Earlier this week, we reported on the many shocking details of Scott Disick's cheating on Kourtney Kardashian.
Turns out that - like Scott's cocaine addiction - his infidelity is an open secret, and a former friend of "the Lord" is prepared to write a tell-all book in which he exposes the severity of all of Scott's bad habits.
Having grown up in the Kardashian family, of course, Kourtney Kardashian is no stranger to sketchy people and bullsh-t artists, and sources say she's not fooled by Scott's lame excuses. Rather, she's simply stopped caring.
Radar Online reports that Kourtney knows Scott is cheating, and she has a very specific reason for keeping him around.
"Scott has been cheating on Kourtney for a long time," says one insider. "Everybody knows it, including Kourtney...She stays with him because of the children."
The source adds that there's actually some truth to Scott's alleged claim that he and Kourtney are in an "open marriage" (even though they're not married), as the mother of three is apparently okay with her baby daddy gettin' it in while he's on the road:
“She knows that when he goes on personal appearances he hooks up with the groupies,” the insider claims. “But she has him on a really tight leash because she feels like that can control him more. It’s really twisted.”