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Justin Timberlake Stars as Lime in Strangest Commercial You'll See This Week

Think Diddy having sex with Cassie on camera makes for an odd commercial?

Okay, yes. You're right. It does.

But Justin Timberlake has challenged his fellow musical icon by starring as a talking lime in a new television spot for Sauza 901 tequila.

Yes, you read that correctly: the ad features Justin Timberlake as a as a half-human, half-lime named Rick “Sour” Vane.

The footage features Timberlake’s unusual creation thinking back to the glory days of limes and claiming that Sauza’s brand of tequila has unfortunately put him and his pals out of work.

Sauza is just to gosh darn tasty on its own that no limes are needed, as the company touts in its tagline.

“It was like you couldn’t drink tequila without one of us!” Timberlake’s character remember of the good ole days.

“When we walked into the club, it was like everything was in slow motion. Literally. It was like we were rock stars!”

Timberlake (who recently welcomed his first child into the world with Jessica Biel!) and his lime-like friends proceed to protest Sauza tequila at various bars.

But it's sadly it’s too late for them. They're reduced to finding other uses for limes.

It's all rather creative and funny and awesome. But would you really expect anything else from Justin Timberlake?

Miley Cyrus Loves Herself, Aims to Help LGBT Youth

Miley Cyrus debuted a new hairstyle last night at the 2015 MET Gala.

But she then appeared on Good Morning America today and talked up an old cause that's near and dear to her heart.

The artist was to be a major voice in helping the LGBT youth of America, especially those stuck in poverty.

"I'm the one that can fix it," Cyrus said of this national problem. "I think I've been able to identify with it because I've never thought of myself as 'I'm a girl so I can't do this or can't do that.'

"I feel completely like I'm not tied to a gender or an age, I feel like an infinite cosmic thing, and that's what I want people to feel."

Sounds sort of weird and vague, but hey. Miley's heart is in the right place!

The singer, who has never been shy about supporting gay rights, has helped to start a non-profit organization called the Happy Hippie Foundation.

"Forty percent of homelessness is really focused on [the LGBT community], because, I think, of the lack of acceptance," she said.

Miley then cited Bruce Jenner and how he can help serve as a role model to those suffering from a self-confidence or identity crisis:

"Something like being on a reality show or me being on a tour can get you in front of that many impressionable people."

Cyrus concluded that she wants to be "doing something" with her life, not merely singing for the sake of singing.

"I've learned how to love myself, as I got older... You want to be peaceful with yourself and happy with yourself and love yourself.

"Sometimes I think, as women especially, I think we're not supposed to say 'I love myself,' That that's vain. I love myself, and that's what everyone should be able to say."

19 Really Big Real Housewives Scandals: Breaking the Law, Breaking Their Vows

The Real Housewives of... pretty much every city have been involved in some scandalous stuff. Relive some of their most controversial moves and decisions here.

1. Teresa Giudice Goes to Jail

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19 really big real housewives scandals teresa giudice goes to jail
This Real Housewife of New Jersey pleaded guilty to multiple counts of financial fraud. Both her and her husband will be spending time in actual jail as a result.

2. Bethenny Frankel vs. Jason Hoppy

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They were happily married for awhile... but now the claws have come out and the couple's divorce proceedings have grown as ugly as it gets.

3. Kim Richards Gets Arrested

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Kim Richards was drunk and unruly and may have kicked a police officer during an incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel in April 2015.

4. Did Brooks Ayers Cheat?

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17 really big real housewives scandals did brooks ayers cheat
Lauri Peterson told Vicki that her ex-boyfriend, businessman Brooks Ayers, cheated on her with a 21-year old porn star. Ayers has staunchly denied it via Twitter, writing: "This story is another fabrication of the truth. Unreal."

5. A Troubled Tamra

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Tamra Barney has admitted she twice tried to kill herself. At the age of 21, she combined pills with a bottle of NyQuill during a painful divorce from then-husband Darren Vieth. The second time, she took a large amount of prescription painkillers during a difficult relationship.

6. Gretchen Rossi Gets Racy

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Photos of Gretchen Rossi naked (and on the toilet) and also of Gretchen Rossi using a vibrator went viral in 2009.
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Florida Couple Caught Having Sex on Beach Faces 15 YEARS Behind Bars!

