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Suge Knight: Rushed to Hospital Again!


It's may be a teensy bit tough to feel sorry for Suge Knight. Considering his very violent past and all. 

Still, during an arraignment for robbery charges, the former head of Death Row records was rushed from an Los Angeles courthouse back to the hospital for the second time Thursday.

According to TMZ insiders, he required medical attention for a stomach injury related to his latest shooting.

Suge Knight: Boss Photo

Knight was shot six times during a possible assassination attempt on Chris Brown at a West Hollywood club back in September. Now those injuries are slowing down his multiple legal proceedings.

He plead "not guilty" to murder, attempted murder and hit-and-run charges in a Compton court house a few weeks ago. He was then immediately rushed back to the hospital with chest pains.

Today, meanwhile, Knight was in court to face charges that he, along with comedian Katt Williams, stole a camera from a celebrity photographer. This time, he wasn't even able to make it to court before he was forced to head back to the hospital.

Williams will still be arraigned, but Knight will have to recover enough to be able to leave the hospital without nearly dying first. His lawyer, David Kenner, said that Knight has been complaining of stomach pain since Wednesday.

Knight is one of the most notorious gangsters of all time, with reported ties to the Bloods gang in LA. Aside from the accusations of murder, drug dealing and general gangsterdom, he's also been accused of holding Vanilla Ice upside down over a balcony!

Sadly, he can't seem to stay healthy long enough to defend himself in court. I mean, it could all just be heresy, false accusations, cases of mistaken identities and being in multiple wrong places and multiple wrong times.

But we'll never know ... we'll NEVER KNOW unless Suge Knight can make it into court.

And it's good for Knight to stay healthy, because he deserves to have to sit through a lengthy, torturous trial process before getting sent back to prison.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15 Recap: Mothers' Day


It's safe to say they saved the craziest for last on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15.

A bulk of the installment was dedicated to the funeral for Liz Forbes, which was perfectly well executed and emotional and everything, but come on.

This was a side character whose death should not have been such a significant focus of the show for so long.

But we get it: This is The Vampire Diaries Season 6. There are only so many stories to tell, only so many new villains to bring on.

So, fine. Liz Forbes is dead. Damon delivered a strong eulogy. Stefan realized he really does have feelings for Caroline and Caroline was oh so very sad.

Oh, and Matt realized he wants to be a part of something bigger, so he grabbed an application for himself and Tyler to train to be policemen.

And Kai took Jo's power because he would die otherwise, which meant the entire coven would die. Upon taking her magic, Kai learned something else about her sister: she's pregnant.

Alaric responded to the news with a proposal he had wanted to go through with earlier in the day and Jo said yes and... hooray!

So back to those final few minutes: Caroline admitted to Elena that she wanted to escape from her grief. She wanted to turn her humanity switch off. Elena begged her not to - and Caroline snapped her neck in response, fleeing the scene.

Back at the Salvatore mansion, Damon was greeted by a lovely sight for sore eyes: BONNIE! She escaped from the 1992 prison world AND the 1903 prison world, which is apparently a thing.

Just as she swooshed off to present day Mystic Falls, though, Bonnie very briefly came across a woman she had never seen before. She caught her on videotape and she showed this video to Damon.

Whoa. Huh?!? As you'll see when you watch The Vampire Diaries online, it was... Damon and Stefan's mother!

NOTE: The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 16 will be titled "The Downward Spiral" and does not air until Thursday, March 12.

Harris Wittels Dies; Parks and Recreation Producer Was 30


Sad and stunning news out of Hollywood tonight:

Harris Wittels, an executive producer on Parks and Recreation, was found dead in his home on Thursday afternoon. He was only 30 years old.

Harris Wittels image

According to law enforcement sources, per TMZ, Wittels was found passed out his couch and then pronounced around 1 p.m. local time.

Authorities seized drug paraphernalia at the scene and there were no signs of trauma to Wittels' body.

It is therefore believed that the producer, who had been to rehab twice and talked openly about his addiction issues, passed away of a drug overdose.

In addition to working on Parks and Recreation, whose series finale airs on Tuesday night, Wittels produced and wrote for Eastbound and Down and The Sarah Silverman Program.

He's also credited with creating the term "Humblebrag," even turning it into a coffee table book.

Wittels performed a stand-up routine in Los Angeles on Wednesday and talked of being clean and sober during his set.

