A super villain clashed with some super friends of Barry Allen on The Flash Season 1 Episode 22.
Having learned that Wells refurbished the particle accelerator (for some nefarious purpose) and has been hiding right in front of them this whole time, Barry realized the dire nature of the situation:
If the tunnel is turned back on, everyone in the Pipeline is toast.
Therefore, the first order of business was clear. They had to get everyone to safety, which isn’t easy when dealing with teleporters, weather wizards mind controllers and the like.
In an unexpected move, Barry called upon Captain Cold to keep the metahumans on ice during transit.
In trade, Snart asked that every single trace of him be removed from all criminal data bases and, despite Joe’s objection, Barry made the deal.
Still, even with Cisco having outfitted the truck to resist the powers of metahumans, the system malfunctioned, giving Deathbolt, Rainbow Raider, Weather Wizard, Peek-a-Boo and The Mist a chance to run amok once at the airship, where Cold has crashed their lift to Lian Yu.
In the end, following a crazy awesome fight, Cold iced Deathbolt, yet allowed the others to go free.
Afterward, Barry lamented his decision, along his inability to make tough calls, as Joe tried to assure him by saying he simply isn't that kind of hero. And, ummm, no more walks on the "dark side" please.
Courtesy of the futuristic power source Wells/Eobard had waved around in front of Eddie, meanwhile, the particle accelerator is now completely charged.
How can the team prevent its use?
Accompanied by Ronnie/Firestorm and Oliver/Arrow, The Flash goes up against Wells… who turns into Reverse-Flash!
Our trio of heroes prevail, however, with The Man in Yellow getting hurled off the rooftop and on to a vehicle below.
Elsewhere, as you'll see when you watch The Flash online:
- Iris learns Eddie was going to propose that night he was grabbed, but he essentially breaks things off by saying he knows the future and they are not meant to be.
- Prior to almost offing Oliver, Eobard revealed that Mr. Queen lives to be 86.
- After helping put Wells away, Oliver told Barry he’d need a favor one day. Like on tonight's Arrow Season 3 finale, we assume!
Here is your first look at The Flash finale: