Jussie Smollett has made a very personal announcement on Ellen.
The actor, who has made a major name for himself as Jamal Lyon on Empire Season 1, recently taped an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show on which he chose NOT to discuss his personal life.
But he then asked to chat with the comedian backstage and to release the following video online.
“It was really important to me to make sure that it got across that there is no closet,” Smollett said, confirming he is gay.
“There’s never been a closet. That I’ve been in. I don’t own a closet, I got a dresser, but I don’t have a closet, but I have a home and that is my responsibility to protect that home."
He continued:
"Let's not read into it wrong when I say that I don’t talk about my personal life.. it is in no way to hide or deny who God made me. Ya know?”
Smollett concluded that his family has known about his sexual identity for awhile now.
“My mama knows. My Mama likes me a lot,” he said, half joking:
“I take her to the Sound of Music sing-along every single year. So, any questions? But you know, honestly, we’re humans and we love and we do all that good stuff. So I’m honored for this opportunity and I’m honored to be here with you.”
We applaud Jussie Smollett for having the courage to make this kind of public announcement.
Chip Sarafin came out as gay while playing offensive line for Arizona State. He became the first Division 1 athlete to do so while playing college football.
It's been a while since we've talked about Courtney Stodden's giant boobs, but don't worry - she's still putting them on full display every chance she gets.
Throughout most of the country, bikini season is still a few months away, but in Courtney's mind (and on her Twitter page) it's always a good time to prance around in a barely-there swimsuit.
Courtney posted the above pics on Twitter over the weekend with a caption reading, "Ready for Summer!!! Feeling like a lil Lolita!"
Yes, Courtney is (probably unwittingly) making reference to a book in which a grown man falls in love with a child, but considering she married a 51-year-old when she was just 16, the allusion is not completely out of place.
And who cares about the caption anyway, right? If you're going to Courtney's social media pages for the words and not for the gargantuan fake breasts then you're doing it wrong.
What's really important is that the rumors about Courtney having her implants removed turned out to be bogus and she's still a huge of semi-nude selfies.
At this point, Courtney is famous for no other reason than the fact that she has big boobs and enjoys showing them to the world. And for that, we thank her.
Last week, we found out that Chris Brown is a father. Given Breezy's long history of being terrible, this was generally not treated as good news.
Some fans were optimistic, however. After all, becoming a parent often changes people, and there was hope that Chris would turn over a new leaf now that he has a daughter to raise.
Those hopes were dashed during Chris' most recent concert:
On Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 14, Snow let slip the secret she and David are petrified will get back to David: they cost Maleficent her child way back in the day.
It's unclear why. It's unclear how. But it's very clear than this Queen of Darkness will stop at nothing to now make the couple pay.
Expect to learn more about this vendetta on Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15 next Sunday, an installment that will be titled "Enter the Dragon" and which will feature Regina going undercover to learn as much as she can about the villainous Queens.
But will a taste of evil lure this queen back to the dark side?
Elsewhere, producer Edward Kitsis recently told reporters that we'll be learning everything about the connection Hook shares with Ursula.
“Episode 15 will explain what he did to her,” Kitsis says. “You’re going to see the entire flashback of what happened. You’re going to see the origin of Ursula…
"It is not sexual. It is, as he said, far worse. When you think about would be worse than having your heart broken, I would say it would be having your soul crushed.”
More than 30 women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, but the TV legend has refused to cancel or reschedule his current nationwide comedy tour.
Protesters have gathered at venues that hosted his performances, and pundits have urged him to cancel shows out of respect for the women who have come forward, but Cosby has continued to take the stage.
In recent weeks, Cosby has issued statements that many believe show a profound disrespect for the seriousness of the allegations against him. His latest address to fans will likely only make matters worse.
Cosby's previous statements were in print form, and were criticized for their cheerful tone and failure to directly address the claims made by the alleged victims.
This video message - his first since the scandal began - is already under attack not only for Cosby's carefree demeanor, but for his choice of attire as well.
Several accusers stated that they were drugged and awoke to find Cosby wearing pajamas.
The fact that Cosby chose to wear pajamas for his message has taken by many as a passive-aggressive shot at his alleged victims.
Whether or not that's the case, the video is widely agreed to be the latest in a long like of PR missteps for Cosby.
