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Fifty Shades Darker: First Teaser!


Attention, movie fans. We have a very simple question for you:

Are you ready for something for darker?

Actually, Jamie Dornan has this question for you, as the actor is back as the character of Christian Grey in the first teaser for Fifty Shades Darker.

The wildly-anticipated sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker will be released on February 10, 2017.

In the brief footage above, we see Christian putting on one of his suits and a masquerade mask, the same mask Dornan is rocking in the first promotional photo for the film, which came out earlier this month.

Dakota Johnson’s Anastasia Steele is nowhere to be found in the trailer, unfortunately.

It's worth noting, meanwhile, that Fifty Shades Darker does not even have a script yet. But author E.L. James’s husband, Niall Leonard, has been hired as screenwriter.

Fifty Shades Darker also lacks a director, as Sam Taylor-Johnson - who was behind the first movie in this franchise - will not return for future installments.

But, hey, we bet Fifty Shades Darker has a lot of nudity! And we're pretty certain that's all anyone really cares about when it comes to these films.

Amber Portwood Defends Matt Baier: People Change! We're in Love! IDC if He's Old!


Amber Portwood is sick of Teen Mom fans making fun of or criticizing her new fiance Matt Baier, and is taking to Twitter in her man's defense.

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier Photo

Reports that she accused Matt Baier of cheating appear to have been short-lived, but claims that he's using her for fame and money persist.

Tired of followers' tweets to the effect of “he’s so old” or “he probably is a creep" or "he's an ‘ex’ drug user" or "opportunist,” Ambs fired back.

“Wth yes he was an addict just like me,” she Tweeted Thursday.

That doesn't mean it's a strike against him. Ditto his age. Portwood writes, “The mans body is niiice lol he can be 30 years older idc. love not hate <3”

Amber is 24 and Matt is 43, which is sure to raise some eyebrows; some have even suggested they're faking their engagement for Teen Mom.

Not the case, she insists; age is just a number, and as for Matt's past, well, she's not exactly one to judge, so why should anyone else be?

"Me and @mattbEPT both have rocky pasts," she writes.

"im not an angel and theres a lot of things were not proud of," Ambs acknowledged to her fans, "but people change and were in love <3"

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know the past she's talking about, and how it landed her in state prison for 17 months on drug charges.

As for Baier, he's been arrested for writing bad checks, DUI and assault ... and is also a Teen Mom superfan who also hollered at Jenelle Evans.

Rumors, speculation and haters aside, the duo reportedly plans to marry in a “very private” wedding in her native Indiana within the year.

Think they'll make it to the altar? Comment below ...

Kylie and Kendall Jenner: Fighting Over Fashion Show?!


As you probably know, the Kardashian family fancies themselves gods among mere mortals in the worlds of fashion and trend-setting.

Kendall's modeling career is taking off. Kylie's look inspires teens to mutilate their faces. And, of course, Kim is releasing a book of selfies, and hard is it may be to believe, people will actually buy it.

But while the ladies of the Kardashian-Jenner clan vie for the title of She Who Can Make the Masses Spend The Most Money on Worthless Crap, Lord Yeezus watches the proceedings from on high and decides who shall reign supreme.

Kanye West Dancing
Kylie and Kendall Jenner Share a Moment

It seems that sometimes Kanye even likes to pit the sisters against each other for his own amusement, as he did at the most recent New York Fashion Week, when he bestowed his grace upon young Kylie...then totally burned her by making her wear a fugly outfit.

If you saw Kanye's weird Fashion Week exhibit, you know that he dressed a bunch of models like homeless people and made them stand around on stage for an hour.

Kanye West for Style

One of those models was Kylie, and she apparently freaked out when she saw what she had to wear.

Kendall basically told her to shut up and know her place, and Kylie wasn't havin' it, yo.

“[Kylie] exploded, yelling, calling Kendall a know-it-all and to back off,” a source tells OK! magazine.

