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Jaden Smith Wears Dresses Now: Bold Fashion Statement or Desperate Cry for Attention?


Jaden Smith's last film (2013's After Earth) was one of the great flops of the 21st Century and his debut album (the obnoxiously titled, This is The Album) wasn't even a blip on the music industry's radar, but the 17-year-old son of Will and Jada remains in the public consciousness thanks to a never-ending social media-fueled assault of contrived weirdness.

It's for that reason that as much as we'd like to give him credit for using fashion to express his views on the obsolete nature of gender roles, we can't help but see his new habit of wearing dresses in public as anything other than the latest in a long line of pretentious stunts.

Jaden Smith Dress Photo

The Internet is currently losing it's mind over Jaden's choice of attire, and we imagine that's exactly what he wanted.

Bizarrely, this is not the first time Jaden's clothes have had the gossip blogs buzzing in 2015.

Back in February, Will Smith claimed that Jaden owns only one pair of shoes and five shirts, and social media exploded with photographic proof that the Fresh Prince is full of sh-t.

In a recent interview with Billboard, Jaden described his approach to fashion thusly:

"Einstein didn't really like to change clothes because he had too much other stuff to worry about and I'm the same," he said.

"All black is pretty much my go-to look. If somebody is just wearing something for the blogs, that's really sad because they're not living for themselves."

We guess he had a change of heart.

You may want to stick with your original wardrobe, Jaden. We imagine all black is better for stalking ex-girlfriends.

Jaden Smith Wears Dresses Now: Bold Fashion Statement or Desperate Cry for Attention?


Jaden Smith's last film (2013's After Earth) was one of the great flops of the 21st Century and his debut album (the obnoxiously titled, This is The Album) wasn't even a blip on the music industry's radar, but the 17-year-old son of Will and Jada remains in the public consciousness thanks to a never-ending social media-fueled assault of contrived weirdness.

It's for that reason that as much as we'd like to give him credit for using fashion to express his views on the obsolete nature of gender roles, we can't help but see his new habit of wearing dresses in public as anything other than the latest in a long line of pretentious stunts.

Jaden Smith Dress Photo

The Internet is currently losing it's mind over Jaden's choice of attire, and we imagine that's exactly what he wanted.

Bizarrely, this is not the first time Jaden's clothes have had the gossip blogs buzzing in 2015.

Back in February, Will Smith claimed that Jaden owns only one pair of shoes and five shirts, and social media exploded with photographic proof that the Fresh Prince is full of sh-t.

In a recent interview with Billboard, Jaden described his approach to fashion thusly:

"Einstein didn't really like to change clothes because he had too much other stuff to worry about and I'm the same," he said.

"All black is pretty much my go-to look. If somebody is just wearing something for the blogs, that's really sad because they're not living for themselves."

We guess he had a change of heart.

You may want to stick with your original wardrobe, Jaden. We imagine all black is better for stalking ex-girlfriends.

Nelly Arrested: Meth, Guns and Pot Seized on Rapper's Tour Bus


Early 2000s hip hop icon Nelly may have shed the blinged-out under-eye band-aid long ago, but it looks he and his St. Lunatics are still taking their lumps. Must be the moneeeey!

Nelly was arrested for heroin, weed and guns back in 2012, and a similar scene played out today when the 40-year-old rapper's tour bus was pulled over in Tennessee.

Nelly Mug Shot

TMZ is reporting that cops found crystal meth, guns and a small amount of pot on the bus, and Nelly was taken into custody.

The bus was stopped when officers noticed the absence a required Department of Transportation sticker.

They detected a faint odor of marijuana, and because that's apparently enough for Tennessee cops to conduct a full raid, the St. Loonies soon found themselves in deep shimmy-shimmy cocoa puff.

The meth rocks and weed are nothing to sneeze at, but the biggest threat to Nelly's freedom is the small arsenal cops discovered in the bus' sleeper area.

A .50 caliber pistol, a .45 caliber pistol and a .500 magnum Smith and Wesson were confiscated. 

Sources say Nelly was only booked for pot and paraphernalia possession, but he could be facing further charges.

The police report states that 100 small Ziploc bags commonly used for drug sales were also found on the bus.