We'd say it's been an unusual few weeks in Florida, what with the methy couple selling golden tickets to heaven, and the bath salts-addled restaurateur with his $368 billion check, but really this is all just part of a typical month in our nation's most WTF?! state.

Considering the batsh-t insanity of their actions, it's easy to forget that Floridians are subject to many of the same laws as the rest of us. For example, they're forbidden to have sex on public beaches in broad daylight with children and senior citizens nearby.

Apparently, Ben Caballero and Elissa Alvarez forgot about this sensible statute during a trip to the seaside last summer. The young Florida couple reportedly went ahead and got their bang on for a full 25 minutes in plain view of other beach-goers.

The incident took place almost a year ago and Caballero and Alvarez finally had their day in court today, and a jury found them guilty in just 15 minutes.

That's not so surprising, considering the damning nature of the evidence against them.

What is a bit shocking is the fact that both of the beach bangers might end up doing serious hard time for their act of coastal copulation!

No sentencing date has been announced, but it's expected that Alvarez will receive up to a year behind bars, while Caballero could get up to 15 years, due to a prior conviction.

Yikes. We know these two didn't exactly demonstrate sound decision-making skills but 15 years is a bit harsh, don't you think, Florida? It's enough to make us wanna dream up an extreme punishment of our own for several million counts of being Florida:

That's tough but fair. Check out the slideshow below for some of the best Florida Man stories of the past decade.

And don't worry, we didn't leave the ladies out. Florida Woman stories are also sure to make you laugh, cry and be thankful you live elsewhere:

LeAnn Rimes Triggers Airplane Fire Alarm With Hair Product

Would you rather bring your husband around LeAnn Rimes or fly on a plane with her?

Neither.  But you really don’t want to be on a plane with her.

LeAnn used the restroom on an airplane to freshen up.  Apparently, this required the use of an aerosol product.

Things must not have gone so well in the bathroom because LeAnn later tweeted, “Leave it up to me to set off the fire alarm in the airplane bathroom w/ @theDrybar dry shampoo #purecomedy #firsttimeforeverything.”


TMZ sources said the plane staff was less than amused but that LeAnn just laughed it off with the paparazzi.

LeAnn’s bikini selfies have been in the media recently. Maybe that’s why she found it necessary to scare the sh*t out of everyone on a plane with the fire alarm.  

You know, so she can look good for her selfies. #lame

Manny Pacquiao Sued For $5 Million!!!

The much anticipated Mayweather-Pacquiao match might be over, but the fight still continues for Pacquiao.

This time the rumble is in court.

Manny Pacquiao and his promoters have been slammed with a class action lawsuit by people who claim he cheated fans, pay-per-view buyers, and gamblers by not disclosing his shoulder injury before the fight.

TMZ Sports reported that Stephane Vanel and Kami Rahbara are suing on behalf of a class that feels cheated.

The plaintiffs stated they are fighting "on behalf of all persons who purchased tickets; purchased the pay-per-view event; or who wagered money on the event."

Vanel and Rahbara are suing Paquiao, Bob Arum, Top Rank Boxing, and others for consumer fraud.

They are asking for at least $5 million in damages.

After the fight, Pacquiao's aunt claimed the fight was fixed.  It looks like after losing the fight of the century, Pacquiao's going to have to brace for a few more blows.

Jonathan Cheban Slams Blac Chyna, Amber Rose: They're Ghetto Bullies Looking For a Fight!

You may know Jonathan Cheban as Kim Kardashian's best friend, but he also functions as a kind of Kardashian family attack dog, always willing to "go there" when the rest of the family is afraid to speak out against particularly aggressive haters.

Earlier today, Cheban gave an interview to Radar Online in which he addressed the Kard clan's recent feuds with Amber Rose and Blac Chyna.

As you may recall, Rose spoke out against Kylie Jenner's relationship with Tyga, pointing out that it's more than a little inappropriate for a 25 year old to be romantically involved with a high school-aged girl.

Shortly, thereafter Tyga's ex, Blac Chyna, attempted to come between the May-December lovers by posting a text conversation with Tyga, in which he appeared to be trying so score some down-low ex-sex with Chyna.

