating partners, and the troubled reality star (who will begin his own 41-month sentence for fraud after Teresa is released) has gone into retreat mode and likely won't be making any more statements to the press.

In fact, sources say Joe refuses to even talk with his wife about the allegations. 

According to In Touch, Joe was scheduled to visit Teresa on March 15, just days after news of his cheating went public.

Teresa was reportedly shocked when her mother and four daughters showed up to the prison without him.

"She can't believe he wasn't even man enough to show his face," an insider tells the tabloid. 

The source says Teresa was "in total denial" about the cheating allegations at first, but now that Joe is avoiding her, she's finally beginning to see the light. 

Will Teresa finally be motivated to leave Juicy Joe? Probably not, but hopefully, she'll at least give him a good smack if they cross paths while between their prison sentences.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to see how dysfunctional the Giudices were even in happier times.

Randy Quaid Sex Tapes Uploaded By Bearded, Possibly Insane Actor


A series of Randy Quaid sex tapes have been uploaded by the actor, who proceeds to go to town on his wife Evi Quaid in each of the graphic videos.

All while a photo of Rupert Murdoch grins creepily and watches. Naturally.

Apparently the first Randy Quaid sex tape (above) was not an anomaly. Nor was his unexplained hatred of Fox chairman Murdoch a fleeting thing.

The film star turned certifiable expat has uploaded several sex romps featuring him and his wife Evi, which Gawker received a tip about this morning.

It turns out Quaid posted the clips on his Vidme page, where anyone and everyone can see them, calling it “a wormhole to some alternate universe.”

There are definitely some holes involved in these clips ... we'll say that much.

Randy's “wormhole” delivers one to the sight of the 64-year-old pleasuring his wife and vice versa. No holds barred. Just a dog barking excitedly.

Included in the videos on Quaid's page is the one posted earlier this year of Evi putting on a Rupert Murdoch mask while Randy bends her over.

They seem to blame Murdoch for their lot in life, saying that he's f--ked them, so they might as well return the favor. It's even weirder than that sounds.

In the extended clips we're just learning about now, Randy and Evi get down and dirty, ranting and railing, while a photo of Rupert is positioned to watch.

It's truly bizarre stuff you can't ever unsee ... but here's Randy's Vidme page.

The couple fled to Canada after being charged with vandalism in Santa Barbara, Calif., and claim to be hunted by an elite group of “Hollywood star-whackers.”

These assassins, the Quaids say, killed actors Heath Ledger and David Carradine. It's not entirely clear how Murdoch fits into all this ... but he must somehow.

Right? It just doesn't make any sense otherwise.

Bobbi Kristina Brown: Life Support Decision to be Made This Week


It's been seven weeks since Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unconscious in her bathtub. 

The only child of the late Whitney Houston has been in a medically induced coma ever since, and it now appears unlikely that she'll never regain consciousness.

The Brown-Houston family has discussed removing Bobbi Kristina from life support, but the decision has always been delayed in hopes that the 22-year-old would make a miraculous recovery.

Bobbi Kristina Pic

As the weeks turn into months, the last glimmers of hope are fading, and Radar Online is reporting that the family will gather in Atlanta this week to decide if Bobbi Kristina should be disconnected from the machines that are currently keeping her alive.

Sources say the decision will ultimately be made by her father, Bobby Brown, but he has requested the counsel of several other family members, including Bobbi Kristina's grandmother, Cissy Houston.

Brown has balked at removing his daughter from life support in the past, stating that he believes she'll make a full recovery through the power of prayer.

A previous attempt to take Bobbi Kristina out of her coma resulted in violent seizures, and reportedly helped Brown that there is virtually no chance of his daughter regaining consciousness.

Neurologist Dr. Michael DeGeorgia says Bobbi has been sedated for an unusually long time, and the final decision may not even be up to the Browns.

If doctors at Emory University Hospital determine that there is no hope for Bobbi Krisitna's survival, they may discontinue treatment without the family's consent.

Robert Herjavec and Kym Johnson: Dating!


Shark Tank panelist Robert Herjavec and Kym Johnson aren't just partnered up on the new season of Dancing With the Stars, they're dating in real life!

Robert Herjavec and Kym Johnson

Herjavec, who put forth a respectable debut on Monday's Dancing With the Stars season premiere, is seeing some even better results off the parquet.

According to insiders, Herjavec and Johnson met in mid-February right before the new cast of the ABC hit was announced, and started dating immediately.

Robert and his wife of nearly 25 years, Diane Plese, separated recently and heading for divorce. The pair have two daughters and one son together.

