On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, Bethenny Frankel unsuccessfully offered Sonja Morgan some business advice.
Because of the success of her Skinnygirl cocktail line, Bethenny Frankel felt qualified to help Sonja with her “fashion lifestyle brand” startup.
The conversation didn’t go so well on the show, and it isn’t getting any better on their Bravo blogs.
Sonja wrote, “On the one hand, I’m really grateful to have a girlfriend who is open minded and really wants to support me. But, at the same time, I don’t feel like Bethenny is really able to understand my businesses and my situation enough to ask some of the driving questions at this point.”
On one hand, Sonja may be correct. However, Bethenny built an empire with Skinnygirl. And Sonja’s team seemed questionable and couldn’t answer any questions about the development of the business.
Bethenny took to her blog to diss Sonja’s staff and business: “As for her fashion meeting, I think she front-loaded that staff for effect.”
“I will bet everything that I hope to be that not one of those people is on salary. I happen to have an international brand and barely have that many people with those fancy titles, so there is definitely smoke and mirrors there,” she continued in her post.
Although Sonja is a little p*ssed, she claims to appreciate Bethenny’s help.
“It’s understandable Bethenny’s taking a shortcut into my saga since she is busy adjusting to being single, going through a divorce, raising her daughter, and running a huge business, but she shouldn’t comment so strongly if she doesn’t understand the complexity of my situation quite yet,” Sonja wrote.
She added, “Having said that, I know very well Bethenny’s conversational style. She is opinionated, and I asked for it. My whole life I have soaked up information around me even though it comes from some tough sources.”
The Big Apple stars might not agree on business plans, but they still have a little love for each other.
Bethenny reminded her readers, “The truth is I love [Sonja]. There are times during this season that that will be difficult to believe, but I simply do."
“Some people are cunning and have a malicious or shifty or disingenuous side. Sonja has none of that. She is a good person. She is just often misguided and misdirected. Many of us are. Reminder: I have a book called I Suck At Relationships, so we all suck at some things.”
Bethenny is a seasoned business woman and entrepreneur. After the success of her Skinnygirl cocktail line, she is dabbling in the marijuana market with Skinnygirl weed. Maybe she and Sonja can take a hit and chill out.