American Idol Season 14 Episode 14: City of Angels


The auditions continue at the House of Blues as the journey to find the American Idol Season 14 Top 24 continues. 

Who made the final cut and who took a final walk home? Let's recap the night and find out.

American Idol Season 14 Judges at the House of Blues

Some guy named Josh Sanders whom we've never seen before this very minute walks into the room with the judges and finds out he won't be moving on in the competition which starts this night off in a weird place. 

Harry delivers the news and Jennifer says it would've been a yes from her. Harry thanks her for throwing them under the bus.

When we actually left off yesterday, Hollywood Anderson was awaiting his fate. He walks into the judges chambers with his guitar and says he was antsy in the waiting room. Keith says he gets it, Hollywood is a gifted musician, but this isn't his year. 

So that's two depressing reveals to start the night. And now everyone in the holding room is looking for a barf bag.

Joey Cook needs one. Bad. She gave an excellent performance at the House of Blues and covered an old song that sounded totally new again. Very well done, Joey! She seems barely capable of breathing, must less paying attention to the fact that the judges are calling her kiwi and telling her she's made it. She comes back out to the holding room and no one's waiting on her which is kind of sad, but she doesn't let that get her down.

Katherine Winston hopes to have a little of Joey's magic. She sang "Rhiannon" during the showcase and all I can think of while I watch her is American Horror Story Season 3. Katherine says she has no backup plan if this doesn't work out. All of her eggs are in this basket. And this basket is going to the Top 24.

With only three spots remaining for the girls, the tensions are high for those still waiting. Up next is teenager Maddy Hudson, who should never, ever, ever wear blue lipstick again. Or purple. Or whatever color that is. She has immense talent, but the judges want her to get a little more stage experience under her belt. It's a no for her.

Alexis Gomez took the note not to be a one trick pony and performed a song from The Band Perry half in Spanish for her showcase song. Quentin Alexander also took a risk. Keith tells Quentin that they want to put him in front of America to see what they'll think. Alexis finds out that her risk paid off too.

No stranger to the Idol holding room, Savion Wright talks to Ryan about where he is this year versus where he was the year before. This year he's full of positive vibes. He put a Bluesy little spin on John Mayer and if he can gruff up John Mayer, that's saying something. Keith wonders if he's up for the challenge and then says we'll be finding out. He's in!

Jaq McKenzie and Hunter Larsen get cut. Jaq was a tiny bit too theatrical for this competition.

Mark Andrew is 29 and this is his last chance, at Idol and music. He has a son and a wife and he's past the point of being able to chase the dream indefinitely. He sings "Take Me To Church" for his showcase and then makes the walk toward the judges. Harry tells him there are only 12 spots and that's a narrow margin and then wonders if he's different enough to stand out. Mark just kind of sits there and then Harry says he's in, "bro."

Hoping to swipe one of the remaining guys' spots is Trevor Douglas. He totally changes an Elvis song and it's pretty amazing what he's able to do to it. It sounds like a totally new song! Harry and Jennifer think it's crazy that he's only 16 and Harry says that it's also crazy that his House of Blues vocals weren't as good as some of his previous performances and then calls him unpredictable. But Trevor's getting a spot in the Top 24 anyway.

Emily Brooke has been singing since she was 9 (so, 6.5 years) and she took on Keith Urban for her House of Blues showcase. Jennifer tells her that the showcase showed the judges how many phenomenally talented people they have this year and she's one fo them but this isn't her year.

Nick Fradiani is also at the end of the line for Idol competition. He ditched the guitar for House of Blues and sang Train and within seconds of walking into the judges chambers Harry's welcoming him to the Top 24. 

Sarina-Joi Crowe is on her fourth time through Idol and she's never made it past this final round of auditions. She's hoping this will be her year as she makes the long walk to the judges. Harry says this year there are a lot of people who are in her lane and says that they are picking people who best represent that genre. She's one of those people. Finally.

Qaasim Middleton hoped to wow the crowd with more than just a song. His mom stayed up late sewing the final touches on his Michael Jackson-inspired outfit. His performance was a little nutty, but Jennifer loved it. (His mother is a total oversharer, btw. Her son is a virgin and she's menopausal.) Brooklyn is the in house, though, and Qaasim is in the Top 24. Keep Jax away from him or he wno't be a virgin for much longer.