“The whole place fell silent. She went on sniping that Kendall was only there to mess with her head and she accused her of being jealous and trying to keep Kylie out of modeling.

The witness claims Kendall then doubled-down and made fun of Kylie's plastic surgery.

"Kendall thinks Kylie looks ridiculous and she doesn’t hold back from telling her so. She also thinks it’s grotesque that Kylie has had so much work done particularly at her age,”

Now, this sounds like the kind of fight that could totally happen between two competitive sisters who have both built careers on their looks, but sadly, we just can't buy it.

New York Fashion Week was back in February, y'all! Do you really think a  KJ vs. KJ throwdown in front of dozens of peasant witnesses could've stayed under wraps for this long?

We doubt it, considering we live in a world where Kylie takes a picture of her butt and it's international news.

Toya Graham: Baltimore Riots Mom Says Oprah Gave Her Props!


If you've been watching the coverage of the terrifying situation in Baltimore, than you may have caught one of the few amusing tidbits amidst all the devastating chaos and destruction.

On Tuesday, we had the protester broke who into a Michael Jackson dance routine. Wednesday gave us the surreal silence of an Orioles game that had been closed to the public for safety reasons.

But the moment that seems to have grabbed the most media attention (We won't weigh in on the debate over whether the press' focus should be on more important matters.) is the encounter between and angry mom and her protesting son. 

As you can see, news cameras caught Toya Graham doling out an ass-whupping to her son, as only an angry mom can.

Toya's decisive action certainly got her son out of harm's way (at least until she got him home), and now it looks like it may have paid off in more ways than one.

TMZ cameras caught up with Toya and her son fresh from a taping of The View today, and it seems Ms. Graham went from swinging on her son to rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.

There you have it. When Oprah gives you the thumbs-up you know you did the right thing. Just remember, all you moms of rebellious teens: these were special circumstances! Do not try this at home!

Taylor Swift Fans Fold 1,989 Paper Cranes in Honor of Idol's Sick Mother


No celebrity does more for her fans than Taylor Swift.

Incredible case in point: the singer once paid off a woman's student loans.

So it's only appropriate that a couple of fans have paid Swift back... and what a way in which they have paid Swift back!

Meet Salt Lake City residents Sam and Jo Brady. The little girls started folding paper cranes a few months ago because Japanese folklore says this allows one to be granted one wish.

In honor of Taylor's smash hit album, Jo and Sam actually folded 1,989 cranes - but then they changed their wish from tickets to a Taylor Swift concert to something far more important and profound.

Once the 11-year old and 8-year old learned that their Swift's mother had been diagnosed with cancer, they decided to use their gesture to wish her well instead.

“We thought that we should probably wish for her to get better and kick cancer’s butt,” says Sam in this home video, addressing her idol and adding:

“My mom will be shipping the cranes to you to give to your mom.”

How amazing is that?!?

We then see 1,989 paper cranes get dropped on to the heads of these selfless children.

Who, we're just guessing here, will end up receiving tickets to a Taylor Swift concert from Taylor herself once she sees this video. We love it.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 20 Recap: Cure... All?


The Vampire Diaries isn't exactly heading into its Season 6 finale with a great deal of momentum.

Does anyone out there really care whether or not Damon takes The Cure?

It feels like a contrived storyline because we know Nina Dobrev is leaving, so making her human (as actually did take place on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 20) was the easiest way for the show to go about it

Now Elena can either die (which would be awesome, giving Damon quite the guilt complex heading into Season 7) or simply leave Mystic Falls to start a new life elsewhere (by far the most likely scenario).

Delena... Forever?

But Damon? Come on. We know he won't take The Cure and hearing him constantly express his love for Elena has grown very old.

Moreover, this story has been done before. The series itself even acknowledged that fact via flashback tonight.

So, no, we can't say that Damon suffering through some kind of existential crisis is edge-of-your-seat, season-ending suspense type of stuff.

Lily Salvatore has been a solid addition, however.