He and Johnson spent this past weekend together out and about multiple times, and are not hiding their relationship at all, with PDA at every turn.

Herjavec snuggled up to Kym at a viewing party for the show on Monday evening in L.A., where witnesses saw the couple holding hands and dancing closely.

"Kym and Robert were definitely attracted to each other from the get-go," a source says of the duo, which left the event and sped off in his Rolls Royce.

"They are constantly all over each other. She can't stop talking about what a good, nice guy he is. They have insane chemistry and are actually a great match."

Herjavec, a technology mogul who is worth over $100 million, also promised Johnson one of his Ferraris if they win Dancing With the Stars Season 20.

Yes, he's got multiple.

Hannibal Buress: Receiving Death Threats From Bill Cosby Fans!


Hannibal Buress has reportedly gotten death threats from Bill Cosby fans after he brought increased scrutiny to the latter's history of alleged sexual abuse.

Hannibal Buress, Bill Cosby

Comedian Buress famously brought public attention to what turned out to dozens of rape allegations against the comedy legend during a stand-up routine.

In October, Buress was lampooning Cosby's outrage at African-Americans who don't make the most of themselves in society when he made THE joke.

"Bill Cosby has the f--king smuggest old black man public persona that I hate,” Buress, 32, ranted to the crowd at his comedy show in Philadelphia.

“He gets on TV, ‘Pull your pants up black people, I was on TV in the ‘80s. I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom.’"

"Yeah, but you rape women, Bill Cosby, so turn the crazy down a couple notches. ‘I don’t curse onstage.’ Well, yeah, you’re rapist, so I’ll take you saying lots of motherf--kers."

After Buress' remarks - which included inviting people to Google the Cosby allegations if they didn't believe him - went viral, more than 30 women came forward.

All accuse Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct of some kind, mostly decades ago. Many have accuse the 77-year-old of drugging them in some form as well.

Models Janice Dickinson and Beverly Johnson are among the more famous women to accuse Cosby, who maintains his innocence and has not been charged with a crime.

Cosby fans are livid with Buress, and the many death threats he's received would be the literal case of killing the messenger if they ever came to fruition.

Speaking to Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday about the firestorm he ignited, Buress said, "It's definitely a weird situation. I get a lot of messages from people about it."

"The weirdest thing about getting a death threat from a male bodybuilder slash stripper on Facebook is when you click on his profile and see you have one mutual friend."

"Then having to hit your friend up and say, 'Hey man, can you tell your buddy to stop saying that he's gonna murder me?'"

"'I didn't really think he was gonna kill me ... but I'd just rather not take that information into my head if I didn't have to.'"

Buress indicated to Kimmel that he's not exactly worried about the threats, for the simple reason that "I don't think that's how killers operate," he said.

"'Yeah, I'm gonna kill Hannibal Buress. But first, I'm going to this coffee shop and buying something so they give me the Wi-Fi password.'"

"'When I'm sitting down, I'm pulling out my laptop and I'm logging into Facebook. Then, I'm searching Hannibal Buress. Then, I'm spelling Buress correctly. Then ...'"

Zayn Malik Quits One Direction Tour: Why?!


One Direction is now short one One Directioner after Zayn Malik bailed on its tour, citing stress. Malik has flown back to the boy band's native UK to recuperate.

Serious Zayn Malik

The group's publicist, Simon Jones, confirmed Thursday that "Zayn has been signed off with stress and is flying back" to get better, hopefully imminently.

It was not immediately clear what Malik is so stressed about, whether there are any additional health issues involved, or whether that's all utter BS.

He said the band will continue with upcoming performances in Manila, Philippines and Jakarta, Indonesia as part of the "On the Road Again" world tour.

Malik's departure comes a day after he slammed Twitter trolls talking about trouble between himself and girlfriend Perrie Edwards of the band Little Mix.

The tour exit also comes on the heels of an incident in November where Zayn Malik skipped a Today Show appearance, and Matt Lauer began probing why.

Lauer was booed by fans for wondering if substance abuse was to blame, but he may not have been reaching as much as 1D fans would like to believe.

Just this week, authorities in the Philippines said they would be imposing a $5,000 "weed bond" on Malik and his fellow band member Louis Tomlinson.

Not unlike an alleged criminal forfeiting their bail money if they don't show up for court, the 1D boys would lose the $5K sum if they used illegal drugs.

Adam Levine CLOCKS Fan With Mic in Concert: Watch!


