Ahmad Givens, better known to VH1 viewers as "Real," passed away on Friday night after a long battle with colon cancer.
He was 33 years old.
Givens was diagnosed with the disease in 2013.
His condition improved a bit after he underwent surgery and had most of his liver removed, but earlier this year the cancer returned and Givens started chemotherapy treatments.
According to family members, Givens had been bedridden since January, had trouble with his vision last night and died hours later.
"I'll see you one day soon we shall dance again in God's kingdom forever and ever bro words can't describe my pain world pray for me!" Givens' brother wrote soon after his sibling died.
Givens is best known for appearing on the VH1 series I Love New York in 2007.
He went on to anchor spinoffs Real Chance of Love from 2008 to 2009, along with Real & Chance: The Legend Hunters in 2010, on which he starred with his brother.
ESPN's Stuart Scott (1965-2015) will forever be missed. The beloved anchor and personality passed away after a long battle with cancer in January at the age of 49.