We hope Nelly's one phone call was to Kelly Rowland, because this dude's got a serious dilemma!

Hillary Clinton to Run For President in 2016 Election: Watch the Announcement Now!


On Friday, we learned that Hillary Clinton would announce her presidential candidacy via social media this weekend.

Today, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state confirmed those reports when she took to Twitter to inform supporters that she would be seeking her party's nomination for the 2016 presidential election.

"Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times," Clinton said in a two-minute video announcing the official start of her campaign. "But the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top."

“Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion. So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote — because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me on this journey.”

Clinton expressed similar sentiments in an updated epilogue to her 2014 memoir, Hard Choices, that was recently featured on The Huffington Post.

“I’m more convinced than ever that our future in the 21st century depends on our ability to ensure that a child born in the hills of Appalachia or the Mississippi Delta or the Rio Grande Valley grows up with the same shot at success that Charlotte will,” Clinton wrote.

The comment refers to Charlotte Mevinsky, Clinton's 1-year-old granddaughter.

Clearly, Clinton hopes to portray herself as both a shrewd politician, a compassionate family woman and a friend to working class Americans.

Clinton is the odds-on favorite to receive the Democratic nomination (No other contenders have emerged as of yet.), but if she makes it past the primary stage, she's certain to face stiff opposition from Republicans.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul announced his candidacy last week, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz became the first to throw his hat into the ring back in March.

Both men are known for their firebrand polemics and their take-no-prisoners approach to election politics.

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1 Recap: Off the Rayder


Winter isn't the only thing coming to Westeros.

On Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1, viewers were teased with exciting character interactions to come, as individuals that have spent the entire run of this epic series apart will soon be coming together.

And no potential pairing is more intriguing than that of Tyrion and Daenerys.

Jaime and Cersei Lannister

The two most popular characters on Game of Thrones, Tyrion was smuggled away by Varys after putting an arrow in the chest of his father to close out Game of Thrones Season 4.

Dany, meanwhile, lost control of her dragons, literally losing one and locking two others away in a dungeon.

Struggling the control her new people, the Queen of Meereen was inspired by her lover on the premiere to once again become the Mother of Dragons, though that plan was met with resistance when said dragons attempted to roast the parent who put them away.

But she may be receiving assistance of a different sort after Varys told Tyrion that he came to his rescue because he wants Tyrion's help in installment someone truly befit to rule.

That would be Daenerys Targaryen... and that would be an enormous smile on our lips at the prospect of these two teaming up.

Someone decidedly NOT smiling on the opener was Cersei, who can't believe her "monster" of a little brother is still out there after all he's done.

She blames Jaime for setting Tyrion free and she guilt trips him enough (while standing over their father's corpse) that Jaime volunteers to do to Dorne and come home with their daughter, who is now in danger from those who are no longer scared of the Lannisters in the wake of Tywin's death.

And who are still pretty angry over the whole Oberyn-eye-gouging-out thing.


  • Stannis is making his presence strongly felt on The Wall.
  • He summoned Jon Snow for a meeting, praising him for his strength and requesting his held in convincing the Wildlings to help Stannis' fight for the throne.
  • This would require Mance Rayder to kneel down before Stannis, renouncing his rule, a proposition that didn't exactly sit well with Mance.
  • Mance turned Stannis down, giving the would-be king no choice (in his eyes): he burned Mance at the stake in front of everyone at The Wall, prompting Jon Snow to take action upon seeing the torture being inflicted on a man he admires.
  • He climbed up high and fired an arrow in Mance's chance, giving him a merciful death that likely won't make Stannis very happy.

And that's how Game of Thrones wrapped up a premiere that moved various pieces around and set up future alliances between characters who have never before even met.

We can't wait to see where it all goes on Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 2 next Sunday, "The House of Black and White."

What did you think of the premiere? Hit the comments below!

Kim Kardashian Names North's Godmother: Who Is It?!?


It has been a very busy week for little North West.

The toddler, who is approaching her second birthday, was whisked away by mother Kim Kardashian and father Kanye West for a trip to Armenia a few days ago.

