Lindsay Lohan is no stranger to trouble, but she may be in deeper than usual this time.
We learned yesterday that Lohan is scrambling to complete her community service in order to avoid being locked up.
She reportedly has until Wednesday to finish 15 hours of service that were supposed to have been completed by November.
The slap on the wrist sentence stems from a 2012 car accident in which Lindsay slammed into an 18-wheeler with no explanation.
Now, Radar Online is reporting that Lindsay may find herself locked up if she doesn't figure out a way to complete her service hours today, as the prosecutor in her case is reportedly recommending jail time for the troubled actress.
"She deserves to go to jail for the complete lack of respect she shows the system," a source close to the case tells Radar.
The court is said to be especially irritated by the fact that Lindsay has spent the past week carousing in Europe, rather than serving her hours.
"Of course she was partying in Paris. That is her life," says the insider.
Lindsay contracted an untreatable virus known as Chinkungunya during a recent vacation and she's been using that as an excuse, but the court is reportedly not buying it.
Lindsay is not actually required to be in court tomorrow, but she may show up to plead her case. If she doesn't, it's likely that a warrant will be issued for her arrest.