Sunday was supposed to be the day that Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer got married, but unfortunately, the couple paid the price for moving way too fast.
Bristol and Dakota got engaged after just four months of dating, and their wedding would've taken place less than a year after they first met.
A year isn't a very long time to get to know someone, so Bristol didn't find out about pesky little details like Dakota's first marriage until it was too late.
Bristol called off the wedding last week, and for some reason, her mom insisted on pretending everything was cool between the two families by hosting a "canceled wedding party" in Kentucky on the day that the nuptials were to take place.
Demonstrating yet again that she's smarter than her mother (who was very nearly the Vice-President of the United States), Bristol kept her distance from the consolation BBQ:
In fact, not only did Bristol stay away from the festivities, she made certain that everyone knew she was thousands of miles away by posting photos like the one above, with captions reading, "Enjoying this beautiful weekend in AK."
But Bristol isn't the only Palin who's been gaining attention for her strange behavior on what was supposed to her wedding weekend.
Sources say Sarah Palin was spotted having a loud argument with Bristol's ex-fiance in plain view of hundreds of other guests.
One attendee stated that he felt it was inappropriate that Palin "disrespected" Meyer (who is a veteran) on Memorial Day weekend. Another dismissed the event as a publicity stunt that "failed miserably."
Hey, at least there were no drunken Palin family brawls this time.