Then, earlier today, Nori was flown to Israel and baptized at St. James Cathedral in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, with an insider describing the ceremony to E! News as “so special.”

North West in Sunglasses
Khloe Kardashian, Big Smile

As part of this religious rite of passage, of course, the parents name a Godmother for their child.

So, which famous family member earned the honor?


The source says Khloe took on this role during the baptism, while the priest acted as North's godfather. After everything went down, the entire family emerged from the church around 6:30 p.m. local time.

From there, Kim, Kanye, Khloe and North actually all had an "intimate" dinner with Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat at Mona Restaurant.

What was discussed during this meal?

West and the politician discussed the issue Israel, along with some of the lovely and historic things there are to do in the Holy Land.

As for why Kim chose Khloe over Kourtney to serve as Godmother? Come on. We have two words for you: Scott. Disick.

Marjorie Jackson: Who is Josiah Duggar's Future Wife?


Earlier today, the world learned that Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson are courting.

For those unfamiliar with the Duggars' strictly regimented approach to romance, courting is a bit like dating, but with far less physical contact and a much more certain outcome.

Josiah Duggar, Marjorie Jackson Photo

According to the Duggar courtship rules, physical expressions of affection are limited to "side hugs" and occasional hand-holding.

Also, barring some sort of major shake-up, Duggar courtships result in marriage. Josiah and Marjorie aren't engaged yet, but now that they've announced their courtship, they might as well be.

So who is this woman who will almost certainly become a Duggar within the next two years?

Well, despite only being 17, Marjorie describes herself as an author, singer and motivational speaker.

She recently spoke at something called the NWA Beautiful Girls Retreat, which, despite its name, is in no way affiliated with Dr. Dre.

The program for the retreat describes Marjorie as "the oldest of five wildly energetic, half-Guatemalan girls, all of whom are homeschooled."

When she was just 15, Marjorie published a Biblical study guide entitled The Greatest Book You've Never Read: Why the Bible is Not Only Exciting, But It Will Change Your Life!

The title is a bit awkward, but hey - all five Amazon reviewers gave it five stars. (Although one of of them is suspiciously named "Margery Jackson.") 

Marjorie and Josiah met when he began taking Spanish lessons at her house several years ago. They reportedly developed a romantic interest in one another during a recent missionary trip to El Salvador.

Watch 19 Kids and Counting online to relive Josiah's abrupt transition from boy to man.

Rebel Wilson Dons Angel Wins, Tells People to "THINK" at MTV Movie Awards


Rebel Wilson made viewers laugh and also made them think at the MTV Movie Awards.

First, the hilarious actress interrupted her Pitch Perfect 2 co-stars on stage because she wanted to tell the audience “something from my heart.”

Rebel the Angel
Rebel Wilson Butt Pic

Referencing a scene from the Pitch Perfect 2 trailer (in which her character of Fat Amy splits her pants and ends up flashing a giant crowd) Wilson got serious and said:

"Dear people of the world. I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize for my actions on the set of Pitch Perfect 2.

"In particular, the night I accidentally showed my girl power to the President of the United States. Yeah, by ‘girl power’ I do mean ‘vagina.'"

But Wilson then got actually serious backstage at the event, talking to reporters about her angel outfit and why the word "THINK" was emblazoned on the rear end.

It was meant to be a play off the Victoria's Secret brand "Pink."

“I think one of the good messages in [Pitch Perfect] is that you’re all beautiful and that sometimes girls will look at Victoria’s Secret models and think they have to model themselves after that, but I really don’t think that’s the best," Wilson explained.

Echoing a recent diatribe against thigh gaps by Demi Lovato, Wilson concluded:

"Even though they’re called models, they’re not the best people to model themselves after. I’d like to encourage other girls to think that way, which is why I put [the word "think"] on my butt.

"It’s about what’s up here [points to her head] and not what’s here [points to her bottom]."

Lindsay Lohan: Naked and Makeup-Free on Instagram!


Lindsay Lohan's Instagram account is often the source of some top-notch unintentional hilarity.

Lindsay's Photoshop fails have made the Internet a funnier place in recent weeks, and she still seems convinced that she's got the world fooled.

But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and even Lindsay Lohan occasionally posts an IG pic that goes viral because she actually looks good.

