The lovely Jana Duggar is back in the spotlight this week, and not just because she's as maligned and put upon as ever, but because it's her birthday.
With that milestone came birthday wishes from her parents on the Duggar family Facebook page, and on that, they are accused of lying about Jana's "job."
Jana and John David Duggar turned 25 on January 12, and the family took them out to dinner at Cracker Barrel and gave them both a nice shout out.
The Duggar family posted the following about the twins' birthday:
"They both have a ministry heart and are great role models for young people. John just finished up his pilots license and is staying busy with construction and police work."
"Jana is a concert pianist and is involved in many ministries. We are so blessed to have such wonderful daughters and sons! Happy 25th Jana and John!"
A concert pianist? Really, Jim Bob?
The first sentence? One hundred percent true, even if the snobs hate on the Duggars. They're all nice, well-meaning young people with kind hearts.
The second sentence, pertaining to John David? More or less true, from what we know. Claiming Jana is a concert pianist is a bit of a stretch, however.
Granted, who hasn't embellished a resume at one point? And it's not like they said she's Mother Theresa when she's actually a soft core porn star.
Jana's got talents (and looks!) to spare. This is undeniable.
If you watch 19 Kids and Counting online, you know Jana is a talented pianist, and has showed off her musical talents in church on more than a few occasions.
Still, the claim is surprising coming from the Duggars, from whom the smallest of white lies would knock us over with a feather (a testament to their values).
It also begs a couple of questions in our minds here:
- What ever happened to the midwife’s assistant career she was supposedly embarking on? Was that just code for Jana training to help pregnant Jill Duggar?
- Is the family deliberately trying to quell recent criticism that Jana is unfairly burdened with caring for her siblings and not allowed to live her own life?
Of course, maybe the Duggar family boast was meant to do the opposite and give Jana the confidence boost she needs to break free and spread her wings.
Eh, doubtful, but a celebrity gossip site can hope.