That's a promo for the upcoming Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber, which will feature the swaggy Canuck being verbally eviscerated by a variety of talented comedians...and Jeff Ross.
When it comes to the Biebs, there's a lot to make fun of, so it must have been hard to pick just one embarrassing incident to mock in the first promo.
Anyone who's seen these roast specials knows that they can get pretty ugly, so it'll be interesting to find out if JB is able to keep his cool throughout the proceedings.
There might not be enough weed in the SoCal area to keep Bieber apathetically glassy-eyed once Kevin Hart and company start reminding him that he's not actually a real OG from he hood.
So we'll be eagerly looking forward to March 30 and placing bets on whether or not Justin will trow a tantrum. (Smart money's on "yes.")
In the meantime, we'll be watching him get pelted with eggs in slow-motion, because that will just never stop being entertaining.