Riley Bria and Ricky Dale Hendricks are the final guys in the competition. Riley has already played with Keith and Ricky does a mean Garth Brooks. At the House of Blues, Ricky ditched the guitar, but Riley Bria did his thing, playing and singing. Riley has the better voice for now, but with a little more practice, Ricky can be a star, too. Harry says that today, Riley's going to the Top 24. 

Only one spot remains in the 14th season of American Idol. Either Shi Scott or Jelly Joseph will take it. Before going on stage at the House of Blues, Jelly Joseph had a wicked case of nerves that sent her running for a trash can. Shi Scott channeled her inner rock goddess at the House of Blues and made her dad cry. 

Jelly says this has been the best opportunity of her life and Harry gives her props for representing their city. Shi says she didn't look at the judges at all while she sang because she was too spooked. 

Jelly got cut and Shi's moving on, but Jennifer says it doesn't feel right. There won't be a Top 25 this year, though. 

So, say hello to the official Top 24 of American Idol Season 14.


  • Michael Simeon
  • Adam Ezegelian
  • Clark Beckham
  • Daniel Seavey
  • Rayvon Owen
  • Quentin Alexander
  • Savion Wright
  • Mark Andrew
  • Trevor Douglas
  • Nick Fradiani
  • Qaasim Middleton
  • Riley Bria


  • Loren Lott
  • Lovey James
  • Adonna Duru
  • Maddie Walker
  • Tyanna Jones
  • Shannon Berthiaume
  • Jax
  • Joey Cook
  • Katherine Winston
  • Alexis Gomez
  • Sarina-Joi Crowe
  • Shi Scott

Two and a Half Men Series Finale: Did Charlie Sheen Show Up?


Two and a Half Men wrapped up an often-ridiculed, albeit wildly successful, 12-season run last night with a single word: WINNING.

But it was not uttered by former star Charlie Sheen.

Indeed, Two and a Half Men Season 12 Episode 15 focused entirely on the question of whether Charlie Harper is actually alive, an issue raised after Walden and Alan received an unclaimed royalty check worth $2.5 million for Charlie’s years as a children’s songwriter.

Two and a Half Men Finale Photo

Might those ashes in Walden's liquor cabinet somehow NOT contain Alan's ex-roommate?!?

The search was on, though it didn't end with a much-hyped cameo by Sheen. Instead, Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre actually showed up at the close of the hour to utter Sheen's one-word motto.

Then, a piano fell from the sky and crushed him like a bug, just as it crushed Sheen's Harper before him.

“I know a lot of you might be disappointed that you didn’t get to see Charlie Sheen in tonight’s finale," Lorre wrote on the episode's post-credits vanity card, adding/explaining:

"For the record he was offered a role. Our idea was to have him walk up to the front door in the last scene, ring the doorbell, then turn, look directly into the camera and go off on a maniacal rant about the dangers of drug abuse. He would then explain that these dangers only apply to average people.

"That he was far from average. He was a ninja warrior from Mars. He was invincible. And then we would drop a piano on him. We thought it was funny. He didn’t.

"Instead, he wanted us to write a heart-warming scene that would set up his return to primetime TV in a new sitcom called The Harpers starring him and Jon Cryer. We thought that was funny, too."

Elsewhere on a very meta finale ("It’s amazing you’ve made so much money with such stupid jokes," Ashton Kutcher's Walden said at one point), which you can relive when you watch Two and a Half Men online:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Stamos, Christian Slater and Angus T. Jones all stopped by as guest stars.
  • We learned Jake is happily married to a pole dancer in Japan and that he has kids.
  • Judith is alone, though happy, having received $100,000 from
  • Alan’s second wife, Kandi, is still a rich and famous TV star, while current fiancée Lyndsey was busy hocking her engagement ring at a nearby pawnshop. 
  • Berta chose to remain Walden and Alan’s housekeeper, content enough with additional funds allotted to her by Charlie. 
  • Walden ended up in new relationship with social worker Ms. McMartin, building a life together along with Walden’s adopted son, Louis.

So there you have it. What did everyone think of the Two and a Half Men series finale? Grade it now:

Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 12 Recap: Freak Show


Ready to get your freak on?

Meredith sure was on Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 12, anxious to fly to D.C. for some "emergency sex" with Derek, only for said emergency sex to never actually take place.

Why not?

After dodging many questions from Maggie, who was babysitting her kids and covering up for her every time Derek called, Meredith confessed that she simply never got on the place. She just “drove to one of those hotels by the airport.”