Lindsay Lohan: Nude, No Makeup

The pic above was posted this morning, and it's noteworthy for a couple of reasons:

For one thing, it appears that Lindsay is naked under those covers. She's pretty much completely covered up, but we're guessing if you stare at her freckles long enough, they turn into 3-D cleavage like one of those Magic Eye things.

Of course, Lindsay Lohan naked is like Subway - no one's really that crazy about it, but it's freakin' everywhere.

What's more important than the nudity here is that Lindsay actually looks healthy.

She's become the latest celeb to jump on the no makeup selfie bandwagon, and as far as we can tell, there's no re-touching here.

So that's the face of pure, unadulterated LiLo, and for the first time in years, there's nothing depressing about it.

We'd say something about how we hope this is a positive sign of things to come, but we know better than to jinx it. One healthy selfie does not a comeback make. 

65-Year Old Mother of 13: Pregnant with Quadruplets!


Move over, Octomom. And make room, unfathomably, for Annegret Raunigk.

According Germany's Bild newspaper, this 65-year old is over five months into a pregnancy that will yield her four children, a fact that would be stunning enough on its own... until one considers:

Raunigk is already the mother of 13 children!!!

Annegret Raunigk

Raunigk is also a grandmother of seven kids and gave birth at age 55 to her now-youngest daughter.

Thus far, the expecting mother of quadruplets is progressing at a normal and healthy rate.

"Any pregnancy of a woman over age 45 has to be considered a high-risk pregnancy; over 60, this is naturally extreme," Dr. Holger Stepan, head of obstetrics at the University of Leipzig said, tells to The Associated Press.

Stepan adds that the 65-year-old body is definitely not designed to carry a pregnancy, not of one child and certainly not of quadruplets," but Raunigk is defiant:

"How does one have to be at 65? One must apparently always fit some cliches, which I find rather tiring. I think, one must decide that for oneself," she told a German publication.

AFP reports that Raunigk is due this summer, which will reportedly make her the oldest mother to ever give birth to quadruplets.

Let's hope everyone comes out of it happy and healthy.

Mumford & Sons Disses Jay Z, Other Artists: What Did They Say?!?


Mumford & Sons are not thrilled with music service Tidal and the artists who've signed on with them.

They offered up a strong opinion regarding Tidal's subscription based music streaming service

Marcus Mumford Pic

In an interview with The Daily Beast, the UK folk band didn't hold back when Tidal came up in the conversation. Interviewer Marlow Stern described how the subject of Tidal was "greeted by a series of loud fart sounds."

The music streaming service, costing $9.99-$19.99, has the involvement of many high profile musical figures, including Jay Z, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Madonna, Jason Aldean, Alicia Keys, Jack White, Daft Punk, and Kanye West. 

Marcus Mumford explained the group's disdain for Tidal:

“We wouldn’t have joined it anyway, even if they had asked. We don’t want to be tribal. I think smaller bands should get paid more for it, too. Bigger bands have other ways of making money, so I don’t think you can complain. A band of our size shouldn’t be complaining. And when they say it’s artist-owned, it’s owned by those rich, wealthy artists.”

Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall was a bit more direct with his words calling the artists involved “new school fucking plutocrats.”

He also wanted to be clear that although they don't like Tidal, they aren't taking the same stance as Taylor Swift took against Spotify:

“We don’t want to be part of some Tidal ‘streaming revolution’ nor do we want to be Taylor Swift and be anti-it.”

“I don’t understand her argument, either. The focus is slightly missed. Music is changing. It’s fucking changing. This is how people are going to listen to music now - streaming. So diversify as a band. It doesn’t mean selling your songs to adverts. We look at our albums as stand-alone pieces of art, and also as adverts for our live shows.”

Mumford chimed in again, saying: 

“What I’m not into is the tribalistic aspect of it - people trying to corner bits of the market, and put their face on it. That’s just commercial bullshit. We hire people to do that for us rather than having to do that ourselves. We just want to play music, and I don’t want to align myself with Spotify, Beats, Tidal, or whatever.

"We want people to listen to our music in their most comfortable way, and if they’re not up for paying for it, I don’t really care.”

