After all, the Olympian-turned-reality-star has been married to three women and fathered six kids. He clearly loves the ladies. But will that change after his transition?
One insider close to Bruce says the answer is no. Apparently, Bruce's sex life will stay just the way it is - nonexistent!
"Bruce is not gay," the source tells Radar Online. "He did not have sex with men while he was Kris and he does not have sex with men now. But Bruce is not going through this transition to be a lesbian either. Sex is the farthest thing from Bruce's mind right now."
You'd think as a man who's going through a sex change using money from an empire that was built on a sex tape, sex would be on Bruce's mind quite a bit, but apparently that's not the case.
It's amazing what a few years of marriage to Kris Jenner will do to a man.
As for what - if anything - sparked Bruce's decision to go public, we're sure that and many other questions will be answered when his E! network reality show premieres some time this year.