Initially too embarrassed to explain herself to anyone, Meredith eventually confessed the following to Alex:

“I don’t want to leave [Derek], but I definitely do not want to be with him right now.”

Elsewhere during another emotional hour, Ben’s brother Kurt collapsed while spreading his dad’s ashes in the woods.

Why were his estrogen levels high? Why did tests reveal his spleen was swollen? Because Kurt was going all Bruce Jenner on us, transiting into womanhood.

Ben took major issue with this, but Bailey recruited Jackson to treat Kurt Rosalyn by episode’s end, as she worked with Ben to accept his sibling’s decision.

In other sexy news, Dr. Herman invited Owen to try out her couch (if you know what she means), something Owen reported to Amelia in case it said anything about Herman’s tumor.

Amelia replied by asking whether couch-sharing between colleagues was frowned upon... and later showed up on Owen’s doorstep with a bottle of sparkling lime water. She left having received a whopper of a smooch!!!

Meanwhile, Callie was asking a hot guy to dance with her at the docs’ favorite bar. Way to go, girl!

You can also watch Grey’s Anatomy online to see Herman and Arizona finally bond, mostly over the former laughing about the latter’s crazy exploits (i.e. how Arizona had been married during her fling with Leah).

Finally, Richard was psyched to reunite with Catherine… until he suspected she was using him as an excuse to check in on Jackson and April. Does Webber have a problem with strong women?

“You’re gonna have to figure that out before we move on anywhere,” she told him.

And where is this show headed? To Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13, which airs on February 26 at 8/7c.

Scandal Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: Who Saved Olivia?


Our savior!

On Scandal Season 4 Episode 13, a familiar face from Olivia's past made a shocking return in order to rescue our favorite lead Gladiator from an ugly fate.

A Scandalous Confrontation

The installment opened with Olivia doing what she does best: manipulating a situation to her advantage and torpedoing a trade-off with Iran by using some Farsi to make both sides distrustful of the other.

As a result, Olivia ended up back on the auction block.

And this time, Huck, Quinn and Jake were able to get their bid, even scaring even the likes of ISIS (really!) away from the bargaining table.

When bidding closed, “Marie Wallace” was tied with the Russians - and since Olivia possesses the worst poker face at the totally worst times, the lead villain decided to go with the Russian conglomerate.

But then, with Cyrus having teamed with the CIA to terminate the threat to Fitz (i.e. Olivia) via a missile as soon as she’s given to the Russians, a last-second save:

Over the grainy satellite footage, Cyrus recognizes the man behind the winning bid: IT'S FINCH!!!!!!

Turns out, the Scandal Season 1 character played by Henry Ian Cusick was tracked down and summoned to the rescue by a desperate Abby, who knew he was chilling in St. Petersburg these days.

Olivia was mighty happy to see Finch, of course, but she first nabbed one of his guys' guns and shot her tormenter, a dramatic killing you can relive when you watch Scandal online.

Later at a helipad, the former OPA colleagues shared a warmer moment, where Olivia even offered him his old office back. But Stephen declined, explaining he’s happy where he is now.

“You saved me, and I never thought I'd have the chance to return the favor," Finch said.

Things later got heated (no, not like that!) at home with Fitz, as Olivia railing at him for declaring war over one person.

Olivia grows so disgusted and disappointed that she hurls at Fitz the ring Huck had just returned to her possession.

Also of note this week:

  • Andrew threatens Mellie, saying if he can never hold the high office, he’ll make she won’t ever be able to either.
  • At that, the First Lady tells Elizabeth to “show some solidarity” and silence Andrew.
  • Enter Liz going to Huck and Huck using one syringe and three rolls of Saran Wrap to stroke out Andrew, making him incapable of telling anyone anything.

WOW. What a shocking hour of television, huh?

We have an extra week to digest all the developments because Scandal Season 4 Episode 14 does not air until Thursday, March 5 on ABC.

Bruce Jenner: Solely to Blame For Fatal Car Crash


Bruce Jenner is squarely to blame for a four-car crash that left one person dead in Malibu, Calif., this month, according to video of the accident, reports TMZ.

Bruce Jenner with a Ponytail

Law enforcement officials are not commenting on the video, which has not been released to the public, but it reportedly shows Bruce clearly at fault.

