Scandalous rumors seemed to be flying left and right and every which way in between last night on Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 4 Episode 5.
Who did the whispers involve and what, exactly, was the fallout?
Relatively speaking, there was not all that much fallout. Yet.
As always, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 4 Episode 5 gave us some healthy drama, but this week felt like a setup for subsequent weeks.
Notably, the inevitable and very possibly violent confrontation between Nikko Smith‘s wife Margeaux and Mimi Faust is. about. togo. down.
It just didn't happen last night, so ... sorry for that you guys.
Nikko told Margeaux that the Mimi Faust sex tape was masterminded by her, while we've long been led to believe that it was Nikko's brainchild.
Margeaux believes Nikki, because of course she does.
She tells Joseline, and Karlie Redd, all likely at the direction of VH1 producers who will make damn sure it gets back to Mimi and s--t hits the fan.
We watch Love and Hip Hop Atlanta online regularly enough to know this is how it often plays out, and we're sure we're not alone in that aspect.
Meanwhile, Stevie J is still in rehab, and doing well, but worrying that Joseline will be able to hold back from drinking and taking drugs in front of him.
Momma Dee is back with Ernest, the man she sent to prison seven years earlier. Their son Lil Scrappy is taken aback, but his sister is just livid.
Rasheeda is almost as pissed at her husband Kirk Frost for going $100K over budget in purchasing their home. That's quite a few zeroes over.
Mimi, before she hears about the aforementioned rumors of her sex tape mastery, is trying to manage Tiffany Foxx and Jessica Dime Piece.
These two do not get along as they angle for attention and both come off looking pretty unstable. Also, there is someone named PriMadonna.
They say Love and Hip Hop Atlanta is like Twitter: There are about 140 characters and someone's always furious and spewing utter nonsense.
Okay, no one says that ... but it is accurate, no?!