Breezy got a former model named Nia Amey pregnant over 18 months ago and somehow managed to keep the kid a secret...even from his longtime girlfriend Karrueche Tran.
Now it seems that Karrueche wasn't the only one caught off-guard, as Nia's ex-husband, Terry Amey, says he filed for divorce immediately upon learning that his wife was pregnant by Brown.
"It ain't going to take a rocket scientist to figure that one out," Terry replied when asked by Radar Online why he and his wife split. "I got a divorce because Nia got pregnant by someone else."
Strangely, Terry has taken to defending both Chris and Nia when speaking with the press:
"I'm a God-loving person and I have to forgive to give my message," says Terry. "[Nia] was young and had obstacles and made mistakes...Social media is making it worse than it is. Everybody makes mistakes."
Needless to say, Terry is the forgiving type, and his merciful attitude extends not only to his ex-wife, but to the man with whom she cheated and got pregnant, as well:
"I'm not worried about Chris' past," says Terry. "I'm upset social media is blowing this up and two kids are involved and they're young...I'm not going to let the Chris Brown thing discourage me. I'm on their team, even up until today."
Wow. Well, maybe Karrueche could learn something from Terry, and....Nah, screw that, he had 18 months to get used to this. She just found out from TMZ this week.