Carolyn Kesel, an upstate New York woman, was arrested on felony DWI charges after driving around a Walmart parking lot wasted on vanilla extract.
PURE vanilla extract. Stuff will EFF you up!
According to reports, Kesel had a very high BAC - a ridiculous .26 percent, or more than three times the legal limit - when Macedon, N.Y. police busted her.
She had reportedly housed two bottles of vanilla extract, a common baking product that boasts a 41 percent alcohol level, putting it on par with most vodka.
Kesel told officers she was lost and could not find her way out of the parking lot.
Given her condition, and the sheer size of Walmart parking lots? Not shocking.
Due to a prior DWI conviction stemming from a 2006 arrest, Kesel was arrested on the spot and also slapped with a felony aggravated DWI charge.
Her odd choice of beverage, apparently, is not as odd as you might think.
Chris Thomas, a drug counselor with the Wayne County (N.Y.) Mental Health Department, said it's become not uncommon for people, especially teenagers.
As Chris Rock once said, people wanna get high. Take away all the drugs and drinks in the world and ... people will just find new ways of getting a buzz on.
It makes sense if you think about it. Those who aren't of legal drinking age can purchase and get plowed by indulging in everyday items like vanilla extract.
Like the pre-Walter White days when you could buy Sudafed over the counter, no one will be the wiser when you pick up a couple at the local grocer.
"Both kids and adults use it," he said of the "drink's" increasing popularity. "It smells like a vanilla [beverage] and no one would know the difference."
Well, unless you down two whole bottles of the stuff and drive around aimlessly. Way to ruin it for teens everywhere before they even thought of this, Carolyn.