The other three drivers reportedly did nothing wrong, and the two cars ahead of Jenner - a Lexus and a Prius ahead of that - were moving very slowly.

It's unclear whether they were accelerating or decelerating, but they were in the back of a line of cars stopped for a red light on the Pacific Coast Highway.

Police at the scene of the Bruce Jenner car crash were told by the Olympian that the Lexus driver suddenly slammed on her brakes without warning.

That, in turn, made it impossible for him to react in time to avoid impact. He may well think that's true, but the video is said to show the Lexus barely moving.

On the contrary, the 65-year-old father of six is seen clearly inattentive, holding a cigarette with one hand and not aware of the traffic in front of him. 

Bruce was not texting and driving during the accident, but was following too closely, and by the time he realized his peril, it's too late to avoid a collision.

Jenner's Escalade hit the Lexus "violently," sending it into upcoming traffic where a Hummer struck it just as violently, and head on, killing the Lexus driver.

The video of the accident shows Bruce traveling at a significant speed - clearly, given the severity of the crash - though this does not mean he was speeding.

Bruce's car hit he Prius after the Lexus as well, although that was less severe. Bottom line: Bruce and Bruce alone caused the crash, but it was an accident.

A criminal charge is extremely unlikely given there were no traffic laws broken. Following too closely is tough to define, and something everyone does.

Bad driving is not enough for the police to take action in any sort of criminal proceeding, although the family of the victim may feel a lawsuit is warranted.

As for whether his sex change hormones played a role in the crash, that is unclear, though we've heard this will not slow down his upcoming reality show.

Prince Harry and Emma Watson: DATING?!?!?


Get ready for the biggest "almost-certainly-not-true-but-how-awesome-would-it-be?" dating rumor since Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio.

An Australian tabloid called Woman's Day is reporting that Emma Watson is dating Prince Harry. Fill in your own joke about her long history with gingers and guys named Harry.

Emma Watson Laughs
Harry, Prince of Wales

According to Down Under insiders (an oxymoron if ever there was one), when Harry found out that Emma was no longer dating Matthew Janney, he sent the beloved actress an email stating that he'd "like to get to know her."

Emma's no dummy, so she almost certainly knew exactly what that meant in Harry-speak, but she reportedly accompanied him to a party anyway.

"Harry didn't want her to feel stuffy, like she was put on the spot," explains one source. "A party also shows he's fun and not stuffy."

Yes, he clearly did his research and realized that Emma Watson is nothing if not a party girl. (Sarcasm.)

Since then, Emma and Harry have reportedly been on several "secret dates." 

"He's smitten. And it's not just her looks," the probably made-up insider claims.

It's not hard to see how this rumor got started in the mind of some bored tabloid writer:

You have two young, single, well-bred Brits, and people would love to see them together. Plus, Emma will be a Disney Princess soon. Sometimes, the BS just falls right into your lap.

Don't get us wrong, we hope this rumor turns out to be legit (Banging royalty would probably mean some major points for Gryffindor), but it seems like a case of "too good to be true."

Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13 Teaser: How to Save a Life


It may be easy to forget, especially after an hour such as Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 12, but this remains a show about really good doctors.

Yes, they often talk about sex a lot, as was the case this week when Amelia stopped by Owen's for a bit of action and Meredith nearly flew to D.C. just to get it on with Derek.

But these Seattle-based physicians also excel at their job, as will be evident on Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13.

Titled "Staring at the End," the installment will focus prominently on Dr. Herman’s case, as Amelia gives a lecture that details the intricacies of the surgery... the surgery she feels rather confident about, as teased in the above trailer.

Elsewhere, Arizona and Herman will continue to bond over the amount of cases they're trying to finish prior to the big procedure, while Bailey brings them a case of a pregnant woman who means a lot to her.

Did you catch the latest episode of this long-running smash?

If not, have no worries: you can watch Grey's Anatomy online right here and now:

Bethenny Frankel Compares Herself to a Skeleton: Hilarious or Horrible?


Bethenny Frankel poked a bit of fun at herself this week on Instagram, though many are now wondering whether the reality star chose an inappropriate way in which to do so.

Walking by a skeleton hanging in front of a store in New York City, Frankel snapped a picture (below, right) and wrote as a caption to the image:

"SPOTTED: Bethenny Frankel hanging out in soho today... It's a little chilly."

Bethenny Frankel with Dessert
A skeleton

Frankel, of course, is known for having a tiny frame.

