Everyone has that one person on their Facebook friends list who's way too proud of the fact that they smoke pot, so you're probably already aware that today is 4/20 - the unofficial holiday for all things herb-related.
But in case you didn't get the news some other way, Miley Cyrus has devoted her Instagram page to spreading awareness of the high holy day:
Miley's Instagram is a celebration of her ganja-love rear 'round, so naturally she goes all out on Stoner Christmas.
She even grew out her armpit hair for the occasion. (Miley's got some strange ideas about the holidays.)
It's no surprise to see Ms. Cyrus masturbating in a sparkly weed leaf onesie or smoking some kind of futuristic-looking bong while wearing pasties that have the letter "J" on them. (Joan Jett is her celebrity obsession of the moment.), but her 4/20 did take an unexpected twist thanks to Demi Lovato.
Despite the fact that she's a former addict and claims to be 100% sober, Demi wished Joe Jonas a "happy 4/20" on Instagram and included Miley in a Photoshopped image of the three of them getting high on giant cartoon joints.
It was a reference to the fact that Jonas says he got high for the first time when Miley and Demi talked him into it.
On Miley's page, the pic would've blended right in. On Demi's it stands out like a sore thumb amidst motivational sayings straight out of an AA meeting.
We can't help but think that Demi is trying to emulate her uber-quirky fellow Disney alum. But she should know by now that their can only be one Miley. Which is good, because that's probably all that the world can handle.