Bill Cosby asks a reporter NOT to include a portion of this interview in which he refuses to answer questions about sexual assault allegations made against him. It's a very awkward exchange.
Two more women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault. Carla Ferrigno and Terese Serignese both came forward independent of one another earlier today.
Another woman has come forward accusing Bill Cosby of sexual abuse. Michelle Hurd claims Cosby behaved very inappropriately toward her while she was working as a stand-in on The Cosby Show.
Janice Dickinson described an alleged sexual assault by Bill Cosby in vivid detail during a recent interview with CNN. Dickinson claims the attack occurred after a business meeting in1982.
Bill Cosby allegedly said in a brief interview that he only expects the "black media" to uphold journalistic standards in covering his sexual assault scandal.
Rosseanne Barr says she and just about every other woman in Hollywood knew about Bill Cosby and his alleged molestations for years. She isn't surprised at all, but what is surprising is what she hopes for Bill Cosby next.
Kathie Lee Gifford made a startling revelation on the Today show this morning. The TV personality stated that Bill Cosby acted inappropriately troward her while they were on tour together in the 1970s.
Today, if you glance at the latest issue of In Touch, you might think that rumor has been confirmed. The cover of the magazine features a makeup-free Teresa rocking Piper Chapman orange and standing in front of a prison building.
Teresa looks good, and we'd take it as a sign that she's adjusted to prison life and will come out okay on the other side.
Unfortunately, a close inspection of the pic reveals that it's a clumsy Photoshop job from a tabloid known for its very loose relationship with the truth.
Based on the cover image, we're gonna assume that the rest of the big reveals on the cover are BS, as well.
The last we heard, Joe and Teresa are not getting divorced, and we're sure she does think she's better than the other inmates, but we doubt even Teresa would be dumb enough to say so out loud.
Teresa has a long-standing relationship with In Touch, so it's possible the magazine will get the big house scoop at one point, but that doesn't appear to be the case with this issue.
In the meantime, we'll just have to assume she's living the same crappy lifestyle as every other inmate.
Teresa's situation is sad, to be sure, but if you find yourself feeling too much pity, just watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online for a reminder of the extravagant lifestyle that led to Teresa's downfall.
Teresa Giudice is not gonna take any crap. Her table-flipping reputation will precede her in prison, thanks to The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 1.
Instead of delivering on that promise, producers opted to crush a Sheen look-alike with a falling piano in the sort of lame sight gag the insanely long-running sitcom had become known for in its later seasons.
To make matters worse, the feud between Sheen and Chuck Lorre was re-ignited when the showrunner opted to end the series by taking one last jab at Sheen in one of his famous vanity card rants.
Sadly, the Sheenius seems to no longer be teetering on the brink of criminal insanity these days, but he did have some choice words for Lorre when a TMZ camera caught up with him yesterday.
Sheen was at the mall, hanging out with the guy who played Eddie Winslow on Family Matters (seriously) when he took some time out of his shopping to share some health tips (Marlboros) and threaten to kill his former boss.
Ya know, just a typical Monday:
"I don't care if he lives or dies," Sheen said when asked about Lorre. "To be that immature and that completely uninvolved and that stupid in my face? You must feel safe, motherf--ker."
It's not quite on par with the tiger-blooded warlock from mars rants of yesteryear, but from the sound of things, Sheen might be working up to another breakdown. Get your popcorn ready.
In 1991, Charlie and some friends contacted the FBI about what they believed to be a footage of actual murders. Turns out it was just a Japanese horror film.
Charlie Brown, the Cincinatti Reds, death threats to ex -wives...what do these thigs have in common? They're all immortalized on Charlie Sheen's body in tattoo form! Speaking of threatening to kill people...
Charlie has threatened to kill people ranging from his ex-wives to his former bosses on several occasions. You or I might go to jail for something like that, but we're not warlocks.
Sheen "accidentally" shot John Travolta's wife while they were dating in the early 90s. Needless to say, the relationship dissolved shortly thereafter.
Charlie Sheen thought he would be a good mentor to Lindsay Lohan (ed. note: HAHAHAHA!). In fact he kept mentioning the idea in interviews until the troubled actress reportedly begged Charlie to stop talking about her.
Charlie and Bret formed a film production company in the 90s. The two even co-wrote and co-directed a film entitled No Code of Conduct. Sadly, it's hard to find a DVD copy.