Cheban apparently believes that both women were out of line, and he says he'd like to give them a taste of their own medicine:

“Kylie’s young, they’re not. They are bullies,” Cheban said. “Both of them are kind of street. They take it to another level and they’re always looking for a fight,”

“I want to show them what it is like. I’m not taking sides. They’re too ghetto, too street. They’re bullies...I want to bully them back, They’re really aggressive. They should at least wait until Kylie is 18.”

Some would say the "wait until Kylie is 18" advice should also apply to Tyga, but Cheban seems to think that Rose and Chyna's actions are unforgivable, and he has a plan to hit them where it hurts:

“I’ll put crazy videos of them up. People want to see them. It doesn’t get any classier with these two," Cheban said, adding that he hopes to uncover videos of Rose and Chyna from their days as professional strippers.

Yikes. You may be going too far, Jonathan. Everyone had a nice cold war going on, and you had to go and make it nuclear.

Could This Really Be Kevin Bacon???

Chris Brown: Battery Charges Already Dropped

Just one day after being charged, Chris Brown is no longer wanted for battery.

Yesterday, Chris Brown was accused of punching a man during a Vegas basketball game--which comes as no surprise because Chris Brown has a history of violent behavior.

But today, the same guy called the cops and decided he did not want to press charges.  He offered no explanation, and the case is closed.

No other information has been released.

This is a lucky break for Brown.  He has been in a string of legal issues in recent years.  If it is any indication of his legal history, in January, Chris Brown's probation was revoked.

Jimmy Gojdics, Former Ultimate Survival Alaska Competitor, Shot to Death in Alaska

Jimmy Gojdics, a Season 2 competitor on National Geographic Channel's Ultimate Survival Alaska, was shot and killed Sunday near his home in Fairbanks, Alaska.

He was 69 years old.

According to State Troopers, they responded to reports of gunfire at a home on the Old Elliot Highway and arrived to find the body of Gojdics, who died while being transported to a nearby hospital.

The public information officer says police are investigating the incident “as a homicide at this point in time.” 

Gojdics's remains have been sent to the Office of the State Medical Examiner for an autopsy, while an investigation by the Alaska Bureau of Investigation is underway. 

Gojdics competed for Team Woodsmen on Ultimate Survival Alaska and was described on the program’s official website as "not about money or a prize" but "about pushing the limits of human endurance."

He worked as a fisherman, blacksmith, river guide and horse wrangler among other outdoor/rugged trades.

We send our condolences to his friends and loved ones.

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Mind Your Own Business!

Tuesday on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 5, Bethenny sat down with Sonja to work through their issues, free of drama.

Yeah, right.

Tonight’s episode opened up with Bethenny and Sonja lunching and discussing Sonja’s legal issues.

After her divorce, Sonja wound up on the losing end of a $7 million lawsuit of which she is required to pay every penny.  Plus, she filed for Chapter 11, so creditors and collectors are riding her a** for her money and assets.

Bethenny and Sonja talked business.  Well, Bethenny, a highly successful entrepreneur, talked business.  Sonja faked business.

Sonja claims she is in the “fashion lifestyle brands.”  What does that mean???

As she stutters around what her business is—fashion, perfume, jewelry, stuff—she tells Bethenny she is invested in “international fashion.”

Never shy, Bethenny responds, “No one knows you internationally.”  Drop the mic.

This interaction between Bethenny and Sonja serves various functions in the episode.

One, it re-confirms that Sonja is bat sh*t crazy.  Her business model is a flimsy idea founded on impromptu fantasies and improvisational ideas.  

With every sentence she utters about “fashion lifestyle brands,” her hypersensitivity to Bethenny’s questions and half-answers prove she has no idea what she is talking about.

The opening lunch scene with Sonja also helps underscore the tone for the remainder of the episode: Sonja sucks.

Well, she sucks.  Sonja herself confirmed that.  But according to her, she doesn’t swallow.  In fact, changing the subject, she thwarted Bethenny's criticism with a conversation about her sexual preferences: “I don’t swallow, unless you have a black card.”

