Last month, Katy Perry debuted her "Kris Jenner" hairstyle on Instagram and it later turned out she was just pulling the lamest April Fools' prank ever.
So hopefully, the futuristic Blade Runner-redneck look that Katy is rocking on the cover of the latest Wonderland magazine is also hear idea of a joke. Is there such a thing as a May Day prank?
Obviously, Katy is wearing a wig here (we hope), but we still can't help but wonder why she thought this would look good.
Wonderland has a history of getting celebs to try out different looks for their photo shoots (Taylor Swift without bangs was one of their recent triumphs.) but we have a hard time imagining what they said to KP to convince her to try out this look:
"Haven't you ever wondered what Dolly Parton would look like as an assassin from the 23rd century? Now's your chance to find out!"
Don't get us wrong, we still wouldn't kick Katy out of bed, even with the feathery Rutger Hauer vides she's giving off here. We just wish she'd stop messing with perfection.
Have you seen your boobs Katy? You really don't need to do special to grab our attention. You've already got it for life.