Winter is cold, cruel and generally a drag for most of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but seeing Bao Bao the panda play in snow will help soften the blow.
Because it's a little panda playing in the snow. Need we say more?!
With the entire Eastern half of the U.S. under serious wind chill advisories or freeze warnings (yes, even as far south as Florida), winter is no joke.
Not to be outdone, the Western U.S. just saw the Polar Vortex deliver record cold temperatures and even snow to Arizona and Southern California.
If only we were all as well-suited to the conditions as Bao Bao.
The resident of the Smithsonian's National Zoo tumbles, rolls, frolics, pounces and generally seems to love being in the snow as it blankets D.C.
See? Winter really can be magical. At least on YouTube.
Watch Bao Bao do her thing and peruse more animal friends below that are sure to put a smile on your face as you count down the days until April.
Sort of makes you wanna be a panda, doesn't it?