She created a stir last summer when she managed to fit into her four-year old's pajamas and she caused jaws to drop a few months later after sharing a self-portrait that didn't appear to include a waist.

So, on one hand, hooray for self-deprecation, right?

But, on the other hand, boo to jokes about eating disorders, no? We can only imagine how Demi Lovato felt upon reading Bethenny's attempt at a joke.

What do YOU think of it? Totally harmless? Or an insensitive move on Frankel's part because a woman having a skeletal-like body is nothing to laugh over?


Dustin Diamond: Not Insulted by Saved By The Bell Reunion Snub!


To some, fans, doing a Saved By The Bell reunion show without Dustin Diamond, a.k.a. Samuel "Screech" Powers, feels like doing an Alf reunion without Alf!

Dustin Diamond Photograph

But that's exactly what Jimmy Fallon did earlier this month, when the Tonight Show invited all the cast members of Saved by The Bell to the studio for a sketch.

Except for Diamond and Lark Voorhies. who played Lisa Turtle.

Diamond spoke with Fox 6 News about not being asked to do the reunion with Fallon: "It would have been fun, but I don’t see it as a personal insult."

Well that's good, cuz everybody else does.

But Diamond is in a different place now than in recent years, during which his conduct has been ... well, suspect. He's older and more mature, he says."

"Here’s the way I look at it. I walk a very honest and humble path, and I know what kind of person I am. I’m very comfortable where I fit in life."

"I want to have a family. I want to have kids and I want to raise them right. I’m playing comedy clubs. I’m not rich, but I make a living. I’ve tripped and fallen many times in my life."

"If you don’t, how do you learn?"

Well, he's certainly had a lot to learn from. There's the infamous Dustin Diamond sex tape from 2007, which received poor reviews ... even for a porn.

He later went on to claim that the tape, in all its Dirty Sanchez glory, wasn't real, that it was all staged and that he was even doubled by a male model.

To which all we can say is:

  1. Really?!
  2. Does it matter?!

He was also the resident baddie during his season of Celebrity Fit Club. He says in the Fox interview that he ASKED to be the bad guy, because it "paid more".

Warren G was originally going to do it, but he was too nice and soft spoken. Again, it was all staged for our benefit.

The only minor detail of his life which he leaves out of the interview is that pesky little stabbing incident that happened in December.

Perhaps that was all staged too? Well, we'll just have to wait and see what the Wisconsin judicial system has to say.

Kim Kardashian Blames Assistants For North West Tantrum?


Yesterday, Kim Kardashian played the "hard-working mom" card on Twitter, and the entire Internet laughed hysterically.

Now, it seems all that mockery was completely justified, because sources says that when little North West throws a fit, Kim blames it on her staff! Ya know, just like any mom!

Annoyed North West

You may recall that North West had a tantrum at her dad's fashion show last week (another predicament that all parents find themselves in at some point), and Kim was humiliated in front of Anna Wintour and other members of the glitterati.

As you might expect, Kim was pretty pissed...but not at North, and not even at herself for being dumb enough to drag a toddler to her fashion show.

No, Kim reserved her fury for the people whose job it is to jump in when North gets upset, like Secret Service agents intercepting an assassin's bullet:

"Kim tried to get the attention of one of her assistants, or another staff member, because she didn't want to get up from the front row," a source tells Radar Online. 

"Unable to get anyone's attention, Kim was forced to get up and take the screaming child backstage. North was handed off, but not before Kim vented her frustration and ended up throwing a hissy fit."

"Kim told staffers they should always be on stand-by and issued a stern warning about not letting it happen again.

Yes, Kim threw a tantrum over her daughter throwing a tantrum and blamed her staff for the fact that her toddler got fussy at a fashion show.

The irony might be the only thing richer than Kim and Kanye.

Scandal Season 4 Episode 14 Teaser: I CAN'T FIX THIS!


Olivia Pope is finally safe and sound.

Thanks to the shocking return of an old friend (Finch!!!), Olivia was rescued from her dangerous auction on Scandal Season 4 Episode 13 and returned home...

... just in time to chew out Fitz for starting a war over the life of just one person.

The ABC smash will now take a week off (for the How to Get Away with Murder Season 1 two-hour finale on Thursday) before returning on March 5 with what the network bills as the "most powerful episode of the season.'

