Kim Kardashian is touting a new product in this selfie. It's a waist corset thingy that continues to prove she is a HORRIBLE role model for young women.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Kim has offered up five steps that will help you achieve Instagram greatness (prepare to roll your eyes, and HARD):
BE SPONTANEOUS. I don't plan it out. If I'm feeling good about myself, and I like my outfit or hair and makeup or contouring, I will share it.
DO IT YOURSELF. I don't have help. No one else runs my social media. It's whatever I feel like posting. From collages and screen grabs and cropping, it's a whole process.
BE A SPY. I want to know what's going on in [my sisters'] lives. I can look on Instagram and be comforted in knowing where Kendall is. [Editor's Note: Kendall Jenner is likely just taking her clothes off somewhere, Kim.]
DO NOT PEDDLE PRODUCTS. I try really hard not to promote products... I was obsessed with these waist shapers after I had a baby, so I would put those up... Some people post a couple times a day to promote their products, but I won't. [Editor's Note: LOL!!!!!!!!!!]
USE YOUR OWN WORDS. I don't like it when people post quotes all the time.
Ouch! Some see that last point as a diss of sister Khloe Kardashian, who is always posting the words of others.
As recently as March 19, Khloe quoted poet R.M. Drake when sharing the following words of wisdom:
"Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love."
Deep, deep thoughts. Much more so than some of these quotes at least ...
She said she loves me and she loves my butt and how she wants to be my lesbian lover. I mean, what do you say to that other than 'No thanks?' Actually, maybe I would do it for a million bucks.
I mean, I love the Bush and the Tush. Seriously, the Bush and the Tush, that was, like, iconic for me, I loved them. You can't do much better than that.
All the haters are just jealous, so they're trying to bring me down. I'm young, handsome, successful, wealthy. You could say I'm a role model – I’m the American dream!
I was waiting for this amazing experience where I could just do whatever I want, eat whatever I want, feel great... and it just hasn’t been that way.