Last week, Kim Richards was arrested when she got drunk and kicked a cop at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Naturally, Kim was invited to be on Dr. Phil so that the mustachioed quack could pull one of his surprise interventions. (We feel like he stole the idea from an A&E reality show, but we can't think of the name right now.)
The episode hasn't aired yet, but sources reported yesterday that Kim refused to go to rehab.
No one was really surprised by that, but as more stories from the set are emerging, it seems that Kim engaged in plenty of behavior that shocked not only Phil, but also her kids, Chad and Brooke, who joined her for the interview.
One witness claims that Kim "screamed obscenities" at Phil before ripping off her mic and storming out of the interview.
"Is this an intervention? You can forget this whole thing," Kim reportedly ranted as she stormed out the building.
"I'm not going down there, I'm not going for three months, and I'm not going to miss your wedding," she said, referring to the fact that Brooke is soon to be married.
Apparently, Kim's kids were eventually able to calm her down, but she still refused to seek treatment.
The best Phil and company could get out of her was an agreement to "consider" rehab after she consults with her doctor and "life coach."
Kim has reportedly given Phil's producers a list of demands that must be met before she'll consider accepting the treatment that they're willing to offer her for free!
We're beginning to think the real problem isn't that Kim is an alcoholic, but that she's addicted to being ridiculous.