It's hard to believe, but we're already drawing toward the conclusion of another epic season of Game of Thrones.
Thus far, season 5 has offered its usual mix of unexpected deaths (RIP, Mance Rayder), horrific violence (We hardly knew ye, Barristan Selmy.), and gratuitous but welcome nudity. (Helooooo, Tyene Sand!)
But this week's episode may trump all with a moment that many fans have been anticipating since day one. That's right - Tyrion Lannister and Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen a Million Other Names will tall about how to be badasses together.
It's sure to be the most memorable meeting of fan favorites since Homer Simpson guzzled Duffs with Peter Griffin, and we've got the first preview pic in the gallery below.
Scroll down to check out that and several other intriguing photos from the episode titled Hardhome:
1. One Hot Wildling

2. Jon Snow: Ready to Fight

3. Tormund Giantsbane: Ginger Wildling

4. Jon Snow and the Wildlings

5. Tyrion and Daenerys Meet at Last