Say hello to Fritz the Golden Retriever.
Now say goodbye to the dog's hopes and dreams.
This adorable canine is featured in a video posted to YouTube by owner Evan Ball, who is giving Fritz a chance to catch things in his mouth.
Things like a steak, a strawberry, a chimichanga, a meatball and a doughnut.
Unfortunately, Fritz is like this dog and his tennis ball , simply unable to coordinate his eyes with his legs and his mouth.
Don’t feel to badly for Fritz, however.
According to his official YouTube page, the Golden Retriever has a "positive, can-do attitude" while those around him wait for the day that he "masters the skill of catching food in his mouth."
Plus, let's face it: there's a very good chance Fritz gets to eat everything that falls out of his mouth anyway. That's not a bad deal for a dog.
Did someone move these pieces of furniture farther apart when I was asleep?!?
Well, this didn't work out as planned.
I know this is funny and all... but I really can't move.
I'm Freeeee! No... wait. Darn it.
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Here I go! I'll y'all on the other side... OUCH!
Why do people say these things are comfortable?
Yay! I got my toy! Then... this happened.
Yippee! It's snow! Time to play and... OUCH!
A message from our sponsor.
I wish this cat only had my tongue.
Darn it. I was so close to freedom, too.
It's on your head, buddy.
A message from our sponsor.
Don't they make balls for pets my size?!?
I just wanna join my owners for some camping. A little help, please?
I promise not to do it again.
Well, this seemed like a good idea at the time.
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Nice, I'm parched. Could use a quick drink and.... heeeey!
What, can you not walk or something?!?
Come here and play with me! What are you, a baby?!?
Yes. Your friend just went through it.
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HELP! This is not nearly as fun as it may look.
I won't play with the cat's stuff again.
And can someone please take it away?
HINT: One dog isn't exactly looking through a window.
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