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Jeremy Meeks: Sentenced to Two Years in Prison!


Jeremy Meeks and his hottie thug teardrop face tattoo will spend at least the next two years behind bars for gun possession, according to reports.

A California federal judge, apparently unmoved by Jeremy Meeks' web popularity, sentenced the convicted felon and Internet sensation to prison.

The photogenic 30-year-old's sexy mug shot, taken after a June gang sweep, went viral after the Stockton Police Department posted it on Facebook.

Drawing more than 102,000 "likes" and more than 12,000 shares, hot mug shot guy became the man who spawned a thousand memes. Or 102,000.

Even celebrities, including Orange Is the New Black co-stars Jason Biggs and Laura Prepon, got in on the lovefest for Meeks (hashtag #feloncrushFriday).

With a chiseled face and blue eyes to compliment his street chic ink, Meeks looked more like a GQ model than a hoodlum, but that didn't help him.

Considering his alleged gang ties and a 2002 conviction for grand theft, the interest he garnered from modeling agencies went by the wayside.

The only thing Jeremy will be modeling until 2017 is an orange jumpsuit, thanks to being arrested with a loaded gun - a major faux pas for a felon.

In addition to 27 months behind bars, he must complete a 500-hour Bureau of Prisons Substance Abuse Treatment Program, as ordered by the judge.

Games of Thrones Original Plot Outline, Possible Spoilers Revealed: Who Survives the Series?!


Back in 1993, a little-known author named George R.R. Martin wrote a three-page letter to his publisher outlining a planned trilogy (Ha!) entitled A Song of Ice and Fire.

Twenty-two years later, those books have captivated millions of fans, inspired the most-watched show in HBO history, and swelled into a seven-part series that might not be completed before the sun explodes and engulfs the earth.

George RR Martin

Recently, a British bookseller tweeted and deleted Martin's letter, which includes some major differences between the original outline and the eventual completed books, but also some clues as to where the story might be headed from here.

Of course, Game of Thrones spoilers pop up online every day and they often turn out to be bogus, but this latest round comes straight from the raven's mouth.

The outline mainly describes events that have already taken place (or have been drastically changed), but there's a major reveal in the letter that could answer the question of which characters will survive until the end of the story.

First the major differences between the outline and this final drafts:

  • Robb Stark and King Joffrey do battle, and Joffrey is severely disfigured. He marries Sansa and she gives birth to his evil spawn.
  • Jon Snow falls in love with Arya Stark (!), but he must compete with a lovestruck Tyrion for her affections (!!!)
  • Speaking of Tyrion, he removes Joffrey from the throne, and the crown is then handed to Jamie Lannister. Jamie double-crosses his brother and has Tyrion exiled after blaming him for Joffrey's crimes.
  • Daenerys kills her husband Khal Drogo to avenge the death of her douchey brother, Viserys, becomes the Khaleesi only after stumbling upon some dragon's eggs while fleeing from the Dothraki

The whole Jon-Arya thing bolsters the popular fan theory that Jon Snow is not really Ned Stark's son. (Not that GoT is above a little incest.)

The big reveal, of course, is the five characters who will supposedly survive the events of ASOIAF/GoT. They are: Tyrion, Daenerys, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, and Bran Stark - fan favorites, all. So maybe Martin doesn't hate his readers?

Ultimately, much of this could prove meaningless, as the last two books are not yet completed and the GoT showrunners have already demonstrated a willingness to stray from their source material.

Plus, the last paragraph of the letter is blacked out, so you can rest assured GRRM still has a few Red Wedding-esque shockers in store. 

Yes, despite all that we've learned from the outline at the end of the day, when it comes down to who will live and die, we know nothing, Jon Snow.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to hold yourself over until the April 12 premiere of season 5.

Dionne Warwick, Cousin of Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown, Hospitalized After Fall in Shower


Dionne Warwick, the cousin of Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown, slipped and fell in the shower and has been hospitalized for two weeks.