Later in the episode, Sonja invites Bethenny to meet the Sonja Brands team.  At best, the team is sketchy.  For every question Bethenny fires, they have no answer.  They can't disclose this.  They can't disclose that.  But don't worry, they "know people."

The meeting was so sketch, Bethenny even jokes, “I forgot I took a hit of acid before I came to their meeting.”

Sure, they don’t have to share trade secrets with Bethenny.  But Bethenny seriously banked on her personal business endeavors; she knows her sh*t.

Although she won’t disclose the full amount, Bethenny sold her Skinnygirl cocktail brand for a reported $100 million.  If Sonja's team were smart, they would consider Betheny's concerns and heed her advice. 

Sonja even ignored her other RHONYC cast members who have a hand in the fashion industry: Heather and LuAnn.

Bethenny argues Sonja failed to invite Heather and LuAnn to the Sonja Brands meeting because “she’s alienated the rest of the women.”  But it mostly seemed Sonja felt she had something to prove to Bethenny, in her typical self-indulgent way.

To date, she has a website with “pre-order now” items.   She also previewed a red plunging jumpsuit at New York Fashion Week.

However, Sonja has begun business endeavors before and abandoned them—a sexy book, a movie, a movie producer, a toaster oven…  So this website doesn’t mean much until the orders are filled.

One of the major questions so far this season is where is Kristen?  Five episodes into this season, Kristen has hardly made an appearance.

In the season premiere, she claimed her husband, Josh, was not as much of an a**hole.  Doubt it.

Last week, she was briefly shown complaining that Bethenny didn’t invite her to her birthday party.

Tonight, she was only shown for a few moments talking about her new fashion blog.  But otherwise, she has been non-existent or a wallflower while the other ladies steal the show.

After her marital problems were exposed last season, Kristen banned cameras from filming fights with her husband.  Since then, she has had little airtime.  This suggests they might be fighting more than Kristen is leading on.

Sources claim they are doing better, but without seeing her on the show it is hard to say.

There’s been no word about Kristen’s future on the show. But if she doesn’t step up the drama, it wouldn’t be surprising if this is the last season we see her.  Time will tell.

Carole finally fessed up to LuAnn that she is dating LuAnn’s very young chef, Adam.  LuAnn isn’t happy about this because Adam is LuAnn’s niece’s ex-boyfriend.

LuAnn seemed a little frustrated with the situation, but she ultimately said they will work something out.  We can probably expect this love triangle to bring more drama later in the season.

Until then, we will have to suffer through watching Dorinda’s greasy boyfriend grope the other housewives.  Yuck.

What did you think of this week's installment? Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and hit the comments below!

Nina Dobrev: Urged to Stay on The Vampire Diaries By Producers!

It may or may not have been fueled by Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed, but Nina Dobrev's decision to quit The Vampire Diaries was hers alone.

So says the executive producer and showrunner of TVD, Julie Plec, who reveals that she tried to convince Nina to stay on beyond this season.

Didn't happen.

"She was just looking forward to moving on with no hard feelings and no drama," says Plec of Dobrev leaving The Vampire Diaries this spring.

"This is taking the personal out of it completely, from a storytelling point of view it’s a great challenge. As writers we’re finding it very rejuvenating."

"Just on a strictly creative exercise level," of course.

“Nina said earlier this year that she wanted to be done and we spent a little bit of time trying to talk her out of it," Plec adds, though it was fruitless.

"[We’d say,] ‘Oh, look at all these great plans of how you can stay!’ And she finally was like, ‘No, I signed up for six years. I’ve done my six years."

"I’m ready to move on and spread my wings.'”

Did Nina quit because of Nikki Reed, the Twilight actress who got engaged, then married to Nina's former on-and-off screen love, Ian Somerhalder?

We may never know. (Read: Probably. There's no way that personal awkwardness didn't play some role, maybe even a big role ... right?!)

As for the fact that we learned of her departure a month in advance, Julie said she and Nina mututally decided to break the news on Instagram.

The creator was inspired by The Good Wife, which killed off Josh Charles’ character Will last spring in a plot twist that NO ONE saw coming.

"A lot of people had a hard time with that," she says.

"It was a beautiful shock, but there’s grief attached ... and I’m looking at Vampire Diaries, which is now six years deep, and it’s the main character."