One lucky fan who sat front row at a Maroon 5 concert this week got a close look at Adam Levine and his microphone ... when he drilled her in the face with it.

By accident, but still. Talk about too close for comfort ...

Maroon 5 fan Stephanie Green got hit in the head with Levine's mic, which appeared seemed to stop working at one point during the show in Toronto.

This caused Adam to throw the thing, which he probably wished immediately he could take back, as it soared into the audience and clocked Green.

To his credit, Levine immediately rushed over apologize and brought her up to the stage, then explained the mic failure to the crowd over the PA system.

"I feel terrible that I've perhaps wounded this young fan," he said, although she got to watch the rest of the show from the side of the stage at least.

Green was focused on the positive, for sure, saying it was "literally the best day. My dream come true. I never thought in a million years this would happen."

She said she saved up for that front row seat, which despite the minor head injury, paid off and them some for her after having the chance to meet Levine.

"He keeps apologizing. (I said) 'I love you, I'm happy, I'm OK!' I was up on stage, back and forth, freaking out," Stephanie recalls of the turn of events.

"(Adam) hugged me, grabbed face, held my hands!"

No word if Adam and the band plan to make this a regular part of their concerts, because it appears they made lemonade out of lemons very effectively.

Charlie Sheen Tweets Racist Outrage Over President Obama's March Madness Bracket


Charlie Sheen isn't exactly known for his laid back demeanor, but when he flies into one of his famous online tirades, there's usually some reason for it (even if it's a totally, batsh-t crazy reason).

Back in January, when Sheen attacked Kim Kardashian on Twitter, it was because he thought she denied some little girl an autograph. (It turned out he was wrong.)

Earlier this month, when Sheen threatened Chuck Lorre, it was was because the producer crushed a Sheen look-alike with a falling piano on Two and a Half Men. (Like we said, crazy reasons count in Sheen World.)

The latest target of Sheen's outrage, however, seems to have done nothing worse than what millions of other Americans did this week:

Pic of Charlie Sheen
President Obama Picture

Yes, President Obama filled out an NCAA tournament bracket, and Charlie Sheen is super pissed about it for some reason.

"Barry Satera Kenya you won't attend a soldier's funeral uhkros da street that u kild yet u have time 4 brackets? s a d," Sheen tweeted last night.  He added a link to a photo of Obama making his predictions on ESPN.

Yes, at first glance, it appears that Sheen's tweet is written in some sort of nonsense language that twins teach each other, so allow us to interpret.

It seems Sheen is pissed because he bought into the bogus story that the Obama administration failed to send a representative to the funeral of Maj. Gen. Howard Green, when in actuality, then-Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was in attendance.

In addition, Sheen is apparently angry that Obama is a college basketball, fan who...has a father from Kenya? We never claimed to fully understand this work of Sheenius. 

As you might guess, the tweet was composed around 2 am, and we doubt that Charlie even knows exactly what the hell he was trying to say.

Perhaps he should stick to easier targets like LeSean McCoy and his scandalous tipping practices.


Jill Blackstone, Veteran Talk Show Producer, Arrested For Sister's Murder, Later Released


Veteran TV producer Jill Blackstone is under investigation stemming from the death of her sister, Wendy Blackstone, last weekend, according to police.

At first, Wendy appeared to have died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas grill, but police believe the death scene may have been staged.

Jill Blackstone is under investigation based a number of factors ...

Jill Blackstone Photo

Paramedics found Wendy Blackstone on the floor of the garage of the home where she and Jill lived. There was a grill in the garage, and ash in the grill.

Wendy Blackstone, who was deaf and partially blind, was holding a handwritten suicide note ... which the police strongly believe was written by Jill.

The grill's unusual placement at Wendy's feet contributed to the investigators' suspicion that it was a murder, and not suicide, that they had encountered.

Jill was arrested for murder, but released last night after D.A. sent the case back to the police for further investigation. So she's not out of the woods yet.

She told paramedics she also passed out, but regained consciousness enough to ask a friend for help. That friend called 911 out of concern for Jill.

The friend believed had suffered a stroke because her speech was slurred, and Jill had to be hospitalized for two days with carbon monoxide poisoning.

She was arrested after her release Monday, then cut loose Wednesday. Wendy's cause of death has yet to be released, pending toxicology results.

The 52-year-old Jill Blackstone has produced numerous television shows, including the Rosie O’Donnell Show and the Sally Jessy Raphael Show.

She also produced The Jerry Springer Show, according to IMDB.

Scott Disick Once Quit Rehab After Just 12 Hours: Will He Stick It Out This Time?