Dionne Warwick Pic

Warwick's slip and fall occurred January 24, according to TMZ; Dionne was at her home in South Orange, N.J., when a 911 call was placed at 10:19 a.m.

The 911 call for Bobbi Kristina Brown, who was found face down in her bathtub, came exactly a week later, at 10:25 a.m. on Saturday, January 31.

Dionne Warwick, 74, was transported via ambulance to a local hospital where she underwent ankle surgery and was released this past Thursday.

Whitney Houston passed away February 11, 2012, after drowning in her hotel bathtub. Bobbi Kristina is clinging to life after nearly doing the same.

Her father Bobby Brown believes God will save her, but doctors aren't as optimistic, having told her family members that there's little they can do.

Bobbi Kristina was placed in a coma after being found by husband Nick Gordon and friend Max Lomas, and has yet to show any signs of recovery.

As family members gather at her bedside for what could be goodbye to the 21-year-old daughter of Whitney Houston, tensions are running high.

Reports of Bobbi Kristina's family fighting - physically, as well as verbally - over her care, her money, and her husband have surfaced in recent days.

We can only hold out hope for a positive resolution to this sad saga, but at this point, all the signs are increasingly pointing to the exact opposite.

Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer Undergoes LEGO Treatment: Yes, It's Amazing!


The question of what happens when Fifty Shades of Grey meets The LEGO Movie has finally been answered.

Genius YouTube users Antonio and Andrea Toscano have come up with the brilliant idea of combining the sexiest trailer to hit the Internet in ages with everyone’s favorite childhood toy.

And, as Chris Pratt would say, the results are AMAZING:

Go on. Just try not to laugh out loud at LEGO Christian flying his airplane … or LEGO Anastasia trying out some chains.

Is the concept a bit disturbing? Sure. But more disturbing than the actual Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is, considering some activists actually want to boycott the movie.

Perhaps they'll change their minds once they see how innocent it all can be when LEGOs get involved with a bit of S&M.

We can't believe we just wrote that sentence.

Kylie and Kendall Jenner: Designing Bruce Jenner's New Feminine Wardrobe?


In many ways Bruce Jenner's sex change will be much easier than the transitioning process of most transgender individuals.

He has a supportive family, plenty of cash for the necessary procedures, and - perhaps best of all - an army of fashion-obsessed daughters to help with his new wardrobe!

Bruce Jenner and Daughters

Yes, Bruce has already begun making the switch over to woman's wear, and while his famously stylish daughters will reportedly be helping him pick out clothes, don't expect to see him sporting the kind of eye-catching outfits for which Kendall and Kylie are known.

"Bruce has been very subtle in already switching his wardrobe over to female attire," a source tells Radar Online. "He has been wearing very gender-neutral clothing that could be worn by either a man or a woman."

"Bruce is going to be a very sophisticated and classy woman, but he will not be seen in flowing gowns. He is going to be more of a pantsuit kind of lady and his daughters are going to make sure of it."

Anyone who's seen Kylie Jenner's semi-nude selfies might not think of her as the "sophisticated" type, but the insider says Bruce plans to take full advantage of his daughters' modern fashion sense:

"He is pretty much going to be styled by his daughters," says the insider. "They all have their own idea of how they want him to dress. They want to play an active role in their father's transition and the fact that they own a clothing empire makes things easier."

The important thing, of course, is that Bruce's family is being supportive throughout the transitioning process. Now hopefully they won't try to dress him in any midriff-baring tops.

Jill and Anna Duggar Pose With Dueling Baby Bumps: See the Cute Pic!


Pregnant 19 Kids and Counting stars Jill and Anna Duggar gave us two precious baby bumps for the price of one in this latest Instagram photo.

Jill's husband Derick Dillard posted it to his account, beaming with pride:

Jill and Anna Duggar Baby Bumps

Clearly further along, Jill Duggar is expecting her first child next month.

Anna is a seasoned veteran at this point, having cranked out three kids already with husband Josh Duggar, the first born of the 19 Kids and Counting.

Between her mom, Michelle Duggar, and her sister-in-law, Jill has plenty of experience to drawn upon. She's also a trained midwife by trade.