"A lot of our audience [are] teenagers and there is a profound attachment to this character and show. I started looking at it from a fan point of view."

"I was like ‘We need to tell them that it’s happening before it happens.' You can’t just end the season and do what we’re going to do to this character."

"As a fan I would die. I would be devastated.”

Julie said that watching fans react to the death of Derek Shephard - with Patrick Dempsey fired from Grey’s Anatomy - has been eye-opening.

"It’s really funny because watching this whole Grey’s thing now happen after the fact," she adds, tellingly. "I’m like, ‘Mmmhmm, okay, interesting.'”

That's one word for it. Regardless of Dobrev's reasons for departing, we would say Julie and Nina played their cards just right in that sense.

Kylie Jenner Lip Injections: Konfirmed by Khloe?!?

Last week, Bruce Jenner came out and admitted that he is, for all intents and purposes, a woman.

Now, in a new sneak peek at this Sunday's Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode, Khloe Kardashian appears to spill a secret her half-sister has been trying to keep quiet for months.

Are Kylie Jenner's lips not as natural as the young reality star has so often claimed them to be?

Kylie has been posting close-ups of her large lips on Instagram for nearly a year now, denying at every opportunity that they are anything but 100% real.

She has simply said many times over that she uses cosmetics, NOT that she has undergone cosmetic surgery

It's all about how one uses lip liner to get the effect of plump lips, Kylie has argued.

But you may want to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online after this episode because Khloe appears to totally out her sibling as a liar.

At one point in the above sneak peek, Kylie runs over to Khloe in a panic and says someone just asked about her lips.

"My heart literally dropped," Jenner laments. "They were like ‘all this lip talk…how do you feel about it?’ I was like ‘uhhhh.'"

Later in the clip, Khloe straight up tells the camera:

“Kylie decided to plump her lips. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think if you’ve done something, though, it is right to cop up to it."

But Kylie goes on to say her plan is to never "confirm or deny" having any work done.

Except she's gone on to deny it over... and over... and over again. She's ordered people to stop talking about her lips.

And we totally will stop talking about Kylie's lips. As soon as she tells us the truth about them.

Leah Messer Checks Into Rehab: What For?

It's been more than a year since it was first reported that troubled mother of three Leah Messer is battling a prescription pill addiction.

Now, sources say the troubled Teen Mom 2 star is finally getting help.

According to In Touch magazine, Messer checked into rehab on May 3, following a tearful goodbye from her three daughters.

“She’ll be gone for a month,” a source close to Leah tells the magazine.

“She wants her girls to visit.”

As for the reports that Messer is seeking treatment for mental health issues and not for drug addiction, the insider claims that's a lie.

One propagated by Leah and her mother in order to protect Leah's reputation and save her from future custody battles with her two ex husbands.

“She’s still telling people she’s going away for therapy,” the insider explains. “They’re hoping her denial doesn’t stop her from making a fresh start.”

It was rumored that Leah was doing better in recent months and had made the decision to sober up and focus on her her children in the wake of her split from Jeremy Calvert.

However, recent events seem to have pushed the pride of West Virginia over the edge and back into the vicious circle of addiction.

First, Calvert filed for divorce in a move that reportedly blindsided Messer.

Shortly thereafter, it was reported that Jeremy had been cheating with Melissa Marie while he was still married to the mother of his daughter.

Messer has reportedly selected a treatment facility close to her home in the Mountaineer State, so that her daughters can visit frequently.

Miley Cyrus: I Engaged in Some Girl-on-Girl Action!

Miley Cyrus knows that she often shows off her breasts. She's well aware that her nipple is often available for public ogling.

But the singer tells The Associated Press in a new interview that she isn't trying to be a provocateur.

She's just trying to get your attention. And then once she has it...

"The position I'm in, I feel like I've got a lot of power," Cyrus told The AP via phone, explaining how she is trying to use it:

"It's like, I know you're going to look at me more if my [breasts] are out, so look at me. And then I'm going to tell you about my foundation for an hour and totally hustle you."

Miley is referring to the Happy Hippie Foundation, an organization aimed at assisting homeless and LGBT kids.

