Tuesday on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 3, Ramona and Bethenny hold dueling brunches, putting their co-stars in a tough spot.
It is a rare occasion that absolutely nothing happens on an episode of The Real Housewives of New York City.
Last week, the ladies kept the drama consistent when Bethenny Frankel and Ramona Singer got into a fight. And Sonja got on everyone’s nerves.
But this week’s installment was possibly the most boring in RHONYC history.
Like, really, nothing happened. The end result of every single scene was absolutely nothing.
The episode started off with potential for some good old-fashioned, housewives drama with the Battle of the Brunches.
It all began last week when Bethenny invited the girls over for brunch. Ramona, worried her friends would ditch her for Bethenny, claimed she also scheduled a brunch. She swore she sent out an email, but not a single person got it.
The ladies were divided into two brunch rivals. Team Bethenny: LuAnn, Heather, Carole, and Kristen. Team Ramona: Sonja and Dorinda.
Yes, you read that correctly. They are fighting over gourmet brunch, while people across the globe are starving to death. At least their priorities are straight.
Episode three opens up with LuAnn reading a text from Ramona: “Looking forward to seeing all of you at 75 Main for brunch.”
The brunch is supposed to start at 11:00, conveniently the same time as Bethenny's. Team Bethenny decides to do the right thing and plans on going to both brunches.
At Bethenny’s brunch, nothing happens. There’s a little sh*t talking about Sonja and Ramona, but that’s nothing new.
Criticizing Sonja, Heather says, “She has 10,000 things [going on]. She has nothing.” And she swears she can help Sonja focus her business endeavors.
Carole takes a Skinnygirl blender. Kristen calls their looting for Skinnygirl products “ghetto.” They eat bagels.
The end.
If this were a real life brunch I were at, this would be fine. But when I sit down to watch RHONYC, I want to see something more dramatic and ridiculous than my own boring life.
But at least the ladies ate at Bethenny’s. Because nothing, and I mean nothing, happens at Ramona’s brunch.
The other ladies are so late even Ramona says, “I’m getting a feeling the girls aren’t going to come.”
Team Bethenny shows up two hours late, already wined and dined from Bethenny’s gathering.
Dorinda leaves as soon as the Team Bethenny ladies arrive. Sonja departs shortly after to be with her daughter. And LuAnn states she has to leave soon too.
As Dorinda accurately explains, “No one showed up. There wasn’t any food.”
And with that, the Battle of the Brunches ceases fire.
The only part of the episode that promises anything exciting is the return of Kelly Bensimon.
Kelly left the show in season 4 with a great deal of unresolved tension with Bethenny. So when LuAnn runs into Kelly and brings her to the single ladies night out, there is hope for some drama.
Preparing us for the potential conflict ahead, the show even flashes back to Scary Island, when Kelly Bensimon had her infamous meltdown in St. John.
While in St. John, Bethenny and Kelly got into a major cat fight that sent Kelly into a full-blown breakdown and packing for New York.
Bethenny, who technically isn’t single but has been separated from husband Jason Hoppy for two years, arrives to singles night and is peeved that Kelly is there.
She confronts LuAnn because LuAnn “should have sent a text” to let her know Kelly was there. LuAnn briefly apologizes.
Nothing happens again.
Finally, when she approaches Kelly, it appears things are going to get good.
Is she going to finally confront the past drama she’s had with Kelly? Will she flip out in typical, obnoxious but hilarious Bethenny style???
Nope. Bethenny kisses her on the cheek.
And that’s that.
This episode did offer the audience more insight into the newest cast member, Dorinda Medley.
In the past two episodes, Dorinda seems down to earth, especially compared to her other cast mates. So far, she has been removed from any tension between the ladies.
However, her white privilege is just as unbelievable as it is undeniable, and her down-to-earth personality is quickly changing.
While she sits in a restaurant, she spots an African American man dressed in formal attire. Apparently, Dorinda thinks we still live in a world with the help, and she flags him down to order.
The problem is, he doesn’t work there. Just like her, he is a patron of the restaurant.
“It was the shirt,” she exclaims. A black man in a white, button-up shirt confuses her. Le sigh.
Leave it to the Upper East Side housewife to think the only reason an African American man would be in the restaurant is to serve her.
Not surprisingly, she doesn’t seem embarrassed. In fact, she admits she has done the same thing to a man in a wheel chair at the bus station.
At the end of the episode, the ladies spot Dorinda’s boyfriend of two and a half years, John, at the bar without Dorinda. Sketch.
He claims he is just there after wrapping up a business dinner.
We’ll see about that.
In other RHONYC news:
- Ramona’s got her groove back.
- Sonja is flirting with a 24-year-old.
- Bethenny is remodeling her new apartment.
- Dorinda likes shrimp salad.
You know, boring stuff form a boring episode.
What did you think of this week's episode? As always, you can watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and see the drama in its entirety.