Pregnancy is up her alley, in other words, and looks good on her, too.

Anna and Jill Duggar are proudly flaunting baby bumps big and small as they eagerly await their due dates (Jill March 21 and Anna July 10).

The "preggo sistas!" as they've named themselves, are all smiles.

Jill has been one of the few Duggars to remain relatively free of controversy since the family profile has exploded thanks to their TLC reality show.

Many observers were surprised earlier this week when the usually reserved Anna Duggar tweeted about Black History Month to criticize abortion.

At least for this sweet moment, Jill and Anna are content to celebrate life - the ones growing inside them - without any political statement attached.

Check out more of Jill's baby bump photos in the gallery below:

Charlie Ebersol Refuses to Reveal How He Met Britney Spears; Watch the Awkward Interview Now!


Charlie Ebersol is more than just Britney Spears' ideal baby daddy, and he's clearly trying to emphasize his non-Brit-related accomplishments in his new interview with Access Hollywood Live.

In fact, Charlie is so eager to distance himself from his new boo that he carefully avoids even mentioning Britney's name throughout the entire 10-minute discussion.

It's notable that Charlie pleads the fifth when asked about how his new relationship began, because it's long been rumored that the couple was hooked up by Britney's dad, who's now in the habit of screening all of her potential suitors.

"I will absolutely tell you about it as soon as they shut the cameras are off," Charlie says, by way of avoiding the question.

When pressed about why he's so secretive about his relationship, Ebersol gives a response that makes it sound like he doesn't quite understand how being famous works:

"I've learned this from my family - your personal life is one of the few things you have that can actually be yours," Charlie says.

"Obviously, I've chosen a career that puts me out there, and obviously she has as well. I'm incredibly lucky, because she's an amazing woman, but the one thing we have is that we don't have to share it with the world."

Hmmm...So Charlie's a guy who values his privacy, eh? That might present some problems while dating one of the world's most 

Look, we understand wanting to keep your person life on the down-low, but Britney posts pictures of her and Charlie online just about every eight seconds.

We starting to think Brit and Charlie might have very views on how public or private their relationship should be. 

2015 Grammy Awards: Who Should Win Record of the Year?


The 2015 Grammy Awards are nearly upon us.

And while many artists will be battling it out in many categories, the most sought after prize on an annual basis is nearly always Record of the Year.

Who is up for the title this year?

One veteran and a few relative newbies, really.

There's Taylor Swift, whose "Shake It Off" kicked off a run of musical dominance not seen by a singer in years.

There's Sam Smith, whose voice is as smooth as butter. Nay, smoother!

There's Sia, whose "Chandier" video was easily one of the best of 2014.

There's Iggy Azalea, whose "Fancy" just got stuck in your head, didn't it?

And, finally, there's Meghan Trainor, who is ALL about that bass, people. No treble!


Dan Bilzerian: Cleared on Bomb Charges, Hit With Bizarre Fine


In case you're not already aware: Dan Bilzerian is an Instagram celebrity. But that description doesn't quite do him justice.

He's more like a walking caricature of manliness  - a bearded brute who's primary interests are firearms, stacks of cash and scantily-clad women.

Dan Bilzerian Gun Photo

This guy's arsenal is so huge his friends have predicted Bilzerian will be killed by his massive gun collection. We'll leave it to you to decide if he's compensating for anything.

Anyway, such an explosive lifestyle naturally creates occasional problems, such as when Bilzerian was arrested for trying to make a bomb back in December.

Today, however, Bilzerian demonstrated the power of a little charm and whole buttload of cash by being cleared of all charges without so much as any restrictions on his firearm usage.

The Most Interesting Man on Instagram will have to pay a pretty big fine, however...and for a very weird reason:

Bilzerian has to fork over 20 grand for blowing up his own tractor trailer. Apparently, he detonated the thing on public land, so the 20 G's will be used for cleanup.