According to Sheen, he and Rihanna were dining in the same restaurant when he sent a request for her to come over and meet his wife. She declined and ended up becoming the subject of one of Sheen's epic Twitter rants. RiRi responded by calling Sheen an "old queen."
One of Charlie's first big roles was Mitch "Wild Thing" Vaughn in the 1989 comedy Major League. Turns out Charlie dodn't have to do much research for the part. Not only was he already a wild thing, he'd spent several summers at an exclusive baseball camp and a coach who worked with him told ESPN Sheen could've gone pro.
Charlie and the big-haired Jersey Shore star have been spotting hanging out on multiple occasions. They were recently seen bro-ing down at one of Pauly's gigs in Boston.
In the late 80s, an up-and-coming actress naed Winona Horowitz was struggling to come up with a stage name. Sheen suggested Ryder after listening to The Doors' song "Riders on the Storm." Ryder confirms the story, but Sheen continues to gripe that she hasn't diven him enough credit.
Charlie Sheen was on screen for about 3 minutes in the 80s comedy classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Even so, he stayed up for two days to achieve the proper "strung out" look for his character. Now he has that look all the time.
Bree Olson is one of the many porn stars Sheen has dated. She said he absolutley rocked her world in bed. High praise coming from someone as experienced as Bree.
Based on a new Instagram photo and caption, we get the very strong feeling that Kim Kardashian wants to have sex with Kanye West.
The reality star shared a grainy picture on her social media account yesterday, biting the cheek of a very serious-looking Kanye in the image.
But that's not all! Kim included with the selfie the emojis eggplant and a peach!
See.. an eggplant is shaped sort of like a penis. And the peach picture Kardashian put up has a slit in it and... nevermind. You either get it or you don't.
(Editor's Note: Please tell us that no one 13 years or younger reading this right now gets it.)
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are actively trying for a second baby, so it would make sense they'd be having a lot of sex.
This would also make sense simply because they are husband and wife.
After he hemmed, hawed and ultimately dispatched Becca Tilley, Whitney Bischoff and Chris Soules got engaged on The Bachelor season finale last night.
For Whitney, and for Chris, it seems like a fairy tale with a happy ending. But will it last? Or will they meet the same fate as so many other Bachelor duos?
At least right now, it seems unlikely that this union will crumble.
"She was the person I could see myself with," Soules explains. "Whitney is my soulmate. It became even more clear at the end. It just felt right."
The betrothed couple, who have communicated in secret since the finale's taping in November, and even met up in secret in Iowa, is going public.
Not a lot seems to have changed since the cameras rolled.
"I'm relieved that this is over," Bischoff says. "I'm looking forward to the life that we're going to start. I think a lot of great things are going to happen."
Like getting down to the business of procreation, ASAP.
Bischoff plans to relocate to Soules' hometown, where the pair hope to commence making babies (outside of a fertility center this time) soon. Says Chris:
"I'm ready to be a dad. I'm 33. I think I'm past due!"
While they are currently taking wedding plans "step by step," there's nothing to suggest that this pair won't ride off into the heartland sunset together.
"We had this great love story that now we get to build upon and start a new love story in real life," says Whitney Bischoff, gushing about her man as always.
Even if they somehow split, the bar is set pretty low for the future Mr. and Mrs. Soules, given how most of the Bachelor's final rose winners have fared.
Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff just got engaged on The Bachelor season finale in March 2015. It seems like they are still together, as happy as ever and built to last ... but stay tuned.
Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney got engaged, and married, and had a kid! After he dumped his final rose recipient Melissa Rycroft and chose Molly instead ... close enough.
Travis Stork and Sarah Stone broke up before The Bachelor finale and After the Final Rose special even aired. Now that takes decidation to not making it work.
Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter have been together so long, we forget that she was ever not Mrs. Ryan Sutter. They have been married for a decade and have two kids!
Juan Pablo's now-infamous non-proposal made him persona non grata for many fans, but he and winner Nikki Ferrell were together for a good six months before she finally got sick of his crap.
Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray split up after just six months together. Amazingly, they appeared happily together and in love just days before they called it off.
Yesterday, the nation was shocked by a video that showed members of the University of Oklahoma chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing racial slurs and boasting that they would never allow black pledges.