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Kardashian Ass on Instagram


If you've ever been to Kylie Jenner's Instagram page, then you know the girl is not exactly shy about showing off her assets.

Kylie's racy selfies are grade-A jailbait and her 25-year-old boyfriend Tyga has swallowed the hook.

Generally, she plays dumb and pretends she just wants to show off her latest hair extensions or her giant lips, and the cleavage is just incidental.

But today, Kylie isn't playing around. She posted this pic about an hour ago and didn't even bother with a caption:

Kylie Jenner Butt Image

Boom. Kylie's last name might be Jenner, but she's clearly rocking a Kardashi-ass.

Naturally, the photo sparked a new round of Kylie butt implant rumors but we think this is just a case of genetics finally taking hold.

When LeBron's kid started dominating on the basketball court, no one cried steroids. In the same way, Kylie should be allowed to claim her title as an Internet Booty Queen without people accusing her of stuffing basketball halves up her dress.

Besides, it's Khloe's butt that seems to double in size like the Grinch's heart every time you look at it. Let's all agree to stick with accusing her of butt implants, mmm-kay?

Look, there are a lot of Kardashians and too many cosmetic procedures. Rather than accusing all of them of getting everything done let's just keep it simple:

Kylie=Lips; Khloe=Butt; Kim=Unibrow; Kourtney=Episiotomy; Kendall=We're not really sure. Leg extensions? We'll think of something. 

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs Get Cozy at Coachella


Robert Pattinson and fiance FKA Twigs hit up the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival this past weekend in Indio, California.

The couple enjoyed themselves while being surrounded by other celebrities, including Katy Perry, a long-time pal of the former Twilight Saga star.

Pattinson and FKA got engaged, of course, after only 6 months of dating.

Robert Pattinson at a Party
FKA Twigs Red Carpet Image

An observer told Us Weekly that the couple, joined by a group of friends, arrived Sunday night to a flurry of fans asking for photos. The pair eventually joined Perry and her massive entourage as they all danced. 

The source described how adorable Pattinson was with FKA: "It's really funny watching Rob try to dance, but, FKA clearly knows what she's doing!"

"Rob had his arms wrapped around FKA, kind of cradling her. He really seems obsessed with her!"

Pattinson, 28, was spotted the previous night supporting FKA, 27, as she took the Coachella stage to perform. They then attended Jeremy Scott's Moschino house party along with Perry. 

Pattinson and FKA (real name Tahliah Debrett Barnett) began dating last fall before their engagement was revealed on April 1st by T-Pain in an interview.

After the slip, he claimed it was a joke, but it only took a couple days for the news to become official. 

Tori Spelling: Hospitalized After Freak Accident


Tori Spelling was rushed to the hospital last week after falling and burning herself on a grill at a Benihana restaurant in LA.

Tori Spelling Benihana Photo

Spelling tweeted the above photo just before the Easter Sunday accident. "At Easter lunch with my amazing family and extended family," she captioned the pic. 

Witnesses say Tori was leaving the restaurant when she "fell backwards" and landed on a hot grill, badly burning her right arm.

The actress and reality star reportedly "shouted in pain," but it was not until later that she realized how serious her injuries were.

Onlookers say Spelling was spotted inspecting her burns outside of the restaurant, but she did not appear to be in any serious pain.

When her husband Dean McDermott took her to a nearby hospital, however, Spelling was informed by doctors that she would need to undergo several skin grafting procedures.

Entertainment Tonight reports that the process has already begun, and Spelling will be in and out of the hospital all this week.

Oddly enough, Tori has a long history of misfortune at the popular hibachi chain restaurant. Benihana is the first place she was spotted without her wedding ring at the start of the Dean McDermott cheating scandal.

Tori's health problems have made news several times in the past year. In October, she was quarantined for a mysterious illness that she never publicly explained.

Some sources in her inner circle say Spelling's eating disorder is to blame for her failing health, while others have accused her of faking her illnesses in order to add drama to her reality show.

Justin Bieber: Put in Chokehold and Kicked Out of Coachella!


Justin Bieber may be trying to clean up his act, but it seems the embattled singer is having some difficulty staying out of trouble.

