Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6, entitled "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," featured major developments, some with lasting consequences.
The title was both a quote from House Martell and a mantra for all to reflect upon in the wake of the final scene featuring Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner).
This installment did not lack for action or surprises, and was the first to feature the Sand Snakes going all-out, which fans have been clamoring for.
Not to mention, Arya (Maisie Williams) is now back in action - and fortunately for her, not just for floor-sweeping and corpse-bathing this time.
In King's Landing, Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) was playing Cersei (Lena Headey), while Cersei similarly and masterfully manipulated the Tyrells.
With Cersei taking out Margaery (Natalie Dormer) and Loras (Finn Jones), she proved she is a force to be reckoned with, never underestimated.
Perhaps most notably, a seemingly random scene from the season premiere - Margaery walking in on Loras and Olyvar - was anything but.
In actuality, it was a crucial component in the biggest plot twist of this installment, proving the narrative and storytelling mastery of Thrones.
We won't spoil any more details about this week before you watch Game of Thrones online, because it's best to see it for yourself, unfiltered.
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