Yeah, $20,000 for an outdoor cleanup. That must have been quite the explosion. Apparently, Dan's philosophy on explosions is the same as his view on beards: 

If you're gonna do something, do it big.

Rosie O'Donnell Confirms Imminent Departure from The View


Rosie O'Donnell is out. Again!

For the second time in just a few years, the talk show host has announced she's leaving The View earlier than expected.

According to O'Donnell's publicist, she will exit the ABC gabfest next week to concentrate on her family, following a split from wife Michelle Rounds.

Rosie O'Donnell for The View

“I can confirm that Rosie and her wife Michelle split in November. Rosie has teens and an infant at home that need her attention,” O’Donnell’s rep, Cindi Berger, said in a statement.

“This has been a very stressful situation. She is putting her personal health and family first. ABC has been wonderfully understanding and supportive of her personal decision to leave ‘The View.’ Next week will be her last.”

O'Donnell did break from Rounds in the last few months, but chatter around Rosie's View departure has been growing stronger in recent weeks.

At one point, insiders said she was unhappy that Whoopi Goldberg was the lead panelist on a daily basis.

The colleagues got into a pretty big fight just a few weeks after they started working together in September.

But Variety reports that O’Donnell was peeved when allegations surfaced of Rosie Perez leaving the program, despite the fact that she was only taking a leave of temporary absence.

Perez and O'Donnell - who left the show in 2007 and just returned this past fall - are good friends.

In general, it's clear there's a lack of communication (and professionalism?) backstage at The View.

“Rosie is an immensely talented star who comes in each and every morning brimming with ideas, excitement and passion for the show,” ABC said in a statement, adding:

“When she told us she wanted to exit ‘The View,’ we respected and understood her desire to put her well-being and her family first. We’re delighted she’s still part of the ABC family with upcoming guest appearances on ‘The Fosters,’ and we know she’ll return to ‘The View’ often with her unique point of view and updates on her work and her family."

So, we can now ask again: WHO SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE VIEW?

Rosie O'Donnell Confirms Imminent Departure from The View


Rosie O'Donnell is out. Again!

For the second time in just a few years, the talk show host has announced she's leaving The View earlier than expected.

According to O'Donnell's publicist, she will exit the ABC gabfest next week to concentrate on her family, following a split from wife Michelle Rounds.

Rosie O'Donnell for The View

“I can confirm that Rosie and her wife Michelle split in November. Rosie has teens and an infant at home that need her attention,” O’Donnell’s rep, Cindi Berger, said in a statement.

“This has been a very stressful situation. She is putting her personal health and family first. ABC has been wonderfully understanding and supportive of her personal decision to leave ‘The View.’ Next week will be her last.”

O'Donnell did break from Rounds in the last few months, but chatter around Rosie's View departure has been growing stronger in recent weeks.

At one point, insiders said she was unhappy that Whoopi Goldberg was the lead panelist on a daily basis.

The colleagues got into a pretty big fight just a few weeks after they started working together in September.

But Variety reports that O’Donnell was peeved when allegations surfaced of Rosie Perez leaving the program, despite the fact that she was only taking a leave of temporary absence.

Perez and O'Donnell - who left the show in 2007 and just returned this past fall - are good friends.

In general, it's clear there's a lack of communication (and professionalism?) backstage at The View.

“Rosie is an immensely talented star who comes in each and every morning brimming with ideas, excitement and passion for the show,” ABC said in a statement, adding:

“When she told us she wanted to exit ‘The View,’ we respected and understood her desire to put her well-being and her family first. We’re delighted she’s still part of the ABC family with upcoming guest appearances on ‘The Fosters,’ and we know she’ll return to ‘The View’ often with her unique point of view and updates on her work and her family."

So, we can now ask again: WHO SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE VIEW?

Mob Wives Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: Sea Hags of Staten Island


Mob Wives Season 5 Episode 8 picked up in the aftermath of last Wednesday's epic throwdown, but one simmering feud did not get any less ridiculous.

That Mob Wives fight was the fight to end all fights (or close to it) on last week's installment was so over the top, we didn't know what to expect next.

