With the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron just over one week away, the film's A-list cast has been making the rounds to promote a sequel that really needs no promotion.
Usually, this means playing Family Feud with Jimmy Kimmel and answering softball questions from the entertainment editor of the Palookaville Post, but earlier today, British journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy thought he'd take the opportunity to interrogate Robert Downey Jr. about his difficult past, and...well, it went about as well as you would think:
Downey keeps his cool admirably as the Guru-Murthy awkwardly segues from "How cool is Iron Man?" fluff to "What was it like to be an incarcerated drug addict?" hardball stuff.
If watch closely, you can see RDJ struggling to suppress his rage, and he gets in some pretty funny jabs before your storming out.
("Your foot's starting to jump a little bit, you better get to your next question." "It's getting a little Diane Sawyer in here.")
Of course, this isn't the first time that things between Iron Man and the press have gotten a bit "steely," as Guru-Muthy lamely tweeted.
Last year, Downey complimented a reporter's breasts and referred to feminism as "make believe" in an interview that was every bit as awkward as it sounds.
As much as we love RDJ unchained, we're gonna have to encourage him to tone it down for the next few stops on the promo tour. You don't wanna leave the public with a bunch of interviews that are more entertaining than the film you're plugging.