A key character made the ultimate sacrifice on The Flash Season 1 Episode 23.
The first season finale of this terrific new CW series turned the focus on a new member of the heroic team, as Barry Allen decided against saving his mother in the past.
Once that choice was made, everyone’s favorite scarlet speedster sprinted back to the present to in order to stop the Reverse Flash (how great is Tom Cavanagh in this role?!?) from returning to his own time.
Crushed over the destruction of the time machine, Eobard was all about not merely killing Barry, but absolutely everyone The Flash cares about.
So… upon realizing that the evil man in yellow was gaining the upper hand, Eddie really did make the ultimate sacrifice: he turned the gun on himself, knowing it would effectively erase his descendant from the timeline.
Was this truly the last we've seen of Rick Cosnett in that role?
Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg has confirmed that, yes, the actor will NOT be a series regular next season.
"This wasn’t always the plan, but it was always a possibility,” Kreisberg tells Entertainment Weekly. “When we named Eddie’s character and gave him the last name of Thawne, there was a whole subset of the audience that believed he was the Reverse Flash, which was intentional."
Kreisberg went on to explain the thinking behind the storyline and the shocking finale:
Then we had to live with: Why did he have that name? One of the sad, surprising things about the finale is that for all the good that Barry does, in the end it’s Eddie who saves the day. It’s hard.
It’s a terrible decision to have to make...
While Rick won’t be a regular, Flash is the kind of show between hardcore sci-fi and time travel that I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Eddie Thawne.
Will you miss Eddie? What did you think of the finale as a whole? Go watch The Flash online in case you missed it and sound off now!