And, viewing the above trailer for Scandal Season 4 Episode 14, it's easy to see why.

It appears as if Shonda Rhimes has ripped a story from the actual headlines, as a white cop kills an African-American pedestrian and Olivia ends up in the crossfire.

"I can't fix this," Liv bellows at one point, words we never thought we'd hear from the top Gladiator.

Check out where various cast members were before they touched down in DC and then watch Scandal online in order to catch up before the next new installment:

Amber Rose Slams Kim Kardashian Sex Tape as Epic Feud Escalates!


It's common knowledge that the feud between Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian dates to 2012, but until recently it was a cold war situation, with both women throwing the occasional subtle shade, but never attacking each other outright.

Well, those days are done, as full-blown World War Booty has erupted between Kanye's exes, and things just keep getting uglier.

Amber Rose Tattoo Photo
Kim Klose Up

It all started Amber attacked Kylie Jenner and Tyga in a radio interview.

The diss was fully justified, because Tyga is a grown man dating a child. Even so, Khloe Kardashian got involved by attacking Amber in vicious fashion on Twitter.

Today, Kanye went off on Amber during his own radio interview, claiming he needed to take "30 showers" after their relationship ended.

Moments ago, Amber responded by going nuclear and making fun of the fabled Kim Kardrashian sex tape...in graphic fashion:

"Wait 30 showers? But Kim let Ray J nut on her...Never mind."

Yup, she went there. And then she got even more personal by threatening to reveal the real Yeezy to the world:

"@KanyeWest this is my moment to let the world know who u really are and what you've done to me," Amber tweeted. "After all these years, I never snitched on u and don't plan on starting now. "

"We once loved each other so I won't do you like that. I'll leave that up to the Kartrashians to humiliate you when they're done with u."

Yep. This girl is going all out. How do we get a Kickstarter going so we can bribe her to spill all her Kanye secrets?

Kim Jong Un Haircut Defies Gravity, Comprehension


North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un debuted a new haircut at some big political meeting on Wednesday, and let's just say the look is ... different.

The style is a variation on Kim's shaved sides, which have become his signature, go-to 'do since he took power, but with a hilarious, high-ass pompadour.

Oh, and the despot wasn't done. Hells to the no. The rotund communist shot-caller accessorized his new look with partially-shaven eyebrows. Eyebrows.

Look at how those things just stop. Bad ass, KJU.

Kim Jong Un Haircut

Without a doubt, Kim Jong Un's epic haircut raises a number of burning questions for any person who follows North Korea and/or saw The Interview.

Specifically, a few come to our minds:

  • How does one even describe this desired look to one's barber?
  • What would his eccentric buddy Dennis Rodman think of this?
  • Will Seth Rogen and James Flacco instantly copy the look?
  • Should Sony re-hire disgraced executive Amy Pascal, then fire her again for talking hella s--t about Kim in her first email back on the job?
  • Are the eyebrows kept at bay so that the head of state won't convey any emotions when he sits in on key meetings with rooms full of yes men?
  • Is Kim's hair meant to symbolize that his country is on the rise, literally and otherwise, and that it can't be contained by forces like gravity?

We may never know.

Tyga Admits He's Dating Kylie Jenner on Instagram?!


After months of rumors, it's finally official: Kylie Jenner is dating Tyga.

Okay, so neither party has explicitly said so yet, but as of today, the cat is all but out of the bag. 

It all started this morning, when Kanye West said Kylie and Tyga are in love during a radio interview. (The quote was edited out of the broadcast, but later leaked online).

Then, just hours ago, Tyga posted this pic of Kylie on Instagram and basically confessed his feelings for her in the caption:

Kylie Jenner Instagram Selfie

"Your beauty never goes unnoticed. One of the best dopest person in my life," the rapper wrote.

Okay, so grammar isn't Tyga's strong suit, but apparently robbing the cradle is!

Like we said, he didn't come right out and say, "Yes, I am having sex with this 17-year-old girl," but when you post a caption like that about someone you're allegedly dating, you know how it's gonna be taken.

What's hilarious is that just earlier this week, Tyga denied dating Kylie in an interview for the same radio show on which Kanye spilled the beans today. 

Given that a sexual relationship between Kylie and Tyga would be illegal in the state of California, this is probably the closest we'll ever get to official confirmation that Kyga is a thing...at least until Kylie turns 18.