Justin attended the Coachella music festival over the weekend, and it initially looked as though he enjoyed an uneventful good time.

Bieber hung with Kendall Jenner throughout much of the festival; witnesses spotted him rocking out in the crowd, and everything appeared to be drama-free.

Moments ago, however, TMZ posted a video of Bieber being put in a chokehold and forcibly removed from the performance area by security.

Insiders say Bieber was attempting to get backstage during Drake's performance when he was stopped by festival security.

An argument ensued as Bieber and his team demanded to be allowed into the artists' area. Witnesses say Justin insisted that he had been personally invited by Drake.

Strangely, a Coachella staffer was reportedly in the process of escorting Bieber backstage when security staff came up from behind and placed him in a chokehold.

Bieber left the performance area quietly and was then instructed to leave the festival grounds. He did so peacefully. 

This latest dust-up comes on the heels of news that a warrant was issued for Bieber's arrest in Argentina.

Sources close to the singer say that he plans to take legal action against the security guards involved in the incident

National Lampoon's Vacation Photo: The Griswolds Are Back!!


It seems Hollywood can't get enough of their remakes and reboots! 

A promotional photo has been released of the eagerly awaited reboot of National Lampoon's Vacation. This time around, the film will be simply titled Vacation

Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo are reprising their roles are Clark and Ellen Griswold, roles they first took on in the original 1983 film. Here's the pic!

Promo Photo For National Lampoon's Vacation Reboot

The original movie followed the Griswold's on a cross-country round trip to the Walley World theme park. Of course the trip went anything but smoothly.

In the reboot, Ed Helms takes over as Clark and Ellen's son, Rusty (originally played by Anthony Michael Hall), and he wants to take his family on a similar trip to a theme park. 

Christina Applegate is taking on the role of Rusty's wife, Debbie. Not pictured is Leslie Mann, who will be playing Rusty's sister Audrey (originally played by Dana Barron). 

This new Griswold adventure is being co-directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein, who helped co-write the comedy Horrible Bosses

Vacation is hitting theaters July 31. In related, random reboot news:

Everything that's old is new again.

Kylie Jenner: Khloe Kardashian is More of a Mom to Me Than Kris Jenner!


Yesterday, Kylie Jenner flaunted her Kardashian ass on Instagram, and today, we're realizing that there was more to the gesture than we initially thought.

This wasn't just some run-of-the-mill social media booty shot.

No, this was Kylie's way of expressing sisterly solidarity and saying to the world, "Hey, I may not have an Armenian dad, but I could rock a giant, exotic badonkadonk just like Kim and Khloe."

Kylie Jenner Turquoise Hair Photo

Just in case that wasn't clear from a single photo of a butt, Kylie decided to come right out and say it in a recent interview in which she both praises her famous sisters and puts her always-desperate momager on blast.

"I'm closest with Kendall, I spent every second with her growing up," Kylie tells Grazia magazine. "After that, it's probably Khloe. Khloe is more of a mom to me than my own mom. My mom is all about being best friends."

Of course, for as much flak as she takes for focusing more on her kids' careers than their development as human beings, none of the other kids ever publicly complained too much about Kris.

So is she really a bad mom, or is this just a case of Kylie being 17?

If you watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 5, then you know that Kylie and Kris butted heads like crazy, and the they were pretty much both equally to blame for the strain in their relationship.

So let's not all line up to rag on Kris just yet. Or, let's do exactly that, whatever. We're sure she sucks for a whole bunch of reasons that Kylie doesn't even know about. 

Bethenny Frankel on Terry Dubrow: He's A Dumbs--t Doctor!


Bethenny Frankel of The Real Housewives of New York City isn't just fighting with her ex-husband Jason Hoppy or her fellow cast members these days.

Her latest feud has gone bi-coastal, out of The Big Apple and into Orange County.

Monday on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live, Dr. Terry Dubrow, husband of The Real Housewives of Orange County star Heather Dubrow, criticized Frankel's weight.

It did not go over well.

When asked which housewife he would want to fix up on his E! plastic surgery reality show Botched, Dr. Dubrow set his sights on Bethenny.

