One of the memorable moments of Game of Thrones Season 4 came when Oberyn Martell fought the Mountain in an effort to avenge his sister's death and (incidentally) save Tyrion Lannister from a death sentence.
Spoiler alert: Oberyn lost. Bad. Like, "Nothing left of his head; holy sh-t that's messed up even by Game of Thrones standards" bad.
But just because Oberyn is gone, that doesn't mean the folks responsible for his death (the Mountain and the Lannisters) are safe to continue being evil bastards.
If you watched Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 2, then you know Cersei is understandably worried about her daughter, Myrcella, who's currently residing in the Martells' stomping ground of Dorne.
Even the Lannisters who are safely in King's Landing should probably sleep with one eye open, thanks to the sheer badassery of these lovely ladies:
The Sand Snakes are Oberyn's daughters and they're every bit as hardcore as their name suggests.
Judging from the teaser photos from Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 4, we're in for a Dorne-heavy episode in which the Snakes will look hot while wielding terrifying weapons.
We can't wait. Fans of Cersei, on the other hand (both of them) might have cause for concern.
Watch Game of Thrones online if you still need to get caught up in time for this week's sure-to-be-epic episode.