The fifth season premiere of Game of Thrones offered the show's usual mix of action, emotion and gruesome death. (Pour one out for the Wildling King, Mance Rayder, y'all.)
Of course, it's been said that the show is like a viral tweet - there are 140 characters and it's sure to piss some people off - and Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1 was no exception.
While there was undeniably a lot to love (Was it the most eventful season premiere in series history?) some were left unhappy about everything from Mance going down in flames (sorry) to the absence of beloved characters like Arya Stark.
From the looks of this Sunday's episode, however, many of those fans will be sated...and we're sure an entirely different crew will be vocally pissed off:
One of the most heartbreaking scenes of last week's episode was Daenerys' realization that her dragons were no longer under her control.
From the looks of the above pic, however, it seems that she made time for some much-needed mother-dragon bonding. Who knew fire-breathing hell-beasts could be so cute?
Click through the gallery above to see Jon Snow getting chewed out by Stannis, Podrick Payne looking confused as ever, and Arya planning her next act of badass-ery.
It looks like we'll get to meet some of the new season 5 characters next week, as well!
As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for Sunday's new episode. And hurry...spoilers are coming.