Selena is reportedly pleading with Zedd to not watch Comedy Central's Justin Bieber Roast, which featured a number of cringe-worthy jokes at her expense.
Supportive fellow that he is, the DJ reportedly will oblige and not tune in.
According to a source close to the actress and popular music singer:
“Selena doesn’t want Zedd watching the roast and he’s assured her he won’t. Selena says he has absolutely no interest and will support her 100 percent."
Of course, just because Selena Gomez and Zedd are on the same page, and having great times in bed these days, doesn't mean she won't tune in.
Sure, it would probably better to tune out that noise and look forward.
Everyone knows that, but "The Heart Wants What it Wants," as someone once sang, and when it comes to Bieber, as we know, “Selena can’t help herself."
"She doesn’t really want to [watch] but at the same time feels it’s important to know what was said about her, so she’s not caught off guard,” the source added.
For his part, Justin reportedly knows that Selena will likely be watching and how upset she will be at some of the rude jokes made about both of them.
The worst of them all was as racist as it was brutal.
Is everything as happy-go-lucky as it seems here between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez? Rumors sprung up in the summer of 2012 that placed this relationship on the rocks.
“Is it true you dumped [Selena] because she grew a mustache before you?" Jeffrey Ross asked, switching the focus to the singer's Mexican heritage.
"Selena Gomez had sex with Justin Bieber," Ross went on at the Roast, "proving Mexicans really will do the disgusting things Americans just won’t do.”
Yeah. It was that kind of night.
Comedy Central hasn't aired it on TV yet (that comes March 30), but Justin is already thinking about reaching out to Gomez in light of what will likely air.
“Justin wants to apologize for what she might see,” a source says, “but he [may] wait and see the final cut of the show to see if he needs to reach out at all.”
It's already been reported that Paul Walker death jokes were cut from the broadcast, so it's possible that Selena will be spared somewhat as well.
We'd still skip it if we were her.
Then again, we would've skipped the whole "sex with Justin Bieber" phase, or phases, of her life to begin with, so all bets are off as to what she'll do.
You have to straighten up, son. Last year, you were ranked the fifth most-hated person of all time. Kim Jong-Un didn't rank that low. And he uses your music to torture people.
Let's get to the reason I’m here: to give Justin some tips for when he inevitably ends up in prison... The only place people will be following you in jail is into the shower.