The shocking clip - uploaded to Twitter by an African-American rights group at OU - prompted a swift response from university officials, who promptly ordered the SAE chapter to disband.
Today, a new video has begun making the rounds online, and it reveals that the problems at SAE were far bigger than the ignorant beliefs of a few bigoted frat boys.
That's 79-year-old SAE house mother Beauton Gilbow repeatedly chanting the word "n--ger" while Trinidad James' "All Gold Everything" plays in the background.
The clip was uploaded to Vine in 2013, but just began to circulate widely in the wake of the first SAE video.
A reporter for the Oklahoma Daily recognized Gilbow from the Vine video and realized that the so-called "racist grandma" was, in fact, a long-standing member of the SAE organization.
Gilbow was interviewed by a local TV station on Monday and stated that she was "in shock" and had never heard any racist remarks during her time living in the SAE house.
Last week, the queen of reality television shocked fans around the world when she walked the streets of Paris is newly dyed blonde hair.
But while followers try to process the color on top of Kim's head, it's important to remember that she isn't starting a trend here. She's simply continuing one.
Overall the past couple years, various stars from various industries have gone platinum; some who never should have considered blonde hair and others who have rocked the look like a champ.
Where does Justin Bieber fit in on this scale? Miley Cyrus? Multiple stars from the HBO hit Girls?
Click through the above gallery for a peek at some platinum celebrities and then prepare to be taken aback below by the celebrities who naturally possess this shade of hair...
David Bowie wasn't on hand to declare a winner, and there was no Mugatu campaign at stake, but the latest walk-off between Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson was a memorably fashionable affair nonetheless.
Stiller and Wilson reprised their roles as Derek Zoolander and Hansel (So hot right now.) during a Valentino Fashion Week event in Paris last night.
The two actors strutted their stuff on the runway not to promote Derelicte, but as a sort of live-action teaser for the upcoming Zoolander sequel.
Paramount recently confirmed that Zoolander 2 will hit theaters on February 12, 2016, so it's a bad time to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia, but a good time for the world the world to be reminded of how really ridiculously good-looking Derek and Hansel are.
No word on whether or not any of the proceeds from last night's show will be donated to the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to Learn to Do Other Stuff Good, Too.
We'd look into it, but investigatory journalism is not our strong suit.
Thus far, no witnesses have revealed if Stiller was able to turn left on the runway. Actor Billy Zane could not be reached for comment and it's believed that someone told him to "put a cork in it, Zane."
When Married...With Children matriarch Peg Bundy, aka Katey Sagal, was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, her TV family showed up to support her. No, the OTHER TV family. The ones without motorcycles.
If you build it...they will reunite to promote it. Probably. (Because what else does Kevin Costner have going on these days besides really, really terrible movies?)
We're pretty much always hoping for the day the Friends grace Central Perk together again, but for now, we'll settle for the women showing up on Jimmy Kimmel.
It's a Gossip Girl reunion!!! Chace Crawford, Jessica Szohr, Kelly Rutherford and Michelle Trachtenberg all hung out at a post-Academy Awards party in 2015.
He checked into rehab, sobered up, and for a little while, things settled down. Then Shia claimed he was raped by a woman during his own performance art exhibit.
Like we said, it's been a strange time for the actor, so it stands to reason that he's recovering from the traumatic period in his life by lying low, taking stock, and...getting married?!
Yes, Shia and Mia Goth have been dating for about two years and sources close to the couple say that they're planning to tie the knot in the very near future.
Non-celeb witnesses have confirmed the news, saying that Mia has been spotted sporting a massive diamond ring a ring on that finger.
Marriage could be good for the 28-year-old actor, who could clearly use some stability in his life.
We're not sure if it's the right decision for Mia, though.
In addition to the fact that Shia is now better known for his erratic behavior than for his acting, there's the fact that even little kids say LaBeouf is dirty and he smells.
Oh, and did we mention the rat tail? Yeah, he's rockin' a rat tail these days. Run fast, girl.
It's been almost seven weeks since Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unconscious in her bathtub, and there's still no official word on what caused the 21-year-old to slip into a coma.
Several friends of Bobbi Kristina's have come forward to confirm that she was using heavily in the weeks before her near-drowning. None of those witnesses, however, knew Bobbi as well or offered as much detail about her habits as Steven Stapho.