In this same Q&A, Cyrus also makes a startling admission: NOT all her past relationships were "straight, heterosexual" ones.

She did not elaborate on the remark, but there's only one way to take it, wouldn't you agree?

To launch the Happy Hippie Foundation, Miley is unveiling a number of music video collaborations with artists such as Joan Jett and Ariana Grande.

The Backyard Sessions will be available on the foundation's Facebook page starting today.

The star also told Out Magazine that she can relate to Bruce Jenner to some extent.

She struggled a bit with gender identification when she was younger.

"I didn't want to be a boy," she said. "I kind of wanted to be nothing. I don't relate to what people would say defines a girl or a boy, and I think that's what I had to understand:

"Being a girl isn't what I hate, it's the box that I get put into."

This all puts a very different spin on some of Miley's unusual actions, doesn't it? Like how she just dyed her armpit hair pink.

"The pink pits are saying, 'Don't tell me what to do,'" the singer tells The AP.

"It's back to what I'm preaching in a way... I'm not just saying you be yourself and I'm going to go be Miley Cyrus. I'm saying I'm going to be my [expletive] self, too."

Stars Who Welcomed Babies in 2015: Kate Has Company!

These celebrities are proud parents - for the first, second, third or maybe even more times - following the births of their babies in 2015.

1. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are parents for the first time! Their inaugural bundle of joy arrived in early January.

2. Kate Middleton and Prince William

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Kate Middleton and Prince William welcomed royal baby princess Charlotte on May 2! (Somehow Kate looks like this having given birth that day.)

3. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

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Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel welcomed their first child, a boy named Silas, in April 2015!

4. Paulina Gretzky and Dustin Johnson

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Paulina Gretzky and Dustin Johnson welcomed their first child together in January 2015. Congratulations to the engaged couple!

5. Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra

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Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra welcomed their second child on New Year's Day 2015. They're keeping this one, a daughter Nova Reign.

6. Carrie Underwood

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Carrie Underwood had a major reason to smile in February of 2015: she gave birth to her first child! It was a boy named Isaiah.
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Robin Thicke Makes Out With 20-Year-Old Girlfriend on Plane, Pisses Off Other Passengers

It wasn't all that long ago that Robin Thicke was a hot commodity, adored by both fans and his doting wife, Paula Patton.

But oh, what a difference two years can make.

These days, Thicke and Patton are divorced, despite his many public, embarrassing efforts to win her back. (There's only so much philandering a girl can take.)

Add to that the fact that Thicke has lost millions after being sued by the family of Marvin Gaye for ripping off his one hit ("Blurred Lines") from the late soul legend, and it's hard to think of another star who's fallen so far, so fast.

But at the end of the day, Thicke is still rich (His dad is famed television actor Alan Thicke.) and still famous (for better or worse), which means there are still attractive young women who want to sleep with him, and the 38-year old dad apparently wants the whole world to know it.

Page Six reports that Robin and his 20-year-old girlfriend, April Love Geary, nearly had an angry mob on their hands when their in-flight PDA session prevented other passengers from boarding on a recent flight.

“He was standing in the aisle as people boarded, leaning over to make out with her,” one witness complained. “He was blocking the way. She was giggling. It was obnoxious. He was just like, ‘Oh, sorry.’ He knew he was being disruptive.”

Wow. It's annoying enough when you're stuck behind someone who's trying to cram a bag they obviously should've checked into the overhead bin.

Can you imagine being held up by a douchey celeb because he wants the world to see him makeout with his barely-legal girlfriend?

We're guessing the only reason Robin is still with is that all of the people he pissed off had just been screened for weapons.

Terrence Howard: Michelle Ghent Extorted Me with Penis Pics, Threatened Murder

Terrence Howard says his former wife Michelle Ghent extorted him and threatened to expose his genitals to this world unless he paid up.

Luckily for Ghent, Howard only fired this salvo via legal documents. His Empire alter ego Lucious Lyon probably would've just offed her.

All kidding aside, this ugly celebrity split is getting even uglier ...

Terrence is now re-married to Miranda Howard (pictured), but his divorce from Ghent has made news for a lot longer than that marriage lasted.

He's embroiled in a spousal support war with Michelle, who got five years worth of support for a union that only lasted a year - well above normal.

