Kanye West got bleeped, and hard, at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards.
The rapper did not get off to the best of starts, as Kendall and Kylie Jenner were booed by the crowd when they introduced him Sunday night.
By the time he took the stage for a smoke-filled rendition of his latest single "All Day," his fans barely got to hear a single word of the track.
ABC censors were all over the n-words spewed by Mr. Kim Kardashian, who didn't receive the most enthusiastic response from the crowd.
If you were watching on TV, you saw almost entirely dead silence.
Seriously, this is worth seeing if you missed it. With censoring that went as long 15 solid seconds straight at times, it's amazing this even aired.
The crowd seemed similarly frustrated by the fact that with all the smoke and pyrotechnics on the BMA stage, you could barely see any of 'Ye.
Oh well. Is he still better than Britney and Iggy? All day, baby.