Every season of Game of Thrones is packed with jaw-dropping violence, and season 5 has been no exception.
Over the years we've seen beheadings, poisonings, death by infected boo-boo (RIP, Khal Drogo), a man getting shot by an arrow while being burned (pour one out for Mance Rayder), even the old "molten gold dumped over the head" trick.
With all of these memorable demises, it was hard to pick just a few vicious send-offs for our list, but here are the torture sessions and Valyrian steel run-ins that really kept us up nights. Enjoy!
1. Viserys Gets Crowned

Viserys was up there with King Joffrey in terms of douchebags we loved to hate. Even so, his death by molten gold is tough to watch.
2. The Death of King Joffrey

Joffrey's death wasn't particularly gory but it WAS unexpected. And it certainly wasn't unwelcome.
3. The Red Wedding

Possibly the most shocking moment the series has offered up thus far. That GRRM certainly knows how to shock and appall.
4. Oberyn Martell vs. The Mountain

Surely, one of the most gruesome deaths in the history of television. We even feel bad for the witnesses.
5. Tyrion Gets His Revenge

Tywin and Shae learned a valuable lesson: Don't mess with the Imp. Unfortunately, it's too late for them to do anything with that knowledge.
6. Mande Rayder Swekered at His Own Barbecue!

Mance Rayder was spared a brutal death on Game of Thrones. He still died, of course...it just wasn't quite as brutal.