Earlier this week, Scott Disick checked into rehab for what some claim is his fifth attempt at getting sober through in-patient care.

Yes, Scott has a long history of bailing on rehab, but sources close to the reality star say that he appeared to be serious about getting off the sauce this time.

In fact Scott went all the way to Costa Rica for a bizarre experimental treatment involving hallucinogenic plants that he hoped would be more effective than the traditional approaches he had tried in the past.

Dead Serious Scott Disick

When you look at his past, it's not hard to see why Scott would pursue such an unusual treatment (one that still allows him to get effed-up) in such a remote location.

Last summer, Scott nearly died of alcohol poisoning after a particularly epic bender.

As you might expect, he checked into rehab shortly thereafter. He checked out of rehab after less than a day of rehab.

But that's not even the record-holder for Scott's shortest stint in rehab.

No, that title goes to Scott's stint in a luxury treatment facility in Malibu, where he checked in for a four-week stay...and bolted after just 12 hours.

Friends, family, and even Scott's doctors are concerned that he'll repeat the pattern this time, as he's reportedly already bragged that he'll be home on a matter of days.

"Scott needs to be in rehab for at least 90 days," says one source. "The fact that he is boasting that he'll be back in less than a week is very, very concerning."

Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse: It's Over!


Academy Award nominee Bradley Cooper and model Suki Waterhouse have recently called it quits after two years of dating, according to reports.

Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse

Waterhouse, 22, attended the Oscars just last month with Cooper, 40, who was nominated for American Sniper. (Bradley's mother was also there.)

The lovebirds were first linked in March 2013 and made their public debut as a couple when she attended the premiere of American Hustle in December 2013.

No word on why Cooper and Waterhouse split, and don't expect it anytime soon. Suki has spoken about how they have always tried to stay very private.

"I don't talk about my boyfriend because it's boring," she said. "I think whatever I say will sound weird. But the truth is, if I start talking about him, I won't be able to stop."

"And I don't really want to talk about him, you know?"

The product of the UK is making her own mark in the acting world, appearing in Insurgent, the second movie in the Divergent franchise, in theaters Friday.

Neither star's rep commented on the quiet breakup as of this posting, but they join a surprisingly long list of celebrity splits already here in 2015.

Rihanna: I Fell in Love With the BEAST Chris Brown!


Rihanna has been making the media rounds to promote her new animated film, Home, and she recently sat down for a Time magazine interview alongside co-stars Jim Parsons and Steve Martin.

When questioned about her favorite film as a child, RiRi answered with the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast.

Asked why that film has stuck with her over the years, Queen Rih replied, I fell in love with the Beast. That's pretty much been my dating record so far."

Rihanna Selfie

Now, clearly, the unlucky-in-love singer was making a joke at her own expense, but it's hard to imagine she didn't have her D-bag ex Chris Brown in mind when she made the remark.

Granted, Rihanna is dating Leonardo DiCaprio these days (allegedly) and the beefed-up, bearded Leo is looking mighty beastly these days, but only one of her exes is known for flying into violent rages that could terrify an entire mansion full of anthropomorphic furniture.

Chris has been called a "beast" in the past, but that was in reference to his skills in the bedroom...and maybe what's what Rih was talking about here. 

Something tells us, however, that when Rihanna laments her romantic past, she looks at Breezy as the real dud amongst her exes...and when she calls him the Beast, we're guessing she doesn't mean it as a compliment. 

Ashley Judd Recalls Rape, Decries Violence Against Women in Powerful Essay


Actress Ashley Judd has written a powerful essay about violence against women, and it all stemmed from a Tweet about March Madness, no less.

Ashley Judd in Blue

An avid basketball fan (and non-bandwagon University of Kentucky supporter), she recently tweeted something negative about a college basketball game.

Despite how ephemeral and harmless this was, the star was quickly on the receiving end of a "tsunami of gender-based violence and misogyny."

"Tweets rolled in, calling me a c--t, a whore or a bitch, or telling me to suck a two-inch d--k. Some even threatened rape, or 'anal anal anal,'" the Insurgent star writes.

If only it stopped there. It only got worse. Appallingly so.

"I deleted my original tweet after the game, before all hell broke loose, to make amends for any genuine offense I may have committed by describing play as 'dirty.'"

"Of course, other people, including my uncle who is a chaplain, also expressed fear that the athletes would be hurt badly."

"But my uncle wasn't told he was a smelly p---y. He wasn't spared because of his profession; being a male sports fan is his immunity from abuse."

