Taylor Swift is the THG Celebrity of the Year for a number of reasons:
Her latest album went platinum. She has released back to back number-one singles. She has a lot of fun when she dances, her dating life is fascinating to follow and she wins pretty much every award possible.
But the artist could easily have taken home this distinct honor based on the following video alone.
It features Swift wrapping presents for her fans (with the help of her cats, of course) and then actually delivering them personally to a handful of blown away followers.
Explains Taylor at one point of how she has set up her supporters:
“They’re supposed to be home because they think there’s going to be a package dropped off by UPS, but UPS is me."
Swift even plays with the kid of one fan. She's the best. The absolute best.
“I experienced so many moments of true love this year, and all of them were with you," Swift Tweeted last night after performing in Times Square. Here’s to more magic in 2015."
No, Taylor Swift. Here's to you!