You may want to sit down for this. According to the a new report from the National Enquirer, Miley Cyrus is on drugs!
Sure, we've seen Miley smoke weed, wear pot leaf pasties, and stay up all night endlessly posting weird psychedelic crap to her Instagram page, but drugs?! We never imagined!
The tabloid claims that Miley spends much of her time hanging out in a "drug den" and hangs out with bad influences such as The Flaming Lips singer Wayne Coyne, who posted the blow photo along with a caption reading, "High as f--k."
Are you shocked and dismayed yet? Maybe you're hoping Miley will just find a nice boy and settle down?
Well get ready to be disappointed, because the Enquirer claims Miley's druggie ways have only gotten worse since she started dating Patrick Schwarzenegger.
We know, shocking stuff. And when you combine this news with other tabloid reports about Miley being pregnant and going to rehab, well, it's just downright tragic.
So what exactly has Ms. Destiny Hope Cyrus gotten herself into these days? Well, according to the Enquirer she enjoys what she calls "happy drugs," including "cannabis" (!) and ecstasy(!!!1!!)
Astonishing, right?! After all, it's not like she sang about "trying to get a line in the bathroom" or "dancing with molly" in the first radio single off of Bangerz.
What? She did?! Oh, good gravy. #PrayForHannahMontanaYall