Hair pulling? Death threats? Table flipping? More death threats?

To say that the intensity was not dialed down on Mob Wives Season 5 Episode 8 is a bit of an understatement, because man, these people get heated.

If anything, the epic feud between Karen and Natalie escalated.

While this was going on, Renee learned some news about her former husband, news that threw her for a loop and made her question a lot of things.

At the same time Drita learned about incriminating information involving her Philly friend. What did said incriminating information entail, you ask?

We can't even do justice to this insanity right now, or ever.

It's also more fun to see it unfold for yourself if you're into the show. So watch Mob Wives online and make it happen ... because you know you want to.

We all have our guilty pleasures. It really is okay.

Nick Gordon: Subject of Criminal Investigation in Bobbi Kristina Brown Case


The Bobbi Kristina Brown case has resulted in a criminal investigation, with authorities focused on foul play and specifically, the role of her "husband" Nick Gordon.

Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon Picture

One week ago, Brown was discovered face down in the bathtub by Gordon and friend Max Lomas. She has been in a medically induced coma since.

Her family then reportedly had Nick Gordon banned from seeing her at the hospital, which was followed by an interesting revelation from Bobby Brown.

According to her famous father, Bobbi Kristina Brown is not married to Nick and never was, despite her claims to have wed her "husband" in 2014.

Husband or not, according to TMZ, and citing law enforcement sources, Bobbi Kristina was found with certain injuries that have piqued their interest.

The nature and extent of those injuries is not known, but the history of violence between Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon is also a topic of concern.

Police are looking into the possibility that there may have been an altercation more than an hour before Bobbi was found in the tub at her Georgia home.

Contrary to previous reports, it was friend Max Lomas (also an alleged drug dealer), who found Bobbi Kristina submerged, not her husband/boyfriend.

He is believed to have arrived at their residence around 9 a.m. last Saturday. He says he hung out with Nick Gordon but did not see Bobbi Kristina.

Max was told she was in the bedroom, and there was a point in which Nick wandered away and Max says he didn't pay attention to his whereabouts.

Sometime after 10 a.m., a guy from the cable company showed up to work in the home and Max let him in, with Gordon nowhere to be seen.

When the cable guy said he needed access to the bedroom, Max took him in there as well, and at that point, discovered Bobbi Kristina in the tub.

Lomas screamed for Nick, who ran in and administered CPR; Bobbi Kristina was taken to the hospital by paramedics but hasn't regained consciousness.

Her family continues to hold out hope for a miracle, but that's what it would take at this point, as doctors say Bobbi Kristina's prognosis is grim.

Amid the tragic reports that she may be taken off life support any day now, police are digging deeper into what happened that fateful morning.

Sources say Max, in an interview with police, claimed that Nick allegedly cleaned up the home and removed blood stains for reasons unknown.

Investigators interviewed both Max and Nick and want to debrief Max again, though his lawyer reportedly insists on immunity before he speaks again.

As of this report, Max Lomas hadn't received immunity or talked to police a second time, while Nick Gordon has reportedly retained his own attorney.

Needless to say, we will continue to follow this investigation closely and post any additional details as the story develops over the coming days.

Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Battle of the Shocktagon


Last night on Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 5, tensions were running especially high in the house ... and even more so inside the Shocktagon.

You don't even want to KNOW what that entails.

The tandems actually underwent shock therapy to learn to communicate, but did that help or hurt matters on Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 5?

Depends on how you look at it, we suppose.

Is administering electric shocks every time someone gives the wrong answer really a means to training them better? Or just raising tensions higher?

If you watch Marriage Boot Camp online, you know that it's as much about shock value (pun oh so intended) as it is getting the couples to a better place.

So we shouldn't be surprised, but still. Wow.

Perhaps the best thing to come out of this episode was Natalie Nunn telling Heidi Montag, “Don’t f--k with me… I’m going to beat your f--king ass."

Not surprisingly, Heidi stopped hiding from her rival and apologized, because if you know anything about Natalie, you know that's no empty threat.

