Attention, anyone who has ever wanted to major in Sex, Power and Violence:
Northern Illinois University has the class for you! Sort of!
The college has added "Game of Thrones, Television and Medieval History" to its curriculum, describing the course as some kind of actual history lesson.
According to The Chicago Tribune, the class comes from the mind of Professor Valerie Garver, a Game of Thrones devotee believes that the HBO drama, along with the original novels by George R.R. Martin, are a terrific representation of the Middle Ages.
"It represents aspects of the Middle Ages much more realistically than other media depictions that purport to be more accurate," she said, adding:
"It stands out because it comments on the human condition in a way that seems real to people. It's a really good example of a piece of modern culture that draws on how the past impacts the present."
Game of Thrones Season 5 premiered last Sunday night on HBO to record ratings; nearly 8 million people tuned in to see Mance Rayder get burned at the stake.
The course, which filled up in under an hour, is part of NIU's honors program and will include exercises such as watching the series, reading the books and learning how Game of Thrones relates to current events.
Last year, Skidmore College! actually offered to students Sociology Of Miley Cyrus.