Jill Duggar is a devout Christian, an expecting mother, one of 19 children, and possibly in a lot of trouble for a picture her husband, Derick Dillard, uploaded on Valentine's day.
Yup, it's a bottle, some lifesavers, and the Bible. Now, they're not in trouble for the life savers, even with all the condemnation that sugar is getting these days.
Aaaaaand they're not in trouble for the Bible. So what could they in trouble for?
Of course, the bottle of ... as it turns out, APPLE JUICE. Yup, it's a big wine-shaped bottle of "appadoo", as I used to call the harmless beverage growing up (again, except for the sugar).
Just days after their Walmart baby shower, Jill and Derick spent their evening reading each other romantic bible passages, while crunching away on life-savers, and washing it all down with some sparkling apple juice.
The comments poured into Derick's Instagram account: "are you aloud to drink when ur pregnant" and "The bible next to a bottle of wine??? What!!!!!"
Jill and Derrick have had to defend themselves from allegations before. Doing the math on the date of their marriage vows and their due date leaves people a little curious about the whole pre-marital sex thing.
My favorite comment on this most recent Instagram post came from kitc5, who said,
"Wait.... you're 34 weeks pregnant with your wife whom who have been married to for 28 weeks and didn't kiss until the wedding..."
Actually, I think Kitc's math isn't totally correct. But let's be honest, they did certainly get right down to it right after their wedding. And it looks like the spark is still there, almost a year later.
The Duggar parents often accompany their kids on dates in order to maintain "accountability" and "keep things from going in the wrong direction," per Jim Bob. The girls are fine with this, as being alone with men puts them in grave "moral danger." When the parents aren't available, their older siblings will often tag along, making every date a group date and a family affair.
Even in the kids' late teens and early 20s, mom and dad are creeping on their text messages. When Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancee Jessa, "Give me a ring," Jim Bob actually jumped in on the group text, writing "No ring yet." With a smiley face emoticon. Seriously, he did that. Jim Bob needs his own Instagram so he can start posting screen shots of this stuff.
This moment you see here between Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would not have been permitted until the couple was married. Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation or hanky panky, as has been well documented on 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggars love their side hugs so hard. Any touching beyond that? Save it for your wedding night.
This is probably an obvious one if you know anything about the Duggars. The family does not smoke or drink. They do, however, enjoy the occasional sugary dessert or getting high on life and love.
Safe to say the Duggars are in the minority, having not read Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie adaptation of which they won't be seeing either, we're guessing). The Bible warns not to "think about gratifying the pleasure of the flesh," so instead the family studies Christian text and not E.L. James' erotic fiction. The Duggars' option is probably better-written.
Avert your eyes, Michelle Duggar! The family matriarch feels that dancing encourages "sensual" feelings, while Jessa Duggar has said that she feels modern music promotes "sex, drugs, all that type of stuff." Instead, the family chooses to play gospel music together.
Yes, seriously. There is Duggar-approved swimwear (it's conservative and not very revealing, spoiler alert) but when it comes to the beach, that's not happening. At all. Blame the general public. "It's just too hard for the guys to try and keep their eyes averted," Michelle explains. If we happened upon Kaley Cuoco doing beach yoga, we might see her point. But we also wouldn't complain.
Even if you took out the boozy parties and sexy nurses and cats looking to get frisky, Halloween would still be a no-go for the Duggars. According to the parents, magic and witches are "part of a demonic realm God wants us to stay away from," and this holiday qualifies. To each their own.
We don't actually know if there's a definitive rule against the use of birth control in the Duggar household, but it's clearly not something the family is thinking about, or using, ever. Just saying. Once those vows are exchanged, fornication and procreation tend to happen early and often, ensuring that the great state of Arkansas will never have a population shortage of really nice, quirky, family-first, side-hug loving human beings.
The End.
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