"What happened to me is the devastating social norm experienced by millions of girls and women on the Internet," Judd went on.

"Online harassers use the slightest excuse (or no excuse at all) to dismember our personhood," Ashley adds, and described it in detail.

"My tweet was simply the convenient delivery system for a rage toward women that lurks perpetually. I know this experience is universal, though I'll describe specifically what happened to me."

"I read in vivid language the various ways, humiliating and violent, in which my genitals, vaginal and anal, should be violated, shamed, exploited and dominated."

"Either the writer was going to do these things to me, or they were what I deserved. My intellect was insulted: I was called stupid, an idiot."

"My age, appearance and body were attacked. Even my family was thrown into the mix: Someone wrote that my 'grandmother is creepy.'"

The experience hit home on multiple levels for the 46-year-old Judd, who went on to recount her own multiple experiences with rape and assault:

"I am a survivor of sexual assault, rape and incest. I am greatly blessed that in 2006, other thriving survivors introduced me to recovery. I seized it."

"My own willingness, partnered with a simple kit of tools, has empowered me to take the essential odyssey from undefended and vulnerable victim to empowered survivor."

"Today, nine years into my recovery," she writes, with the passage of time and the perspective it offers, "I can go farther and say my 'story" is not 'my story.'"

"It is something a Higher Power (spirituality, for me, has been vital in this healing) uses to allow me the grace and privilege of helping others who are still hurting."

Perhaps, she says, the simple act of speaking out about these difficult topics can help "offer a piece of education, awareness and action to our world."

If it does, the world will be better for it.

Justin Bieber: Egging Victim Sues, Claims Bodyguard Shouted Racial Slur


When Justin Bieber apologized to his fans in a recent self-recorded video, it ushered in the era of the kinder, gentler Biebs.

Yesterday, Justin referred to himself as a "douche bag" and promised to change his ways during an appearance on Ellen, and he's even been exchanging pleasantries with the same paparazzi who used to send him into fits of rage.

Perhaps he's trying to rescue his public image, or maybe he's discovered a mellower strain of weed. Hell, maybe he really just woke up one day and realized he'd been acting like a world-class knob for the entirety of his adult life.

Yo, Justin Bieber!

Whatever the case, Justin's spent the last few years stomping around Hollywood in sneakers that cost more than your car, and he's left a long trail of destruction in his wake.

As much as he might want to make things right, Bieber may not be able to escape his past as easily as he had hoped.

Remember when Justin egged his neighbor's house? It was just one of many idiotic decisions JB made in 2014, and he probably thought he'd be able to put the incident behind him after shelling out (no pun intended) $80,000 for repairs.

But now the victim, a Calabasas resident named Jeff Schwartz, is suing for emotional distress, claiming that months before the egging, Bieber and his bodyguards hurled epithets at him and his wife, resulting in emotional distress.

In the suit, obtained by TMZ, Schwartz recalls an incident in which he politely asked Bieber to stop racing his Ferrari through the neighborhood.

He says Bieber cursed at him, and one of his bodyguards threateningly shouted, "What are you gonna do about it, Jew boy?"

Yikes. Sounds like Justin has a lot more atoning to do before he can move on. The public humiliation that he's sure to suffer at his Comedy Central Roast might speed the healing process along.

Kim Kardashian SLAMS Kourtney Kardashian: I Bought You a Career!!!


When the first trailers for Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 10 hit the Internet, most people assumed Kim's epic "I bought you a career" smackdown was aimed at Kendall Jenner.

Now, thanks to a newly-released clip from the next episode of KUWTK we know the comment was even more disrespectful than originally thought, as it was targeted at Kim's older sister, Kourtney.

Yes, Kourtney committed the cardinal sin of not wanting to be involved with Kim's video game, and Kim absolutely lost it in response.

We're not sure who to side with on this one. Yes, Kim's video game is ridiculous, but so is every other aspect of the Kardashians' lives, so shouldn't Kourtney just suck it up and play along?

Either way, Kim's lucky she didn't walk away with a red hand print on her face after saying something like that to a pregnant older sibling.

Of course, fights between Kim and Kourtney are nothing new. You may recall that Kourtney chewed Kim out for holding North West's first birthday party in Kourtney's backyard without permission.

Is this latest dust-up Kim's way of retaliating?

We may never know, but we're inclined to say Kourtney should just suck it up and be in the damn game. Yes, it's dumb, but she keeps having kids with Scott Disick, which is far, far more idiotic.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online at TV Fanatic to see Kim and company figure out more innovative ways to sell their souls.

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