Her disdain for Stefan is fascinating to watch, as it both tugs at our heartstrings (poor Stefan) and also makes us scared for what sort of wrath she and her Heretic friends have in store.

We all know Kai will somehow lead them out of 1903 (after they finish his delicious breakfast, that is).

As for Alaric and Jo, Matt was right even before the latter learned she was having twins who would become the target of his her coven: they have no reason to stick around and every reason to leave.

Go someplace far away, Alaric, Protect your family.

We'll see the marriage actually take place on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 21 (teased below), though whether these two will live happily ever after is anyone's guess.

So, you tell us, TVD fans: do you care about The Cure storyline? Are you excited for Kai's return? And should Season 7 be it for this show?

May Day: 9 Celebrities You've Never Heard of But Are Named After This Awesome Month!


May Day, celebrated on May 1, is a great excuse to honor an a-MAY-zing month and the famous celebrities who have taken it for their name.

Okay, maybe "celebrities" is a stretch. But it's a slow news day, so here goes!

May Day stems from an ancient spring festival that's taken on a variety of meanings in various cultures in the past couple of centuries.

For what it's worth, today is exactly half a year from November 1, which like May Day was long ago thought to carry celestial significance.

Historians believe that the origins of May Day date way back to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night.

We have no idea what that means, either. Point being: Long ass time ago.

Whatever its origins, it's the start of a new month, the advent of (hopefully) warmer weather and a hell of an excuse to rep all things May.

Big shout out to the five-one-one-five!

Pretty Little Liars Season 6: First, Frightening Promo!


Are you prepared for the Summer of Answers?

ABC Family has unveiled the first trailer for Pretty Little Liars Season 6 and it doesn't just have us excited for new episodes of this beloved drama.

It has us downright frightened!

Hold on to a friend and see what we mean by clicking Play right now:

The promo promises to put an end to all of A's games, providing viewers with more answers than ever before.

How did Mona get separated from the pack, for instance? Why is Aria rocking pink hair again? And is Charles actually, truly, for real A?

Because, let's face it, we've been tricked and teased a few times in the past regarding this rather key piece of intel.

Pretty Little Liars returns with new episodes on June 2 and, until then, we suggest you watch Pretty Little Liars online in order to make sure you are fully caught up.


Florida Man Arrested While Attempting to Cash $368 BILLION Check to Open Underwater Restaurant


Florida resident Jeff Waters was running a few errands yesterday when he unexpectedly found himself in police custody. His plan was simple:

Gather up his usual accessories (bath salts, ninja throwing stars) and stroll down to the bank to cash a $368 billion check so that he could finally realize his dream of opening up the world's largest underwater Italian restaurant.

Sounds like a typical Thursday to us. Unfortunately, the police had other plans for Mr. Waters.

Jeff Waters, $368 Billion Check

Maybe it was the absurd sum scribbled on the check, or maybe it was the fact that Waters was "visibly high," but for whatever reason, bank tellers became suspicious of the simple transaction, and they alerted the local police.

Cops arrested Waters on the spot and after relieving him of his salts and stars, they took a statement from the would-be eatery tycoon that's pure, uncut Florida:

"It's always been my dream to open the best Italian restaurant in the earth," Waters told police. "I had planned to make the restaurant 80 million square feet and able to accommodate 30 million eaters at once.

"Plus, it was gonna be totally underwater so people could look at sharks while they ate. But the bank wouldn't give me my money they owed me."

Thanks a lot, bank! You've denied us all the eating experience of a lifetime!

Waters said he purchased the blank check from a homeless man who assured him that he could fill it out for any amount he wished.

Just goes to show that sometimes when you're engaging in business transactions with homeless people while high on bath salts, you tend to make bad decisions.

Is this story as good as the one about the Florida couple selling "golden tickets" to heaven? Or the one about the Florida man who had sex with a tree then attacked a cop with his own badge?