Stapho has been friends with Bobbi since high school, and he with lived her and Nick Gordon in the months leading up to her hospitalization.
In the above video, he describes Bobbi and Nick's drug use, and the ways in which it escalated following the death of Whitney Houston.
"A lot more when their mom passed away," Stapho says. "They did do some before their mom passed away, but it got really bad when their mom passed away.
When asked what sort of drugs Bobbi preferred, Stapho relipes, "Roxies, heroin, Xanax, weed. Mainly opiates, opioids."
Stapho adds that Bobbi and Nick would spend as much as $1,000 a day on drugs and wind up "knocked out on the bed passing out. There were times when they'd burn themselves with a cigarette and not even notice. They were that f-cked up."
About halfway through the clip, Stapho even goes so far as to say that Bobbi Kristina either overdosed, or was the victim of some sort of foul play:
"I think she overdosed...probably heroin," Stapho says. "If she wasn't on heroin, maybe Xanax. Or someone tried to hurt her."
Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon were married, but reportedly estranged at the time of her tragic hospitalization. We hope she is able to beat the odds and recover.
The kids in New Orleans will be in for twice the danger next week, considering Rebekah is apparently occupying the body of the world's most evil witch, as we learned on The Originals Season 2 Episode 15.
But also considering that someone else who may deserve this title is also set to make her debut. Are you prepared to meet Dahlia?!?
Look for Klaus to invite Freya to the compound next week in order to learn more about his mysterious sister, while Marcel will actually turn to Vincent for assistance.
Meanwhile, Aiden will question Jackson's leadership skills, apparently taken certain words of supposed wisdom from Klaus to heart.
The Originals Season 2 returns to The CW on October 5! Take a look at our favorite Mikaelson siblings and their fellow castmates before they were stars!
Daniel Gillies and his wife Rachel Leigh Cook took 5 years off from their respective acting careers to produce Broken Kingdom, a film in which they both starred.
In her very first role, Claire Holt made a splash as Emma Gilbert, a high school student turned MERMAID. The series ran in Australia for 56 episodes (all of which are now on Netflix).
While Claire Holt's character on The Originals, Rebekah Mikaelson, may no longer be a series regular, we're sure to see her popping up in the Big Easy now and again.
Now, Phoebe Tonkin is the Original Mother: Hybrid Edition. We can't wait to see what's in store for Hayley as she comes to terms with the loss of Hope and her newfound powers on The Originals season 2.
Check out the above photo gallery to see where these main stars came from before they landed in The Big Easy, and then click the following video to watch The Originals online:
You'd think by now, Lindsay Lohan would know that everything on the Internet is permanent.
For example, no one bought the Lohan Playboy issue, mainly because there are photos of Lindsay naked all over the Internet, and they're never going away.
So it's a bit surprising that despite her 3.1 million Instagram followers, Lindsay still thinks she can delete something from a post without a few thousand people calling her out.
Here's the backstory, and you can decide for yourself if Lindsay effed-up or if the whole thing is being blown out of proportion:
Like the rest of the celebrity world, Lindsay is in Paris for Fashion Week at the moment. Last night, she went and saw Kanye perform and boasted about it with a caption that included the hashtag, "#kanye&kimalldayniggas$."
As you might expect, people were a bit pissed off, and not because Lindsay clearly doesn't know how hashtags work. (You can't use an asterisk! That totally screws up your entire hashtag!)
Linds experienced some immediate blowback from her use of the N-word, and she quickly deleted it from the caption. But it was too late.
Thirteen hours later, followers are still calling Linds out, with comments like:
"She deleted the N-word so fast! Wow!"
"You deleted your original post! I saw what you wrote and so did thousands of others!"
"Why did you change what you originally wrote?"
Yes, it's not just the law that busts Lindsay on a regular basis. Sometimes her own fans point out her BS as well.
So is this as bad as the time Madonna dropped the N-bomb while referring to her white son? Not even close. But it's another reminder that sharpest tool in anyone's drawer.
R&B singer Angie Stone has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault after an allegedly brutal altercation with daughter Diamond, reports indicate.
She allegedly knocked out her offspring's teeth on Tuesday.
DeKalb County Ga., police stated that Stone, 53, is accused of wielding a metal stand and using the object to knock out several of her daughter's teeth.