Montag claims she wouldn't have had Nunn's man take his shirt off if she'd known Natalie would get upset, which is complete crap, but oh well.

They moved on. Now we shall do the same.

After the boot campers’ performances in Shocktagon, and another drill involving golf carts, their counselors tried to evaluate where things stand.

Kiwane is starting to open up. Well done.

Spencer Pratt is mocking Heidi at every turn, and is called out by Elizabeth for "deep rooted issues that you avoid by turning everything into a game."

Sounds about right.

Rachel and Tyson get lectured for not communicating well, but when you're on a show with Natalie, Speidi and Aviva Drescher, you could be worse off.

Natalie’s lack of respect for her husband is the biggest issue in their relationship, while Aviva and Reid Drescher were the most interesting all night.

Reid actually threw Aviva Drescher's leg (above), a la her infamous Real Housewives of New York City freakout, in the highlight of the evening.

After evaluations, Speidi picks up where they left off and begins fighting about the future. “I don’t want a baby, babies cry…” Spencer whines.

Takes one to know one.

Kim Kardashian Cuts Off Hair, Actually Wears Clothing


Kim Kardashian took to Instagram on Friday night and stunned followers with a new look?

What was the major surprise? Kim was wearing clothing!

We kid, we kid (moslty... Kardashian has gone butt naked and full frontal in the new issue of LOVE Magazine).

In actuality, the reality star has severely shortened her locks, as evidenced by the following photo she shared online:

Kim Kardashian, Short Hair

"I cut my hair short today," Kim wrote as a caption, getting right to the point.

We presume this is an actual change for Kanye West's prettier half, who has fooled fans in the past with blonde wigs.

And she'll have a chance to truly show it off to the world this weekend when Kardashian walks the red carpet of the 57th annual Grammy Awards with Kanye on Sunday night in Los Angeles.

What do you think with Kim Kardashian with short hair? Is it a good look on her? Or do you not care as long as she gets naked on a regular basis?

17 Kendall Jenner Magazine Covers: Take This, Kim Kardashian!


It's safe to say Kendall Jenner has fully emerged from the (often naked) shadow of her older half-sister at this point.

But the question now needs to be asked: has Kendall Jenner actually exceeded the pop cultural impact of Kim Kardashian? Or, if not, will she in the near future?

The 19-year old model is everywhere these days, after all.

She's walking runways across the globe. She's posting new, revealing Instagram photos everyday. She's going topless in public.

And she's taking a page out of the klassic Kim Kardashian playbook: she's covering every random magazine out there. Take a look for yourself:

Simply put, Kendall Jenner cannot be stopped.

Is Kim excited for her sister's burgeoning career or is she jealous? Might she soon film another sex tape, just to take the headline-making crown back from her sibling?

We can only hope.

Bruce Jenner Involved in Fatal Car Crash; One Dead, Seven Injured


Bruce Jenner was reportedly involved in a fatal car accident on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu today.

TMZ is reporting that one person was killed in the wreck, and seven others were injured.

Bruce Jenner Transformed

Bruce himself is reportedly unharmed, and it is not known at this time if he bears any responsibility for the crash, though he did strike the car of the woman who was killed.

Jenner, of course, has been a tabloid staple in recent weeks as a result of his highly-publicized gender transformation.

Jenner's sex change has been the subject of rumors for years, and will now be featured in an E! network reality show.

The accident is not expected to impact Jenner's reality show, as he is not expected to face any charges in relation to the crash.

Early reports indicate that four cars were involved in the accident, and the seven people who were treated suffered only minor injuries.

Jenner has yet to speak publicly about the incident, but TMZ reports that the former Olympian volunteered to go to a nearby hospital to have his blood drawn for alcohol testing, and authorities have already determined that he was not speeding.

We'll have further updates on this story as more details become available.

Bruce Jenner Involved in Fatal Car Crash; One Dead, Seven Injured


Bruce Jenner was reportedly involved in a fatal car accident on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu today.

TMZ is reporting that one person was killed in the wreck, and seven others were injured.