Tough to say. The only thing we know for sure is that we're eternally thankful to the great state of Florida for its endless parade of amusing, flakka-fueled news items:

Kylie Jenner Doesn't Know How to Do Laundry


Maybe I'm the reincarnated Michael Jackson.

So says Khloe Kardashian in the following clip from Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 8... and yet somehow the quote (and its related talk about witchcraft) is NOT what stands out the most about the footage.

Instead, the clip focuses on Kylie Jenner's plans to move into her own home, a movie Khloe and Kim Kardashian do not think will go smoothly.

Why not? Well...

Kylie doesn't know how to do laundry. She doesn't know anything about credit. She doesn't know to get earthquake insurance or flood insurance or fire insurance or rattlesnake fencing for her dog.

In short: Kylie Jenner has a lot to learn about life.

It's a good thing her totally grounded sisters are there to help (one of whom has a "pool table room" and the other of whom said it's imperative to find a "good gardner.")

Elsewhere on this Sunday's episode, Bruce Jenner will tell Scott Disick to get his sh-t together.

As if Bruce Jenner could be any more of a hero these days.

NOTE: Remember to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online via our friends at TV Fanatic any time you miss an episode or need to catch up.

Bruce Jenner: Sued For Wrongful Death By Family of Car Crash Victim


Back in February, Bruce Jenner was involved in a car crash that claimed the life of 69-year-old Kim Howe.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Howe's stepchildren have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Jenner for allegedly engaging in "careless and negligent" actions that led to the accident.


Sources say video of the accident shows that Jenner is solely to blame for the crash and while the amount of the suit has not been revealed, it's expected to be in the eight-figure range.

Howe's unnamed adult stepchildren reportedly had no relationship with her, and thus, it may be difficult for them to prove that they suffered financial damages as a result of her death.

There are conflicting accounts of the accident, and witnesses have been unable to agree on whether Jenner was speeding or not, but considering his fame and the fact that his car slammed into Howe's and caused her to careen into oncoming traffic, it's not surprising that he's the one who has been singled out by Howe's family.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is still investigating the crash, but it's unlikely that they'll uncover any evidence that fully exonerates Bruce.

As such, it's likely that Jenner will simply settle out of court in the interest of keeping the incident out of the headlines.

Courtney Stodden Sex Tape: Will it Start a New, Self-Pleasuring Wave?!


Just when we felt the celebrity sex tape well had at last run dry, along came (see what we did there?!) Courtney Stodden's self-pleasing effort.

NOTE: We never really believed it had run dry, but it's been awhile since we saw one of these ... and really, it's about time, are we right pervs?!

Granted, no one has even seen the Courtney Stodden sex tape save for Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch, and he doesn't even have the rights. Yet.

You best believe dude is working overtime to lock that down ASAP.

Hirsch told Fox News that the Stodden solo performance “came to us from a third party” and it's unclear “if the third party knows Courtney or not.”

“I have not been in contact with Courtney but I hope to be ... I have not spoken to her momager or her husband or anyone connected to Courtney.”

The incomparable Courtney Stodden, 20, is managed by her mom.

She is engaged to Doug Hutchison, 54, having married the actor at age 16 in 2011 and divorced him two years later, only to reconcile last summer.

It remains to be seen if her sex tape will see the light of day, but it seems likely, given that this is Courtney Stodden we're talking about up in here.

It also remains to be seen if this signals the end of "leaked" Farrah Abraham sex tape-style porn and the advent of wave of one-person sex videos.

Despite rumors of a Kourtney Kardashian sex tape floating around, the era of private footage hitting the web scandalously is all but extinct.

These days, it's all about raw, deliberate, shameless exhibitionism.

Hirsch said he's “going to move forward and try to distribute” the video, and if he does, you can expect a host of other celebs following in her footsteps.

Desperate, X-rated footsteps ... but still. Intriguing.

Kate Gosselin Sends, Deletes Bizarre Tweet to Followers: Where is Jon Gosselin Right Now?!


