More than 30 women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, but the TV legend has refused to cancel or reschedule his current nationwide comedy tour.
Protesters have gathered at venues that hosted his performances, and pundits have urged him to cancel shows out of respect for the women who have come forward, but Cosby has continued to take the stage.
In recent weeks, Cosby has issued statements that many believe show a profound disrespect for the seriousness of the allegations against him. His latest address to fans will likely only make matters worse.
Cosby's previous statements were in print form, and were criticized for their cheerful tone and failure to directly address the claims made by the alleged victims.
This video message - his first since the scandal began - is already under attack not only for Cosby's carefree demeanor, but for his choice of attire as well.
Several accusers stated that they were drugged and awoke to find Cosby wearing pajamas.
The fact that Cosby chose to wear pajamas for his message has taken by many as a passive-aggressive shot at his alleged victims.
Whether or not that's the case, the video is widely agreed to be the latest in a long like of PR missteps for Cosby.
Bill Cosby asks a reporter NOT to include a portion of this interview in which he refuses to answer questions about sexual assault allegations made against him. It's a very awkward exchange.
Two more women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault. Carla Ferrigno and Terese Serignese both came forward independent of one another earlier today.
Another woman has come forward accusing Bill Cosby of sexual abuse. Michelle Hurd claims Cosby behaved very inappropriately toward her while she was working as a stand-in on The Cosby Show.
Janice Dickinson described an alleged sexual assault by Bill Cosby in vivid detail during a recent interview with CNN. Dickinson claims the attack occurred after a business meeting in1982.
Bill Cosby allegedly said in a brief interview that he only expects the "black media" to uphold journalistic standards in covering his sexual assault scandal.
Rosseanne Barr says she and just about every other woman in Hollywood knew about Bill Cosby and his alleged molestations for years. She isn't surprised at all, but what is surprising is what she hopes for Bill Cosby next.
Kathie Lee Gifford made a startling revelation on the Today show this morning. The TV personality stated that Bill Cosby acted inappropriately troward her while they were on tour together in the 1970s.