We all know that the Justin Bieber Calvin Klein ads were photoshopped to give the singer bigger muscles, a bigger dong, and even a bigger ego (if that's possible).
But you may not have realized how much re-touching actually went into Bieber's underwear photos. Fortunately, the folks at College Humor are here to expose the truth:
Shocking, right? We've heard Justin referred to as a "turd" or a "piece of crap" before, but we never knew those descriptions were entirely literal.
The world rolled its collective eyes when the Biebs ads first hit the web, but now that we know what a treasure trove of comedy they've turned out to be, we couldn't be happier that JB decided to strip down to his Calvins.
In addition to the brilliant College Humor clip, SNL mocked Bieber's modeling in a sketch that justifiably went ultra-viral.
Remarkably, Justin's been pretty cool with most of the jokes, thus far.
Maybe we really are dealing with a kinder, gentler Biebs these days.
We guess the whole world accusing you of stuffing your crotch would have a pretty humbling effect on anyone.
Of course, no matter how often Bieber apologizes for his douchey past, in some folks' eyes, he'll always just be a big piece of sh-t.