Just when we think things have simmered down between Jon and Kate Gosselin, the tension boils back to the surface, as it is wont to do.

At issue? Kate tweeting and quickly deleting a strange message about her ex that was probably meant for one person, not 245,000 followers.

NOTE: Those 245,000 people who follow Kate need to rethink life if they're doing so for any other reason than catching gems like this ...

Kate Gosselin Death Stare
Kate Tweets About Jon
DJ Jon Gosselin Photo

“I’m in 24 hour protection mode here,” the single mom tweeted. “Can you find out where Jon DJ’s tonight and tomorrow pm literally ASAP?”

This was approximately 12:30 p.m. today. It was quickly taken down.

No explanation was given, and Kate - who threw shade at Jon in an interview last month, but only subtly so - has not addressed the tweet.

She's made no secret of the fact that she thinks he's a deadbeat, who the kids don't even visit if they can avoid it, but this is out of left field.

Apparently Jon was as taken aback as anyone by the message.

He has “no idea” about any drama between the former couple, says an insider, who tells Radar Online, “he doesn’t know what Kate is talking about."

“She’s always up to no good ... Jon really tries not to think about that stuff. He concentrates on his kids, his music and his own life.”

Jon and Kate have been at odds since their 2009 divorce ... and probably a while before that, as she seemed like a beast to be married to.

Fans who recall the old school Jon & Kate Plus 8 days can attest.

Not that Jon Gosselin is some prize, or without fault, and not to rip Kate just because she's female ... but man, what a grating human being.

As for the "music" he's concentrating on, and which Kate referenced in her message, he's actually a working DJ in Pennsylvania these days.

(Jon may even run for political office, he says, which we strongly encourage him to do if at all possible, for the entertainment value alone.)

Again, it's not clear where he's DJing this weekend, or if Kate found out the answer to her desperate inquiry, or what "24-hour protection mode" means.

We'd grow eyes in the back of our head if we were Jon though.

Katy Perry Rocks Blonde Mullet: Love It or Loathe It?


Last month, Katy Perry debuted her "Kris Jenner" hairstyle on Instagram and it later turned out she was just pulling the lamest April Fools' prank ever.

So hopefully, the futuristic Blade Runner-redneck look that Katy is rocking on the cover of the latest Wonderland magazine is also hear idea of a joke. Is there such a thing as a May Day prank?

Katy Perry Blonde Photo
Katy Perry: Wonderland Cover

Obviously, Katy is wearing a wig here (we hope), but we still can't help but wonder why she thought this would look good.

Wonderland has a history of getting celebs to try out different looks for their photo shoots (Taylor Swift without bangs was one of their recent triumphs.) but we have a hard time imagining what they said to KP to convince her to try out this look:

"Haven't you ever wondered what Dolly Parton would look like as an assassin from the 23rd century? Now's your chance to find out!"

Don't get us wrong, we still wouldn't kick Katy out of bed, even with the feathery Rutger Hauer vides she's giving off here. We just wish she'd stop messing with perfection. 

Have you seen your boobs Katy? You really don't need to do special to grab our attention. You've already got it for life.

Bill Cosby: Reporter and Cosby Show Actress Accuse Comic of Sexual Assault


Two more women have come forward to allege that they were sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby, thus bringing the total number of accusers to forty.

In a press conference held by attorney Gloria Allred this afternoon, Lili Bernard and Sammie Mays both shared shocking stories about their encounters with Cosby at the height of his fame.

Bill Cosby Image

Bernard is an actress who appeared on one episode of The Cosby Show during its final season in 1992.

“After he had won my complete trust and adoration he drugged me and raped me,” Bernard told reporters today.

She claims that after he assaulted her, Cosby accosted her in a threatening fashion:

“As far as I’m concerned, Bernard, you’re dead," Cosby allegedly said to the actress. "Do you hear me? You’re dead, Bernard. You don’t exist, I never wanna see your face again. Now get the hell out of here!"

