January 7 marks 51 years since one of the strangest human beings to ever make it big in Hollywood entered the world.
Nicolas Kim Coppola (Yes, his middle name is Kim.) celebrates his birthday today, and what better way to honor the man we now call Cage than by reliving some of his most memorable moments on film.
According to IMDB, Cage has appeared in 78 movies, so there's a good chance you've never seen all of the scenes in the gallery below.
Plus, this is Nic Cage we're talking about, so even if you saw them all, you may well have had them wiped from your memory through years of therapy:
Of course, the folks who make the Internet love Cage almost as much as they love cats, so in addition to some of his finest celluloid moments, we've included some web creations that could only have been inspired by the man who can only mumble or scream.
You may not own a t-shirt with a photo of Nic Cage on it (Cage himself has several), so pay tribute to the film legend who made insanity into a lucrative career plan by clicking through the GIFs above.
And when you're done there, be sure to check out this super-cut of Cage freaking the f-ck out on screen. It's almost almost enough to make us forgive him for that Left Behind movie: