On The Bachelor season premiere Monday, the producers tried their best to portray Chris Soules as a sweet, normal, salt of the earth kind of dude.
Which by all accounts he is. But therein lies the problem:
How do present the farmer as such, but at the same time inject massive amounts of ridiculousness, drama and contrived nonsense into the proceedings?!
This extended preview is basically a four-minute preview of a season that attempts to achieve this difficult, but sort of necessary balancing act.
Does it have the desired effect? Watch it below and decide ...
If you're looking for The Bachelor spoilers here ... tough.
Anything seen in promos for the ABC "reality" show are so carefully spliced together, so brilliantly manipulated, the producers can sell you on anything.
They're the best at what they do, even if we hate them a little bit for it. So take everything you see in the video above with a grain (nay, a boulder) of salt.
That being said, here are some of the main takeaways:
- Chris Soules is a simple man who just wants to find a wife, make the most of this great opportunity to find love and bring it on back to Iowa.
- Girls be jealous. And catty. "My idea of quality time doesn't involve other people," one says, in a familiar refrain from seasons past.
- Britt Nilsson, Kelsey Poe, Whitney Bischoff and possibly others are all seen in tears, while Kelsey (we think) gets treated by paramedics.
- Chris made a huge mistake and must beg for forgiveness. It's made to appear like his slip-up involves boning someone in a tent.
- Prince Farming pulls an Andi Dorfman, assembling the women to tell them that if they don't feel he's there to find a wife, they can leave.
- A VIRGIN is headed to the Fantasy Suite!
Who do you think is the potential first-timer? And who will win Chris' final rose? Scroll through his list of candidates this season and hit the comments!