"I interpreted that as a death threat and feared for my life," Bernard said.

Mays told reporters that she met Cosby when she was working as a journalist in the mid-1980s. She says he invited her to his hotel room for an interview and then offered her a drink that had been drugged.

“The next thing I remember when I awoke, from my state of unconsciousness I seemed to have been drooling, and was sloppily slouched in the chair with barely the edge of my bottom in it,” Mays recounted today.

Mays says that soon after regaining consciousness, she realized that she had been raped.

Three more women accused Cosby of sexual assault last week and told tales that were remarkably similar to the ones tearfully recalled by Bernard and Mays this afternoon.

Cosby denied the allegations through a statement issued by his attorney when the scandal began back in November. Since then, he has been silent on the matter.

Cosby is scheduled to perform his standup comedy routine in Atlanta tomorrow night. The event is expected to be heavily protested.

Miley Cyrus Dyes Armpit Hair Pink Because Of Course She Does


We're really not sure why anything Miley Cyrus does surprises us at this point.

But the artist posted a series of photos to Instagram on Friday of what she deemed a “out party, flexing her muscles, giving followers a look at dyed pink armpit hair and wearing a pig’s mask at one point.

Because... why not, right? She's just being Miley.

Miley Cyrus Goes Pink

Earlier this month, Cyrus made headlines for showing off her armpit hair online, surprising many who were taken aback by the fact that Miley Cyrus has armpit hair.

This week has featured more of the basic Miley Cyrus Instagram pictures, however.

By which we mean Miley is doing Yoga and smoking a joint in one photo... while she's again getting high while flashing a nipple in another photo.

What do followers think of Miley's eccentric ways? One comment on the picture above sums it up very well:

"Omg you’re crazy and I f*king love it. Always be yourself, that’s bezzzt."

Kate Middleton, Prince William Welcome Royal Baby GIRL!


Kate Middleton and Prince William welcomed their second child a few hours ago, according to media reports and the palace's official Twitter.

The couple's Heir arrived in 2013. Now the Spare is here as well ...

... and it's a GIRL!!

Kensington Palace has announced the arrival of the fourth in line for the throne, after Prince Charles, William and Prince George, 21 months.

The royal Twitter (so hip) shared the following updates Saturday:

  • Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a daughter at 8.34 a.m.
  • The baby weighs 8 lbs 3 oz.  The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.
  • The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales & The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry & members of both families have been informed
  • Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.

With Kate Middleton in labor, she and William left George with nanny Maria Borrallo and headed to the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's hospital.

That was around 6 a.m. Royal Baby #2 didn't waste any time, did she?

Per royal protocol, an official birth announcement will be posted with the full details on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace soon.

In the meantime ... the palace just posted this on Twitter (so hip):

Royal Baby Twitter Announcement

It's expected that close relatives, like Kate's parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, and William's father Prince Charles will visit the hospital.

Following the celebratory formalities, the parents are expected to take their baby home to Kensington Palace, where Queen Elizabeth may visit.

Great grandmother Elizabeth, 89, has been monarch for 61 years!

Royal fans assembling outside the hospital are no doubt pining for a mini press conference just like the one William and Kate held to debut George.

The birth follows weeks of building royal baby fever, and is no doubt a relief to the 33-year-old Duchess, who was six days past her due date.

Now that the gender is known, the name should follow in the coming days; Kate Middleton baby name bets seem to think Alice is the pick.

Whatever they name her, CONGRATULATIONS!

Kim Richards: Staying In Rehab, High While Filming???


The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' perpetually troubled cast member, Kim Richards, can't seem to make up her mind about rehab.  

Even after NBC Universal executives, concerned she was high during filming, say her career on RHOBH is contingent upon completing treatment.

Kim Richards in NYC pic

Although reports have circulated that Kim wants to leave rehab to visit her dog, she claims she will complete thirty days of treatment.

Radar Online reported that execs at NBC Universal - parent company of Bravo - wants “Kim to stay in treatment for ninety days.”

