Earlier today, Sandra Bullock was named the Most Beautiful Woman in the world.
The 50-year old Oscar winner said herself that the honor is patently "ridiculous," but we can think of a handful of famous females who would disagree with that assessment.
And we've listed them all here:
Indeed, Bullock fits pretty snugly into the type of women People typically bestows with this honor:
She's classically beautiful. She's respected around Hollywood. And she has an Academy Award sitting on her mantel at home.
In fact, since the year 2000, People has never NOT named an actress as the Most Beautiful Woman in the World; with the exception of Beyonce, who does possess more big screen experience than the average artist.
So if you want to be in consideration in 2016, Kate Upton, you may need to make the move from video games to film. (No, not adult films. Sorry, fellas.)
Off the top of your head, can you guess each of the beauties who have nabbed this distinction over the past 15 years? Can you come up with the only three-time winner?
Here's a hint: she's the only one not to have actually covered the Most Beautiful issue one year. How come?
Because Bullock, ironically, was given that cover spot in 2011 upon adopting her son Louis.
Give up? Click around the photo gallery above and try not to drool all over your keyboard.