The actor says he agreed to that generous deal because Michelle Ghent extorted him, and he claims some of that alleged extortion is on tape.

Before she was flat-out threatening to kill Terrence Howard, the duo were bickering about the amount of support that the actor would pay her.

She threatened to release naked photos and videos of him unless she got what she wanted, he says, according to his attorney Brian Kramer.

Terrence says he secretly recorded her saying, "I can make a good $2 million right now ... you want to see your little d--k out there in front of TV?"

Moreover, Howard says he also has her on tape saying she will tell every woman in the world he gave her an STD ... and might murder his ass.

She supposedly says, "Trust me, you're f--king with the wrong person. You f--ked with me way too much. I will f--king bury you deep in the ground."

The long and short of this? In making these claims, Terrence wants the judge to throw out the pact they made so he doesn't have to pay any more.

The spousal support settlement lasts for another year, and she'll continue to siphon a portion of his earnings as long as the deal is in place.

Given how many people watch Empire online, his earnings are likely to be huge in 2015-16, so there's a lot riding on the outcome for both.

Kylie Jenner Confesses: I Have Temporary Lip Fillers

Her slightly unnatural-looking pout has been a topic of debate for over a year, but now the Instagram Queen has confirmed what millions of fans already suspected.

Yes, it's official: Kylie Jenner has lip injections.

Earlier today, Khloe Kardashian confirmed the injections, but now, in a Keeping Up With the Kardashians preview posted online just moments ago, we're getting the news straight from Kylie's much-discussed mouth:

"I've had temporary lip-fillers," Kylie reveals in a voice-over. "It's just an insecurity of mine. It's just something I wanted to do. I'm just not ready to talk to reporters about my lips yet, because everybody always picks us apart."

For that reason, Kylie lies to the interviewer in the clip, insisting, as she has for months now, that she's a master of using lip-liner to create the appearance of a trout pout.

"I might have tiptoed around the truth, but I didn't lie," Kylie says, likely unaware that her confession would be played over video of her flat-out lying to a reporter.

Kylie's lips have been such a topic of fascination for her teenage fans, that they recently inspired the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, in which teens plumped their lips by sucking on bottles or shot glasses, and then posted photos of the results online.

"I want to admit to the lips, but people are so quick to judge me on everything," Kylie says, possibly alluding to rumors that she's undergone other cosmetic procedures

As for whether or not Kylie has had any other work done, well...it looks like her lips are sealed. For now, it seems 17-year-old reality star won't confirm or deny going under the knife, and we imagine she'll keep mum on the topic for quite some time.

Kurt Cobain: Footage of Rocker Holding Infant Daughter While High on Heroin Outrages Fans, Family

The highly-anticipated Kurt Cobain documentary Montage of Heck premiered on HBO this week, and while the incredibly intimate portrait of one of the rock wold's most damaged souls has received mostly positive reviews, it seems one particular scene made an unfavorable impression on many of Cobain's fans, as well as his surviving friends and family.

The scene in question shows Cobain visibly high on heroin and nodding off while holding his infant daughter for a haircut.

Yeah, it's looking more and more like the world shouldn't have been so quick to judge Frances Bean Cobain's recent harsh comments about her famous father. 

In the above video, director Brett Morgen explains his decision to keep the controversial scene in the film, despite protests from Kurt's mother and sister.

"I thought it was important. I thought that without it, the film might have become a little too romantic, in a sense. Everybody knows Kurt was associated with heroin, but we've never really seen that face of it,

"That scene is not about Kurt on heroin, entirely. It's about the battle being raged inside of him between the love he has for his daughter and his addiction. What's so tragic in that scene is you sort of see how the addiction is winning."

Morgen says Cobain's family was "furious" when they learned that the footage would be included in the film's final cut, but that he decided to include it as a way of de-romanticizing the Nirvana frontman's addiction.

Well, whether you agree with Morgen's decision or not, there's no denying the impact that that particular portion of the film has had.

When you have a scene in which Courtney Love talks about driving Cobain to suicide through her desire to cheat on him, and that's not the scene that's got everyone talking, you know the sad image of a drug-addled Kurt and his tiny daughter packed one serious emotional punch.

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