“I would put on Bethenny and just feed her a little bit: She looks amazingly pretty [and] natural, but just a little skinny girl for me,” Dubrow said.

Noticing a tinge of hypocrisy, producer-host Andy Cohen reminded Dubrow that his own wife Heather is quite thin. To that, Dubrow responded:

“I think my wife has a little more muscularity going.”

Bethenny Frankel’s weight has been a frequent subject of scrutiny; recently, she publicly disclosed her weight and even admitted that she is sometimes too thin.

Some of the harshest criticism about her weight came after she photographed herself wearing her 4-year-old daughter’s pajamas ... which was interesting.

In any case, Bethenny’s claws came out on Twitter:

“Who is dr dubrow & what happened?" Frankel wrote when she heard the comments. "Some dumbsh*t [M.D.] [talking about] what he doesn't know?"

Andy Cohen took some heat from Frankel too. Bethenny added on her Twitter post: "What is Andy Cohen, sh*t [stirring] pretending it was innocent? Or both?"

No matter how Dubrow answered the question, it was going to cause drama.

After all, these people are on The Real Housewives. But Terry should let Bethenny be the judge of her own weight, don't you agree? Sound off below ...

Chris Hemsworth: My Kids Gave Me the Trip From Hell!


Chris Hemsworth stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Things got more interesting when Hemsworth opened up about his three kids with Elsa Pataky. They may be adorable, but they're not the best travel companions.

Hemsworth described an unpleasant family trip: "We actually flew from Australia to London the other day, and door-to-door, it's about a 30-hour trip." 

The Aussie actor added, "It was it was kinda like the trip from hell."

"They were all sick and literally took it in turns to scream."

"Like one would kind of do it and look over and say, 'I'm done. You want a turn?' 'Yup.' Ahhhh! And the whole cabin was yeah wanted to kick us off."

Hemsworth and Pataky, who married in 2010, are making it work despite such challenges. They have one girl, India, and twin boys, Tristan and Sasha. 

People's Sexiest Man Alive explained how there wasn't much he could do about his children disturbing other passengers: "I don't know what people expect. Put them in a suitcase or something?" 

DeGenerous made a brilliant suggestion: "There should be a flight just for babies, don't you think? Like if there was just a plane. It flies right along side of the other plane."

Hemsworth was on board with the idea saying, "And you can just wave."

Avengers: Age of Ultron​ opens in theaters on May 1. 

Danielle Anderson: Dating Adam Lind For Some Reason!


Adam Lind and his awesome track record - DUIs, car crashes, restraining orders and two baby mamas - weren't single and ready to mingle for long.

The Teen Mom 2 tormentor and father of two already has a new girlfriend in Danielle Anderson, a 26-year-old South Dakota with two kids of her own!

Adam Lind, Kid

Anderson says she Lind, the father of Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska’s 5-year-old daughter Aubree, in March 2014, after she'd separated from her husband.

The two started a friendship, and the rest is (head-scratching) history.

“People don’t see what I see,” Danielle Anderson tells Radar.

“I see him as a person who is ready to settle down.”

“I was going through a lot of marital problems, and I turned to Adam. [He opened up] about what’s going on in his own life, which I could relate to. We just clicked.”

Months later, the platonic relationship became physical. After a brief period in which Adam Lind was single, the got together last month as a couple.

It's already serious, too. When her 7-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son finish school in June, Anderson plans to move in with Lind in Sioux Falls.

“We are making sure we have a plan for everything,” she says of Chelsea Houska's ex. “He wants that family life. That’s what I think he sees in me.”

And not what he saw in his previous two baby mamas, apparently.

In addition to squaring off with Houska, 23, over custody of daughter Aubree, he's fighting Taylor Halbur, 25, over child support for their daughter Paislee, 18 months.

Then there's Jessica Nicole, 33, who filed for a restraining order against him, claiming he assaulted her and threatened her life (and cheated on her).

“People make mistakes,” Anderson says of her class act beau.

“He has changed a lot. He’s been sober for two years, he has a full time job and a certificate for personal training. He wants to build a business.”

“We want our kids to know what it’s like to have a family.”

We'll believe it when we see it from Lind.

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