Hilary Duff Files for Divorce from Mike Comrie


This will teach Mike Comrie to possibly proposition a waitress for sex in Beverly Hills...

One day after The Daily Mail reported Comrie got wasted at a restaurant and offered a woman he just met $600 to sleep with him, Hilary Duff officially filed for divorce from her estranged husband.

Mike Comrie and Hilary Duff Pic

Duff originally announced a split from her husband of three years in January of last year, though no paperwork was filed at that time in the court system.

The couple got back together a few months later and tried to make things work, but Duff has now hired noted attorney Laura Wasser and cited "irreconcilable differences" as the basis for the divorce.

In the legal documents, Duff asks for primary physical custody of the pair's son, Luca, who turns 3 next month.

She is fine with Comrie having visitation rights, but insiders say she's concerned that his partying and drinking could adversely affect their child.

Duff and Comrie signed a prenuptial agreement and the former simply wants to ensure all of the money she earns in her career remains solely in her bank accounts.

"They're better friends than a married couple,” Duff’s own mother has said of Hilary and Mike.

That sound you just heard? It was Aaron Carter screaming for joy.

Dakota Johnson and Matthew Hitt: It's Over!


Dakota Johnson's Fifty Shades of Grey character Ana Steele may be the object of Christian Grey's undying love, but her real-life relationship to Matthew Hitt is over.

Dakota Johnson and Matthew Hitt in NYC

Johnson's life has undergone a massive change since Fifty Shades of Grey. She's rocketed to stardom, and her schedule has gotten really busy.

Apparently, the up and coming actress' life has gotten too busy for her boyfriend, Us reports: "It wasn't something that [Hitt] wanted to be a part of."

Matthew Hitt is a Welsh model/singer/songwriter who fronts the NY based indie-rock band the Drowners. He and Dakota split-up sometime over the holidays.

Luckily, it "wasn't a bad break." Let's go ahead and assume that Hitt is going to be fine. He's a model, a singer, and probably has a super-sexy Welsh accent.

So, for those of you keeping score at home on Dakota Johnson's love life ...

She was at the SNL 40 celebration last week, where she lobbed a question at Jerry Seinfeld. No friction there. And now Johnson's set to host the next episode of SNL as well.

So she's obviously not sweating her recent breakup so much that it stops her from being funny. We'll just have to wait and watch what happens.

Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: The Rage of Spencer Pratt!


Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 7 featured the exorcism of the cast's personal demons ... or at least that was the idea behind this latest installment.

For the increasingly unhinged Spencer Pratt, this took on a new meaning, and may have worked a little too well, as it nearly turned him into a demon.

The gist of Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 7 was helping the celebrity (term used loosely) couples find out if they still have a future together.

Jim and Elizabeth Carroll examined their relationships by putting them through a tough challenge: coming face-to-face with their personal demons.

As you can see when you watch Marriage Boot Camp online, emotions ran high when the cast members were forced to take a hard look at themselves.

Syleena Johnson admits that she was molested as a child. Heidi Montag opens up about being molested several times as a very young child, too.

Aviva Drescher talks impersonally about the childhood accident that caused her to lose a leg. She shows no emotion or interest in opening up, however.

The other stars feel like Aviva isn't going all in. Jim has the same feeling about Spencer Pratt, who unlike Aviva, admits he has his guard up a little.

Or a lot. Pratt is still smarting over the fact that he feels he was RUINED by a reality TV producer who cast him as the “villain” on MTV's The Hills.

“I have to be extra guarded now, Spencer Pratt tells Jim, because of his fear that his persona will be abused and "manipulated by reality TV producers."

“Do you think the producers here want to do that?” Jim asks, genuinely.

“I have suspicions,” Spencer replies, even though he signed up for this.

The Marriage Boot Camp stars are then forced to admit who in their life has hurt them the most and must choose between two doors, Forgive or Forget.

Syleena chooses to forgive her father, and when she walks through the door, he is standing on the other side ... and takes no responsibility for anything.

Wow. Heidi Montag admits she's still bitter at none other than Lauren Conrad, and a therapist stands in for LC, who admits being a really bad friend.

Finally, Spencer had to confront the producer he says destroyed his life, past and future ... played by Jim Carroll, who was REALLY egging him on!

Pratt ultimately forgives the producer, but for a moment it really looked like he had lost touch with reality and was going to cold cock Jim on the spot.

With these loons, you never can assume anything ...

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