Yesterday, Taylor Swift hid her face from the world by walking backwards to her car to avoid the paparazzi.
It was a classic Taylor moment - quirky, awkward, charmingly self-aware - but still, any day that we're denied the sight of a subtle Swifty smirk is a bad one, so she's making it up to us today by posting what might be the most Taylor Swift selfie ever taken:
"I woke up like thissss (With a cat on me)," Taylor captioned the photo.
It's pretty much exactly how we pictured Taylor's day starting - complete with cat and Mona Lisa smirk that seems to say, "I'm a mega-famous gazillionaire, yet the whole world still thinks of me as the girl next door."
Makeup-free selfies are all the rage these days, but leave it to Taylor to step things up by introducing a sleeping kitty into the mix.
Photos of Taylor and her cats (Olivia Benson and Meredith Grey) are always a hit with fans, and in a perfect world the combination of a bare-faced Swift and a sleeping feline who's named after a TV drama heroine would break the Internet faster than a million Kim K butts.
Alas, Taylor's selfie received a mere 1.7 million likes. Can this girl get some recognition, people?! Jeez!