But a source said, “Kim is insisting that she’ll be done with the treatment in thirty days.”

Kim was arrested for public intoxication and for kicking a police officer at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge on April 16.

Bravo executives have demanded Kim receive treatment.  And rumors state that Kim Richards has already been fired from the show.

Unfortunately, it seems that Kim is only in rehab to keep NBC quiet.  She doesn't even think she has a problem.  Because it is totally normal to get sh*t-housed and kick a cop...

The source also stated, “Kim still doesn’t think that what she did was really wrong and told her bosses that it was a ‘slip’ and ‘not a relapse.” 

A slip is a relapse, Kimberly.

“She said to them, it’s not like she was drinking every single day or something!” The source added. Fellow housewife Lisa Rinna thinks Kim Richards is a drunk, so she might beg to differ.  We all beg to differ.

NBC Universal executives are concerned that Kim was high during filming.

“The fact that she also confessed to smoking weed makes the executives think that she could have been high at times while filming this season’s show,” the source claimed.

There might be no proof that she was high during filming.  But often Kim seems completely out of it and unable to formulate a sentence.  I just assumed it was a low IQ. 

Maybe she’s just blazed?

Mark Wahlberg Places $250,000 Bet On Pacquiao-Mayweather Fight


The world hasn't been this excited about a sporting event in a very long time.

With the rise of fighting like MMA, boxing has taken a backseat. But boxing is making a dramatic comeback with tonight’s much anticipated Mayweather-Pacquiao fight. 

Mark Wahlberg Image
Mayweather-Pacquiao Poster

With remaining floor seats selling for over $300,000, reports have come in that the fight will bring in over $400,000,000.  And that doesn’t even include the money circulating from gambling.

Mark Wahlberg is joining in on the excitement about tonight’s fight with a quarter million dollar bet.

His $250,000 bet with P. Diddy is for a good cause. Mark put his bets on Pacquiao. If he wins, he is donating the money to charity.

The list of celebs joining Wahlberg at the fight is both selective and impressive with stars such as Robert De Niro, Clint Eastwood, Matt Damon, Michael J. Fox, Justin Bieber, 50 Cent, Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone, and Jamie Foxx.

Of course, this couldn't come without a little drama.  

Justin Bieber, who is attending the fight has a strange friendship with Floyd Mayweather.  And although he will be cheering on his friend from outside the ring, he started his own fight when Bieber told Selena Gomez to stay away from the boxing match.

He should take a lesson from Mark Wahlberg and P. Diddy.  Just watch the fight and make freaking charity bets.

I don’t have a $250,000 bet.  But I’ll join Mark and put my pocket change on Pacquiao too.

Blake Lively: I Want to Attend Harvard Business School!


With a new baby and buzzing career, Blake Lively has a lot going on.  

But Blake's responsibilities of motherhood and career aren’t slowing her down or deferring future goals.

Blake Lively on GMA

The 27-year-old actress recently shared with Britain’s Stylist magazine that she wants to go to Harvard Business School.

“I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School, and one of these days I will do that … in my spare time!” she stated.

LIvely is joining on the re-emerging conversation about women in the workforce.

“There are a lot of women in business, but they don’t get enough opportunities,” she said.  

She continued, “If you look at the facts, women spend the most on e-commerce sites, yet less than 30 percent of the companies that venture capitalists fund are female-driven, even though female-run companies are the most successful. Women connect with other women. So why are we are not looking at the numbers?”

In recent months, female celebrities have made explicit statements regarding contemporary women's issues.  Most notably, Patricia Arquette’s Oscars speech addressed the wage gap and women’s rights issues.

Blake Lively’s dreams of going to Harvard Business School fall in line with other female celebs who are balancing career and motherhood.  For instance, January Jones stated she is happy being a single mother while managing a career.

Rock on, Blake Lively.  Not only does the business world need you, but your enthusiasm and support is needed to inspire more women in the business sector.

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