When The Real Housewives of D.C. is the topic of discussion, attention is almost always centered around Michaele Salahi because... well, she's an awful human being.
But Cat Ommanney has a sad announcement for fans: she and husband Charles are filing for divorce.
"My marriage fell apart," she tells Parade magazine. "I've had to do some major soul searching and I still am. Hopefully things will start to improve."
Adding that she isn't sure about a return to the reality show next season, Cat also took a moment to clear up misconceptions about her:
"I'm pretty misunderstood, but I think now a lot of people get me and they know I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just a bit of a truth-teller, and I need to kind of think about what I say before I say it half the time. But I'm true and I'm honest and I'm real."
The season finale of The Real Housewives of D.C. airs tonight.