She told officers that she did so in self-defense, however.
According to the singer, Diamond punched her in the face. It's not clear whose account is accurate or how aggressively the case will be pursued.
In any case, what is clear is that it got ugly in a hurry.
The argument reportedly began when Stone told Diamond to "clean up and get her children under control," and it ended when a family friend intervened.
Three-time Grammy nominee Stone is best known for songs like "No More Rain (In This Cloud)," "I Wanna Thank Ya," and "Wish I Didn't Miss You."
Her other hits include "More Than a Woman," "U-Haul," and "Baby," and she has appeared on R&B Divas: Atlanta, as well as Celebrity Wife Swap.
The Mischa Barton mug shot has been released! The singer was busted for DUI on December 27, 2007. What a shock! Mischa Barton is totally a good girl... not.
This Heidi Fleiss mug shot was taken February 7, 2008, in Pahrump, Nevada. We're serious. It was, and that is a real place. Heidi Fleiss is lookin' hot, wouldn't you say?
As you might know, Taylor Swift has a lot of money. Like, "probably already has a seat booked on the first space shuttle heading to Mars after the Earth becomes uninhabitable" money.
All that wealth is the result of Taylor's unprecedented dominance of the world of pop music, so it's no surprise that she wants to protect her most important assets, like her songs, her voice, and...her legs?
Yes, Taylor isn't exactly a sultry sex symbol, but apparently someone in her camp believes that her mile-long stems are extremely valuable to her career - valuable to the tune of $40 million, in fact.
Taylor's 1989 tour world tour is scheduled to begin in May, and before she sets off, her team would like to have her legs insured for a whopping sum that reportedly even left Taylor in awe.
"She thought her legs were possibly worth a million," a source tells the National Enquirer. "But $40 million shocked her. She's even a little embarrassed by it."
Yes, if you tell Taylor she looks like a million bucks, you're selling her short by about $39 million. We guess that would be enough to make anyone feel self-conscious.
Of course, anyone who's seen Taylor at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show knows that her legs are impressive specimens, but we can't imagine that they're actually essential to her career.
For some reason, we doubt millions of Swifties would abandon her is she were mangled in a tractor accident or suffered some sort of cellulite tragedy.
That said, she should probably start offering workout tips to her fans. We guess those shapely calves have something to do with Taylor's weird habit of taking her cat for walks around Manhattan.
Jill Duggar posed with a newborn baby on Instagram yesterday, and given that she's more than 37 weeks pregnant, 19 Kids and Counting fans understandably freaked.
The catch: It wasn't her baby. She delivered it, alright ... but only for work.
The smiling wife of Derick Dillard, who will soon become a mom but hasn't popped yet, helped deliver this little one just weeks before her own due date.
"Gary Martin Takehiro Y. born today at 9:49am 7lbs. 8oz. 20 inches long. #AMommysButterflyMidwifery #babycatcher #studentmidwife,” she captioned the shot.
“So blessed to help deliver this little guy at home this morning, just 2 weeks away from my own due date! I previously delivered two of his older sisters."
Safe to say she's a natural, and holding up very well in the late stages of pregnancy. Not holding up quite as well? Some 19 Kids and Counting fans.
Jill's post sparked shock, excitement and hyperventilation from quite a few of her one million fans, who thought that she had given birth herself.
“FREAKED OUT FOR A MINUTE THERE,” one Jill follower commented.
Another wrote, also in all caps, “I THOUGHT THIS WAS YOUR BABY.”
DIDN'T WE ALL FOR A SPLIT SECOND, Instagram fans of @jillmdillard.
Is there about to be disorder in the Pretty Little Liars court?
On Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 23, viewers witnessed the vulnerable side of Alison, as her trial got underway and the possibility of a very dark future settled over this troubled young woman.
Will she be found innocent or guilty of Mona's murder?
Elsewhere on an installment titled "I Am a Good Girl, I Am," Aria, Emily and Spencer will race to locate someone or something that can prove Ali's innocence, while Mike will become a target of A.
The show's creator, meanwhile, has promised a MAJOR reveal regarding this ongoing villain on the Pretty Little Liars Season 5 finale.
Yup, that's Troian Belliario Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen in the movie Billboard Dad. Her father was a television producer and she grew up good friends with the famous twins.