To all the Kate haters out there waiting for a new Queen of Hugeboobistan to steal the crown, we offer the following evidence that the jiggly 22-year-old still reigns supreme:
For anyone who's still actually reading this - that's Kate's latest topless pic, and it's been making the rounds online today for good reason.
We don't know much about the art of photography, but we believe the technique that's being used here is commonly referred to as KABOOYEAH!!!
Sure, it's not as revealing as the topless Kate Upton photos that surfaced during The Fappening, but this pic was posted online with consent, not stolen from a private device, so you can go ahead and ogle without guilt.
As a bonus, Justin Verlander's giant white ass is nowhere to be seen. Now that's change everyone can believe in.
So long as Kate keeps sharing pics like this, we'll happily sit through a million commercials in which she pep talks a bunch of medieval dudes and rocks a breastplate that totally defeats the purpose of Kate Upton.
Not only would you share a moment of zen and stretch muscles you didn't even know you had, but Kate Upton would be wearing a tight-fitting workout top AND yoga pants.
Kate's a guy's girl who loves baseball, which makes her the awesomest date ever. Less awesome for people not named Justin Verlander? She is dating Justin Verlander.