Bruce Jenner Transformed

Bruce himself is reportedly unharmed, and it is not known at this time if he bears any responsibility for the crash, though he did strike the car of the woman who was killed.

Jenner, of course, has been a tabloid staple in recent weeks as a result of his highly-publicized gender transformation.

Jenner's sex change has been the subject of rumors for years, and will now be featured in an E! network reality show.

The accident is not expected to impact Jenner's reality show, as he is not expected to face any charges in relation to the crash.

Early reports indicate that four cars were involved in the accident, and the seven people who were treated suffered only minor injuries.

Jenner has yet to speak publicly about the incident, but TMZ reports that the former Olympian volunteered to go to a nearby hospital to have his blood drawn for alcohol testing, and authorities have already determined that he was not speeding.

We'll have further updates on this story as more details become available.

Brian Williams Announces Leave of Absence from NBC Nightly News


So much for the NBC Nightly News... with Brian Williams.

In the wake of a controversy over how he misled viewers regarding an incident in the Iraq War, the anchor announced on Saturday that he’s taking a leave of absence from his post.

Brian Williams on NBC

"In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions," Williams said via statement.

He added:

"As Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, I have decided to take myself off of my daily broadcast for the next several days, and Lester Holt has kindly agreed to sit in for me to allow us to adequately deal with this issue.

"Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us."

The scandal surrounding Williams began during a January 30 broadcast,, when he erroneously claimed his helicopter was hit by a grenade in March 2003 as he covered the Iraq War.

Williams apologized on air last Wednesday.

Since then, the network has opened an internal investigation into his coverage of the war and other major events, including Hurricane Katrina.

Many have called for Williams to be fired as a result of this lie, despite how attractive his daughter is and despite his ability to rap classic singles.

"We have a team dedicated to gathering the facts to help us make sense of all that has transpired," NBC News President Deborah Turness said in a memo on Friday.

Bruce Jenner Accident: Was He Texting and Driving Before Fatal Crash?


Police probing yesterday's fatal car addictent involving Bruce Jenner want to see his phone records and the phone itself, likely to see if he was texting and driving.

Bruce Jenner With Longer Hair

Saturday on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, Bruce Jenner was involved in a car crash in which one person died and seven were injured.

The 65-year-old Olympic champion himself was unharmed.

Jenner already volunteered to go to a nearby hospital to have blood drawn for alcohol testing, and authorities determined that he was not speeding.

Law enforcement sources also say Bruce tried to avoid the accident, as the tires on trailer (behind his SUV) produced significant skid marks.

At the last minute, Bruce's car swerved to the right, but was unable to avoid the Lexus, which it hit, and caused to swing left into oncoming traffic.

A Hummer hit the Lexus, killing the Lexus driver.

The actions of Prius driver, who was hit from behind by the Lexus in the chain reaction, have also been the subject of some debate by investigators.

That driver told police she stopped at a red light, but was about 300 feet away from one, and has given what authorities describe as a "vague" account.

All of this makes the notion of Bruce bearing responsibility for this tragedy seem unlikely, but understandably, the cops are turning over every stone.

It's illegal to text while driving in the state of California, and if he was doing so when he hit a car, he could face a vehicular manslaughter charge.

Photos taken right before impact show Bruce possibly clutching something in his left hand but it's unclear if it's a phone, or anything for that matter.

Even if he was texting and driving - a huge reach based on all of this anecdotal evidence - proving he was doing it at that moment would be difficult.

Maybe even impossible. As for why they didn't check his phone at the scene, one official responded that "we were more interested in his sobriety."

Bruce passed the sobriety test, and was issued no citations.

Jenner, of course, has been a celebrity gossip staple for years, but never more so than in recent weeks thanks to his surprising gender transformation.

Rumors of a Bruce Jenner sex change have surfaced for years, but they're no longer rumors; the transition will be documented in an E! reality show.

The accident is still under investigation, but is not expected to impact his transition from man to woman, or his plans to unveil it, in any way we know of.

More details to follow as the story develops ...

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