Grace, a seven-month-old girl from East Petersburg, Pennsylvania, beat out more than 180,000 other adorable babies to be crowned the new Gerber baby.
All babies are beautiful, but this one certainly looks the part:
Her parents will receive a $50,000 cash prize, a year of Gerber baby food for free and the chance for Grace to appear in future campaigns for the brand.
"The photo that won was taken only 5 photos from when I started taking pictures of her that day," Gabrielle, Grace's mother, said of the 2015 Spokesbaby.
"I didn't even realize how cute she was posing," she adds, "until after I was completely done taking pictures and looking back at what I had just taken!"
"She must have taken her hands out of her mouth and posed them like that for a split second," says the mom, and parents everywhere can relate.
How many times have you tried to take a photo like this of your adorable youngster, only to come up with something that's ... not what you expected?
In any case, Gerber is proud to honor the little angel.
"While many of the entry photos this year met our criteria, Grace's captivating charm stole the judges' hearts,” said Cassie Savage, Marketing Specialist at Gerber.
The mini-model and her mom also stopped by NBC's Today, where Billy Bush, who was filling in for Kathie Lee, took her away from her mom to hold her.
Little Grace did not even cry, after which Bush asked his co-host “Are you having thoughts of stealing a baby?” Kotb then replied: “This is the one.”
If not Grace ... than who else? We don't know about you, but we're already starting a campaign lobbying for Jay Z Baby Doppelganger to win it in 2016: